
ài dīng bǎo
  • Edinburgh
爱丁堡[ài dīng bǎo]
  1. 他们计划由爱丁堡的新办事处经营。

    They plan to operate from a new office in Edinburgh .

  2. 我们从爱丁堡城堡所在的高处俯视整个城市。

    We looked out over the city from the heights of Edinburgh Castle .

  3. 去爱丁堡的火车在4号站台等候。

    The Edinburgh train is waiting at platform 4 .

  4. 她是爱丁堡大学的音乐准教授。

    She is Reader in Music at Edinburgh .

  5. 去爱丁堡旅游的名额已经满了。

    The tour of Edinburgh is fully subscribed .

  6. 爱丁堡国际艺术节上活动丰富,大多数人都会尽兴而归。

    The Edinburgh International Festival offers enough choice to satiate most appetites .

  7. 约翰·梅杰和爱丁堡公爵走在送葬队伍前面。

    John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners

  8. 他还设计了爱丁堡大学一座投影于乔治广场的塔楼。

    He also designed one of the Edinburgh University towers that overshadows George Square

  9. 《聚焦爱丁堡》节目真实地展示了这座城市,包括它的缺点。

    ' Edinburgh in Focus ' provides a warts-and-all look at the city .

  10. 今年爱丁堡电影节有超过350部影片参展。

    There are over 350 films in the Edinburgh Film Festival this year .

  11. 她一天的大部分时间都用来拜访在爱丁堡的朋友了。

    She spent most of the day dropping in on friends in Edinburgh .

  12. 比加特·唐纳德,这家驻格拉斯哥的营销代理公司已赢得了两个爱丁堡的客户。

    Biggart Donald , the Glasgow-based marketing agency , has won two Edinburgh accounts .

  13. 他的观念影响了伦敦和爱丁堡两所国家肖像艺术馆的建立。

    His ideas influenced the establishment of National Portrait Galleries in London and Edinburgh .

  14. 能在爱丁堡一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己很幸运。

    She counted herself lucky to get a job in one of Edinburgh 's department stores

  15. 他60年代刚出道时在爱丁堡特拉弗斯剧院担任导演。

    He cut his teeth in the sixties as director of Edinburgh 's Traverse Theatre .

  16. 他们在爱丁堡国际艺术节上的表演季一结束,紧接着又要出访。

    The visit follows hot on the heels of their season at the Edinburgh International Festival .

  17. 到委员会10月份在爱丁堡开会时,他的观点应该更为成熟了。

    His ideas should be more advanced by the time the Committee meets in Edinburgh in October .

  18. 爱丁堡与美国城市相反:富人住在中心,穷人住在周边。

    Edinburgh is an American city turned inside out : the rich in the middle , the poor around the outside

  19. 那个人很满意,我们一路愉快地聊到了爱丁堡。

    The guy took it in good part , and we chatted happily all the way to Edinburgh .

  20. 三年前,明尼苏达州爱丁堡的学校把上课时间从早上7:25改为早上8:30。

    Three years ago , schools in Edina , Minnesota , changed the start time from 7:25 am to 8:30 am .

  21. 以下是您在爱丁堡可以享受的一些活动。

    Here are some of the events you can enjoy in Edinburgh .

  22. 苏格兰首府爱丁堡以节日闻名。

    Edinburgh , the capital city of Scotland , is famous for its festivals .

  23. 每年在爱丁堡市中心的夏洛特广场花园举行。

    It is held every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the centre of Edinburgh .

  24. 它最初是作为爱丁堡国际艺术节的一个补充举办的,后来发展得很好。

    It was first held as a supplement to the Edinburgh International Festival.Then it developed very well .

  25. 在这项研究中,爱丁堡大学的研究人员研究了有关智力和基因的数据。

    In the study , researchers from the University of Edinburgh studied data on brainpower and genes .

  26. 第一届爱丁堡国际艺术节是在二战期间策划的,旨在让艺术家们寻找希望,相互交流。

    The first Edinburgh International Festival was planned during World War Ⅱ for artists to find hope and communicate with each other .

  27. 四所主要的外科学院,即伦敦、格拉斯哥、爱丁堡和都柏林

    four major colleges of surgery , viz . London , Glasgow , Edinburgh and Dublin

  28. 她的经纪人说她在家人的陪伴下在爱丁堡的家中离去。

    Her agent said she died at home in Edinburgh , surrounded by her family .

  29. 来自英国爱丁堡大学的艾拉·迈尔·史密斯说,照目前的趋势来看,数厘米高的北极植物数量有可能在本世纪末前翻一番。

    Isla Myers-Smith from the University of Edinburgh says that on current trends , the centimetres-tall Arctic plants could double in size by the end of the century .

  30. 斯塔布斯的儿子乔·汉森、克里斯蒂安·汉森和杰森·吉尔摩在一份声明中称:“母亲今天在家人的陪伴下在爱丁堡安详地辞世。在这个最艰难和悲伤的时刻,我们恳请大家尊重隐私,给予理解。”

    In a statement , her sons Joe and Christian Henson and Jason Gilmore said : “ Mum passed away quietly today with her family around her , in Edinburgh . We ask for privacy and understanding at this most difficult and sad of times . ”