
  • Love Story;romance;Basic Love
  1. 这爱情故事以内战为背景展开。

    The love story unfolds against a background of civil war .

  2. 情节的展开模式既像惊险小说,又像爱情故事。

    The story is framed in a format that is part thriller , part love story

  3. 他们的歌里充斥着变了味的爱情故事。

    Their songs are filled with tales of love gone sour .

  4. 她喜欢伤感的爱情故事、老电影以及诸如此类的东西。

    She loves soppy love stories , old films , that sort of thing .

  5. 这是一则王子同灰姑娘结婚的爱情故事。

    This is a romance about a prince who married a poor girl .

  6. 这是一个关于一个小伙子和一个姑娘的爱情故事。

    This is a story about the love between a man and a maid .

  7. 这是一个伟大的好莱坞爱情故事。

    It was a great Hollywood love story .

  8. 你听说过许仙和白娘子的爱情故事吗?

    Have you ever heard of the love story about Xu Xian and White Snake ?

  9. 几千年来,元宵佳节上演了许多爱情故事。南宋词人辛弃疾《青玉案·元夕》中就有一句描写元宵节浪漫邂逅的名句:

    For thousands of years , there have been numerous love stories originating during the Lantern Festival .

  10. 斯蒂格·拉森斯蒂格·拉森的作品《龙文身的女孩》在国际上引起了轰动,它将谋杀之谜、家庭传奇、爱情故事和金融阴谋结合在一起,成为一部情节复杂却引人入胜,并且充满娱乐气息的小说。

    An international publishing sensation , Stieg Larsson ’ s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo combines murder mystery , family saga novel .

  11. 埃莉诺和帕克史诗般的爱情故事是从埃莉诺在校车上从帕克背后窥读他的漫画书开始的。

    For example : Eleanor and Park 's epic2 love story begins when Eleanor peeks3 over Park 's shoulder on the bus to school to " eavesread " his comics .

  12. 这是一个非常催泪的爱情故事,一位老爷爷每天早上对一个不知道对她意味着什么的老奶奶朗读故事,影片落幕后,留下的苦乐参半的回味不会消失,它会一直跟着你;

    This achingly tender love story , read out loud by an elderly man every morning for a woman that has no idea what it means , won ’ t end with the closing credits . It will follow you , leaving a bittersweet aftertaste ;

  13. Chinesesummary:这是一个以第二次世界大战作景的爱情故事,发生在法国被德军占领的前夕。

    It is a period love story , which takes place on the eve of the German occupation .

  14. 《埃菲尔夫人:埃菲尔铁塔的爱情故事》(MadameEiffel:TheLoveStoryoftheEiffelTower)

    Madame Eiffel : The Love Story of the Eiffel Tower

  15. 《BoysBeforeFriends》把这个传统的爱情故事从高中搬出来,移植进了一个表演艺术研究院。

    Boys Before Friends takes the classic love story out of high school and plants it in a performing arts graduate school .

  16. 我曾经想用”OrdinaryPeople“的剧本,那爱情故事太美好,很鼓舞我,

    I used to have the " Ordinary People " script that I 'd flip through . The romance was amazing to me ; it would inspire me .

  17. 微软和B&N相逢一笑泯恩仇。微软和Barnes&Noble共写爱情故事。

    Microsoft and Barnes & Noble write their own love story .

  18. 微软和BarnesNoble共写爱情故事。

    Microsoft and Barnes Noble write their own love story .

  19. 我以为我的电影只是简单的爱情故事,1991年,山口淑子在接受《波士顿环球报》(BostonGlobe)采访时说。

    I thought my films were simple romances , Ms. Yamaguchi told The Boston Globe in 1991 .

  20. 但在创作人看到大卫·修蒙(DavidSchimmer,罗斯的扮演者)和珍妮佛·安妮斯顿(JenniferAniston,瑞秋的扮演者)之间的化学反应后,就决定开始发展罗斯与瑞秋之间的浪漫爱情故事线。

    The creators decided to begin a romantic storyline arc between Ross and Rachel when they saw the chemistry between David Schimmer and Jennifer Aniston .

  21. 当时人们用“Romans”语言来写包括骑士时代或宫廷式爱情故事在内的各种流行小说,而这些故事后来就被称为romances了。

    " Romans " were used to write popular stories involving chivalric or courtly love , and such tales became known as romances .

  22. 如果就像George,Dardess所说,这是个爱情故事,那么这是萨尔和迪安的爱情故事。

    If George Dardess is right that this is a love story , it 's the love story between Sal and Dean .

  23. invite:邀请Rufus,我请你来是有很多原因的,knowledge:知识romance:浪漫史,爱情故事可传授感情经验并不是…unexpected:意外的,出乎意料的真是…出乎意料。

    Lily : Rufus , I invited you here for many reasons , but knowledge of romance is not ... that was , um ... unexpected . -

  24. GinaNelthorpe-Cowne马克尔的前经纪人兼密友将会出演在一档今晚上映,以哈里和梅根:爱情故事的纪录片。

    Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne , Markle 's close friend and former agent , will appear on a Sky documentary called Harry and Meghan : A Love Story , which airs tonight .

  25. 他们的爱情故事曝光之后,小报很快将他们称为布拉吉丽娜(Brangelina)。

    When their romance became public , the tabloids were quick to dub them Brangelina .

  26. 现在,随着一位律师在周二早上发布的一纸措辞乏味的声明,于2014年结婚的安吉丽娜•朱莉•皮特(AngelinaJoliePitt)与布拉德•皮特(BradPitt)的爱情故事,走到了一个不愉快的终点。

    Now , with a lawyer 's blandly worded press statement on Tuesday morning , the love story of Angelina Jolie Pitt and Brad Pitt , who were married in 2014 , has come to an unhappy end .

  27. 从一方面来说,迈克尔•摩尔(MichaelMoore)的新片《资本主义:一个爱情故事》用一种愤激的眼光来看待这场经济危机给美国公民(无论是有工作的还是失业的)带来的大浩劫。

    On the one hand , there 's Michael Moore 's new movie , Capitalism : A Love Story , which takes an outraged look at the havoc that the financial crisis has caused on your basic , working ( or now non-working ) American citizen .

  28. 这就是我需要详细,讲解的三种情况,因为我将要在,下一个戏剧性,关于,Pete和,的爱情故事中用到。

    And so these are the three situations that I want you to carefully look at because I 'm going to need them in the next very dramatic story Mary which has to do with the romance between Peter and Mary .

  29. 天赋异禀的制作人MattNix说:“这很令人兴奋。我要说的(关于洛娜和马可斯)是,有力量使他们分开,同时也会有力量让他们重聚。这就是他们的爱情故事引人入胜的原因。“

    The Gifted creator Matt Nix said : " It 's pretty exciting . What I 'll say [ about Lorna and Marcos ] is that while there are forces tearing them apart , there are also forces bringing them together . That 's what makes them a compelling love story . "

  30. 阿美:它讲述了一个浪漫而诙谐的爱情故事。

    May : It tells a romantic and humorous love story .