
chuān tòu lì
  • penetrating power
  1. 根据生育组检测结果,将不育A组和B组分为精子穿透力正常组和下降组,精子顶体完整率正常组和下降组,精子尾部肿胀率正常组和下降组。

    According to the assay results of normal males , Groups A and B were each subdivided into normal and decreased groups of sperm penetrating power , intact acrosome rate and terminal swelling rate .

  2. 艺术带着强烈的穿透力渗入了人们的每一分钟时光。

    Art with the powerful penetrating power infiltrates into each minute of your time .

  3. 她的声音带点儿鼻音,富有穿透力。

    Her voice was nasal and penetrating

  4. X射线凭借其光子能量高、穿透力强等特点,已在科研、生产、生活等多个领域得到了广泛应用。

    Because of its high photo energy and strong penetrating force , X-ray has been used widely in lots of areas .

  5. 伦琴认为阴极射线管一定在发射某种穿透力极强的射线,他称这种未知的射线为X射线。

    Roentgen decided that the tube must have been emitting some sort of penetrating rays . He named them X for unknown .

  6. 而UVA射线穿透力更强,能够透过玻璃。

    UVA rays , which penetrate deeper , can still get through .

  7. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)具有全天候、大范围、有一定穿透力等优点,被选作本文空间定位研究的对象。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is a hot point of research because SAR can observe all-weather and all day , and penetrate some object .

  8. 该工程中PHC桩所具有的单桩承载力高、桩身耐锤击性好、穿透力强、造价便宜等特点均得到很好的体现。

    In this project variety of advantages such as high load bearing of single pile , better impact endurance , higher penetrating and lower cost were well presented .

  9. 超宽带THz雷达以其长距离分辨率、强穿透力、低截获率和强抗干扰性等特点在军事领域得到了日益关注。

    Ultra-wide band THz radar , well known for its high range resolution , powerful penetration , low probability of intercept and robust jamming immunity , is paid more attention by military requirements .

  10. 对387例男性不育患者进行精液常规检测、精子穿透力和血清抗精子抗体(ASAb)测定。

    The routine examination of semen , the penetrating ability of the sperms and serum antisperm antibody ( ASAb ) were tested in 387 cases of male infertility .

  11. 可溶性scFv具有穿透力强、容易到达靶细胞等优点,可广泛应用于汉坦病毒的检测及HFRS的治疗和致病机理研究。

    Due to advantages of strong penetration and easy reaching target cell , soluble scFv is enabled extensive potent application in the research on diagnosis of Hantavirus and therapy and pathogenesis of HFRS .

  12. UWB(超宽带)雷达以其高距离分辨力、强穿透力、低截获率与强抗干扰性等突出的技术性能,近年来在军事、商业等领域得到越来越多的关注。

    In recent years , UWB ( Ultra Wide Band ) radar , with its high distance resolution , strong penetration , low probability of intercept and anti-jamming , is getting more and more attention in the military , commercial and other areas .

  13. 在遥感技术广泛应用的今天,合成孔径雷达(SAR)因其具有全天时、全天候成像能力及对地物有一定穿透力等独特的特点,已成为地学研究的一个重要手段。

    Remote sensing technique is widely used , and synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) technique has become a very important means to earth science research for its ability to acquire images under all weather conditions and at all time as well as the particular penetration capabilities of microwave .

  14. 随着精子穿透力、精子活动力、活动率、精子密度的减低,精子畸形率和脓细胞的增多,ASAb的阳性检出率升高。

    With the decreasing of the penetrating ability , mobility , mobility rate , density of the sperms and the increasing of anomaly rate and pus cells of the semen , the positive rate of ASAb increased .

  15. 结论:植入的125I粒子主要是靠γ射线的穿透力在有效射程内直接杀伤癌细胞,随着距离延长,辐射剂量减少,γ射线对癌细胞杀伤作用下降。

    CONCLUSION : The γ radiation from implanted 125I seeds directly destroys tumor cells within the effective range . The radiation dose and killing effect of γ - ray decreased with the increasing distance from 125I seeds .

  16. 提示SPIM-Ab能够以抗原抗体复合物形式激活补体,其对精子凝集、制动、杀伤和穿透力的影响,可能是干扰生育的重要原因之一。

    The results suggest that complement can be fixed by the complex of SPIM and its antibodies , and on the effects of SPIM-Ab upon sperm agglutination , immobility , penetration and kill sperm , these may be one of the important causes that influence fertility .

  17. 具体地说,可以影响高音区发音的清晰度和穿透力吗?

    Specifically , the clarity and projection of the altissimo range .

  18. 苗族文化超越许多世代具有极大的历史穿透力。

    It is so historically influential that it has transcended many generations .

  19. 同时又有弱的穿透力。

    Also , this shot has an equally shallow penetration .

  20. (目光)有穿透力的,洞悉一切的在卢克母亲审视的目光下,我感到极不自在。

    I felt so self-conscious under Luke 's mother 's intense gaze .

  21. 证明在以废弃报纸为载体的植生带生产中,选用种子穿透力强的草坪植物是可行的。

    The turf grass with strong-penetration-force seed could grow well in beltseeding establishment .

  22. 从而使可控硅整流焊机的电弧穿透力与直流旋转焊机相当。

    SCR rectifier is the same as that of DC arc wilding generator .

  23. 淡定的女人要一份默然的情感,无声却有着深厚的穿透力!

    Calm lady need a love , speechless but with profound penetrating strength .

  24. 他们用的是同一种类型的口哨,口哨声柔和而具有穿透力。

    They use the same type of whistle which sounds soft and penetration .

  25. 在操作上具穿透力的、清晰的与锋利的。

    Very penetrating and clear and sharp in operation .

  26. 完整皮肤和离体皮肤的药物穿透力无差异。

    No difference was seen in the penetration into intact and stripped skin .

  27. 电子扩音器使音乐变的有穿透力。

    Electronic amplifiers make music loud and penetrating .

  28. 植苗袋厚度对幼树新生根穿透力的影响

    Effect of Thickness of Replanting Bag on Penetrability of Newborn Roots for Young Trees

  29. 我认为简音除了有吸引力,但也有许多穿透力。

    I think Jane the sound besides attractive , but also many penetrating power .

  30. 每一级强壮可以提高你的攻击对护甲穿透力1%。

    Strength increases the armor penetration of your attack skills by1 % per attribute level .