
  • 网络Chang'e 3;CE-3
  1. 这一发现是中国研究人员通过“嫦娥三号”得出的,该飞船于2013年登月,是大约40年前美国“阿波罗”(Apollo)和苏联“月球”(Luna)进行月球探索活动以后,首次开展的无人月球探测任务。

    The discovery was made by Chinese researchers operating the Chang'e-3 spacecraft , which landed on the moon in 2013 and was the first unmanned mission there since the Apollo and Luna explorations about 40 years ago .

  2. 中国的嫦娥三号月球探测器已经成功进入轨道。

    China has successfully launched its Chang'e 3 lunar probe into orbit .

  3. 嫦娥三号登陆月球。

    Chang E-3 is on the Moon .

  4. 中国将于周一凌晨1点30分在西昌卫星发射中心发射“嫦娥三号”月球探测器。

    China will launch the Chang'e-3 lunar probe at 1:30 a.m. Monday in Xichang Satellite Launch Center .

  5. 按照计划,“嫦娥三号”月球探测器将于12月中旬在月球着陆。

    The lunar probe will land on the moon in mid-December if everything goes according to plan .

  6. “嫦娥三号”将携带着陆器和名为“玉兔”的月球车。

    Chang'e-3 comprises a lander and a moon rover called " Yutu " ( Jade Rabbit ) .

  7. 周五早些时候,“嫦娥三号”着陆器再次进入月夜休眠。

    The lander , another part of the Chang'e-3 probe , also " fell asleep " earlier on Friday .

  8. 这辆车在北京时间的周日凌晨从大嫦娥三号月球探测器上分离。

    This vehicle detached itself from the larger Chang E-3 Lunar probe in the early hours of Sunday , Beijing time .

  9. 嫦娥三号已经按照计划进入了近地点高度200公里、远地点高度约38万公里的地月转移轨道。

    The probe entered the earth-moon transfer orbit as scheduled , with a perigee of 200 kilometers and apogee of 380,000 kilometers .

  10. 嫦娥三号预计将于12月中旬着陆,成为中国首个实现外星球软着陆的宇宙飞行器。

    Chang'e-3 is expected to land on the moon in mid-December to become China 's first spacecraft to soft land on the surface of an extraterrestrial body .

  11. 它是嫦娥三号远征的一部分,而嫦娥三号着陆月球的目的是开发和测试未来探测计划的关键技术。

    The mission was part of the Chang'e 3 expedition , which as well as landing on the moon was to develop and test key technologies for future missions .

  12. 刚刚结束的嫦娥三号任务标志着中国探月计划第二阶段的完成,这一阶段包括在月球轨道上运行、登陆月球以及返回地球。

    The just-concluded Chang'e-3 mission marked the completion of the second phase of China 's lunar program , which included orbiting and landing on the moon and returning to Earth .

  13. 北京时间12月2日凌晨1点30分,长征三号乙运载火箭携带着嫦娥三号卫星从四川省西川卫星发射中心成功发射。

    The probe , atop a Long March 3B rocket , blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province at 0130 Beijing time on Monday , December 2 .

  14. 周日凌晨,中国首辆月球车“玉兔”成功与着陆舱分离,几个小时以前,嫦娥三号探测器成功实现月球表面软着陆。

    China 's first moon rover , Yutu , or Jade Rabbit , separated from the lander early on Sunday morning , several hours after the Chang'e-3 probe soft-landed on the lunar surface .

  15. 叶培建还透露,尽管有许多不同之处,但是我国火星探测器的大小和结构,与我国于2013年发射的第一个月球着陆器嫦娥三号相似。

    The size and structure of the Mars probe will be similar to Chang'e-3 , China 's first lunar lander that was launched in 2013 , though there are many differences , he said .

  16. 周六晚上,“嫦娥三号”探测器在月球表面着陆区“彩虹湾”成功着陆,标志中国已成为继苏联、美国后世界上第三个实现地外天体软着陆的国家。

    Chang'e-3 landed on the moon 's Bay of Rainbows Saturday night , making China the third country in the world to carry out such a rover mission after the United States and former Soviet Union .