
  • 网络Chang'e 2;ce-2
  1. 热烈祝贺长三乙火箭发射嫦娥二号探月卫星圆满成功!

    Congradulations to the successful launch of Chang'e-2 lunar probe by Changzheng-B Rocket !

  2. 嫦娥二号成功完成最后的近月制动。

    China's2nd lunar probe completes final braking .

  3. 星期五,嫦娥二号的运行依然稳定,该卫星从发射开始已取得一批科学成果。

    Operations of Chang'e-2 remained normal on Friday and the orbiter has captured a great amount of scientific data since its launch .

  4. 此次嫦娥二号主要任务进行巡视探测,同时为下一步的月球软着陆做准备工作。

    Its main mission is to continue its scientific research , and make preparations for the final goal of landing on the moon .

  5. 2010年10月1日,嫦娥二号在西昌卫星发射中心搭乘长征三号丙火箭成功发射。

    On October 1st , 2010 , Chang-er no.2 was launched successfully by the long March 13th c rockets in Xichang Satellite Launch Center .

  6. 星期五晚上7点,中国第二颗月球卫星嫦娥二号将完成其从2010年10月1日发射后的6个月使命。

    At seven o'clock Friday night , China 's second lunar orbiter Chang'e-2 will complete its6 month mission , which was launched on October , 1st , 2010 .

  7. 控制中心周五消息,中国第二颗探月卫星&嫦娥二号,在与运载火箭分离后已成功进入地月转移轨道。

    Chang'e-2 , China 's second moon probe , has entered the earth-moon transfer orbit as it separated from the carrier rocket , the control center said Friday .

  8. 嫦娥二号的运行属于中国探月工程二期,它主要为未来的卫星登月收集资料。

    Operations of Chang'e-2 are in the second stage of the Chinese moon-landing project , which focuses on collecting information for future orbiters to land on the moon .