
cháng é bēn yuè
  • The Goddess Chang'e fly to the moon
嫦娥奔月[cháng é bēn yuè]
  1. 其中最著名的要数嫦娥奔月。

    The most famous one is Chang'e flying to the moon .

  2. 嫦娥奔月神话原型在文本中的置换与变异

    The Replacement and Change in the Text of Artistic Images Chang'E Heading for the Moon

  3. 嫦娥奔月神话是中国的四大神话之一。

    Chang E Flying to the Moon is one of the four main Chinese myths .

  4. 从嫦娥奔月的神话看科学与艺术的走向

    Case Study to the Relation and Development of Science and Art from the Myth of Change

  5. “射日奔月”神话是指“羿射九日”和“嫦娥奔月”两则神话。

    Yi Arrowing down Nine Suns and Chang'e Escaping to the Moon Palace are two ancient Chinese fables .

  6. 关于中秋节,还流传着一个嫦娥奔月故事。

    There is a well-known story about the Mid-autumn Festival & " Chang-O Flees to the Moon " .

  7. 嫦娥奔月传说的历史发展遗痕及其原因研究

    The Remains of the Historical and Research Development on the Legend of Chang 's Flying to the Moon and the Reasons for It

  8. 以嫦娥奔月为案例,解读文化发展史上那些很明显的符号,考察科学与艺术的相互关系及其历史发展。

    From the case of the myth of Change , this article gives a study to the symbols in the history of culture development .

  9. 嫦娥奔月神话在陈染女性书写中的当代变形

    The Myth of " Chang ′ e ′ s Flying toward the Moon " that Displaced in Chen Ran ′ s Feminine Writing of the Present Age

  10. 对嫦娥奔月这则神话以全新的女性视角进行阐释,可以析出女性逃离男权压抑的主题。

    The myth of Chang E flying to the moon can be illuminated the theme that female fleeing away the oppression of the male from a female 's neoteric visual angle .

  11. 最后,吴祖光又大胆地拓展了自己的审美视野和戏剧思维方式,借用西方荒诞剧的艺术手法,创作了荒诞喜剧《嫦娥奔月》。

    Lastly , WU Zu-guang broadens his aesthetic vision and drama 's mode of thinking by making use of the artistry of the absurd theatre , and produces his famous absurd comedies .

  12. 游戏快乐传真。我们邀请了班主任参与游戏,你知道她要表达什么意思吗?&嫦娥奔月!

    Passing Happiness too ! We invited our teacher to our game . Do you know what she was expressing ? & " Chang Er flying to the moon ", a Chinese expression .

  13. 嫦娥奔月神话文本流变规律主要为:以不死药为核心情节,从月到月中向其他异化转变。

    The changing laws of the text of Chang ' E Flies to the Moon are centered on the elixir , changing to the other dissimilation from month to the middle of the month .

  14. 这一时期,还对嫦娥奔月神话在唐诗、明清小说、现代小说中的变异以及中西方比较文学方面展开研究。

    During this period of time , the study was developed in Poetry of Tang Dynasty , novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty , remodeling of modern fiction and comparative literature of Chinese and Western .

  15. 《圣经》中关于天国的描述,中国民间嫦娥奔月、牛郎织女的故事无一不是在说明人类的祖先对神秘太空浓浓的探索欲望。

    " the Holy Bible " China about description of paradise , Chang'e go straight moon , story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid have one prove ancestor of us to mysterious sky dense exploration desire .

  16. 以往嫦娥奔月神话最早见于《淮南子》,秦简《归妹》的发现把这个故事产生的年代提前到战国早中期。

    The myth of Goddess Chang Flying to the Moon was first found in Huai Nan Zi , the discovery of Gui Mei on bamboo slips has advanced the time of happening of the story to the early period of the Warring States Era .

  17. 后羿忙射日,嫦娥偷奔月。

    When Ho busy firing , stealing Goose herself .

  18. 嫦娥及其奔月的故事在中国家喻户晓,是诗人们喜爱的创作题材。

    The story of Chang'e and her flight to the moon is familiar to every Chinese , and a favorite subject of poets .

  19. 韩佳:那是嫦娥的脚印。传说那两处浅滩就是嫦娥奔月留下来的脚印。

    That 's the footprint of Chang'e.It 's said those two swamps are the footprints left by Chang'e.