
  1. 嫦娥四号探测器着陆在太阳系最大的火山口。

    Chang'e-4 lunar probe lands on largest crater in solar system .

  2. 中国公布了嫦娥四号月球探测器的多项科学发现。

    China has announced multiple scientific findings from the Chang'e-4 lunar probe .

  3. 据新华社官方消息,嫦娥四号成功降落在冯·卡曼撞击坑内。

    According to the state news source Xinhua , the Chang'e-4 successfully landed on the Von Karman crater .

  4. 自去年登陆月球以来,嫦娥四号探测器已在县城上度过了640多地球日。

    The Chang'e-4 probe has survived over 640 Earth days on the moon since it landed last year .

  5. 同时,中国披露了接下来两次探月计划的相关信息,即嫦娥四号和嫦娥五号。

    Meantime , China also released information about another 2 lunar exploration projects , namely the Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-5 .

  6. 昨晚,中国的嫦娥四号飞船成功登月,降落在地球上看不到的一面,此前没有其他飞船到达过的地方。

    The country last night was able to successfully land its Chang'e-4 spacecraft on the part of the moon that Earth .

  7. 嫦娥四号探测器的着陆器和月球车在月球背面恢复工作,这是第23月昼工作期。

    The lander and rover of the Chang'e-4 probe have resumed work for the 23rd lunar day on the far side of the moon .

  8. 1月,中国的嫦娥四号机器人探测器携带一台小型巡视器历史上首次在月球背面着陆。

    In January , Chang'e-4 , a Chinese robotic spacecraft including a small rover , became the first ever to land on the far side of the moon .

  9. 据该项目的总设计师谢更新教授表示,2018年“嫦娥四号”任务中的一环就是将该缸体放置在月球表面。

    It 's due to be put on the moon 's surface as part the Chang'e-4 mission in 2018 , according to Professor Xie Gengxin , head designer of the project .

  10. 嫦娥四号探测器将会是全世界首个在月球暗面着陆并进行研究的探测器,计划将于明年升空。

    The Chang'e-4 probe is set to be the world 's first to land on the dark side of the moon to carry out research , and its flight mission is scheduled for next year .

  11. 嫦娥四号探测器成功发射,第二艘航母出海试航,国产大型水陆两栖飞机水上首飞,北斗导航向全球组网迈出坚实一步。

    We successfully launched the Chang'e-4 lunar probe ; our second aircraft carrier on its maiden voyage ; our domestically-made large amphibious aircraft took to the skies for the first time ; and the Beidou Satellite Navigation System has gone global .

  12. 新华社写道,最近的这次嫦娥四号飞行任务旨在“为月球、地球和太阳系的演化研究提供第一手数据和线索”。中国还表示还有探测其他行星的发射任务。

    This latest Chang'e-4 mission , writes Xinhua , intends to " provide firsthand data and clues for the evolution of the moon , earth and solar system . " China also says that it intends to launch missions to explore other planets as well .

  13. 2019年1月3日,“嫦娥四号”探测器成功在月球背面软着陆,释放出“玉兔二号”月球车,开始对月球南极-艾特肯盆地的着陆区进行巡视探测。

    marking the country 's fourth lunar exploration and the world 's first expedition to the far side of the moon . The probe made a soft landing on the far side on Jan 3 , 2019 , and then released Yutu 2 to roam and survey the landing site in the South Pole-Aitken basin .