- reciprocal cross

Differences of green plantlet frequency were detected in each reciprocal cross .
Nanchong yellowish barley ′ s reciprocal cross experiments showed that the leaf character of F is the same as the maternal ones . So it is due to cytoplasm heredity .
The culture abilities were also significantly different between reciprocal crosses ( F_1 ) .
The seed-set rate of reciprocal cross combination is 2.98 % , rate of mean seed emergence is 32.38 % .
Starch Properties of Waxy-Protein Deficient Wheat and Its Reciprocal Hybrids
The three combinations can be examined apparent cytoplasm effect by t-test among 11 F1 reciprocal crosses that can open glume .
As a whole , cytosine methylation was not significantly different among parental lines and hybrids of reciprocal crosses . 3 .
It was shown that the inheritance of leaf shape deviated from the Mendelian manner . The segregation ratios differed significantly between the reciprocal crosses in the F_2 generation as well as in the BC_2 generation .
Study on the analysis of the genetic effects in reciprocal circulant crosses with BLUP
Conclusion : The fin-type gene interaction of Drosophila melanogaster is recessive epistasis , and the proportion of F2 in reciprocal crosses is different .
Results showed that the optical density ( OD ) of esterase activity of reciprocal hybrids was 0.6305, 0.5515 respectively , and higher than their parents ′ .
12 japonica varieties were used to study the effects of genotype on anther culture ability and the contribution of callus inducing rate , green plant differentiation rate to anther culture ability in rice in this report .
The F_1 generation of 8 direct and reciprocal crosses mated by 6 sugarcane varieties was used as experimental material . The relative effects of pistil or pollen parents on 7 major economic characters of progenies were evaluated .
The properties of starch such as amylose content , swelling potential and falling number in different Waxy-protein deficient materials and their reciprocal hybrids were studied in this paper .
Hybridization of long shape and short shape fruits in positive and negative way , F_1 hybrid generation are all long shape , showed obvious long shape pear heredity ;
Self-incompatibility line of ' 9 ' overall percentage of methylation than the self-incompatibility system in the ' Gan 6 ' higher than 2.34 % . Self-compatible line and the self-incompatible line reciprocal cross the progeny genomic DNA methylation level of disparity . 2 .
The results showed that the main resistant gene was autosomal and incompletely recessive , with degree of dominance ( D ) -0.3153 ( F - ( 1 )) and -0.3763 ( F ~ ′ - ( 1 ));
The 6 Chen g 's index traits of F 2 ranged successively , and many individuals showed over - parent genetics , with the same trends in both direct cross and reciprocal cross .
In this research molecular markers linked to non-acid / acid trait in peach fruit were detected with RAPD and AFLP technique coupled with BSA method in 69 F1 population hybrid from the intra-specific cross between peach cultivars Jingyu ?
F_1 progenies of ' Guinong 6 '( resistant )×' Guinong 5 '( susceptible ) and their reciprocal cross were used to investigate the inheritance tendency of resistance to powdery mildew disease of chestnut rose ( Rosa roxburghii Tratt ) .
Ninety reciprocal crosses were composed according to Griffing design using 10 inbreds with variance starch concentration selected from different heterotic groups , and treated under randomized block design at three locations in Henan .
In order to improve the thousand-grain weight ( TGW ), the researches on progenies derivated from interspecific reciprocal hybridization between common wheat ( T.aestivum ) and durum wheat ( T.durum ) have been carried out 8 years successively to innovate new germplasm .
Effect of Reciprocal Crosses on Main Characters and Yield of Maize Hybrids
There existed remarkable difference between a cross and its reciprocal cross ing .
Preliminary studies on sequence elimination of reciprocal allotetraploids from Cucumis hystrix and C. sativus
Analysis of reciprocal cross effect and combining ability of fatty acid compositions of soybean
Study on In Vitro Shoot-Forming Capacity of Three Tomato Varieties and Their Reciprocal Gross Progenies
Study on yield components of offspring of reciprocal cross in upland cotton intervarietal hybrid E-za-mian No.3
Chromosomal changes and developmental fates of artificial allotriploid embryos in 6 reciprocal crosses of cyprinid fishes
Molecular Mapping of Important Agronomic Traits in Rice Using Reciprocal Introgressive Line ( IL ) Populations