
  • 网络formal group
  1. 究其起源,大致可追溯到原始人类的时代,而非正式群体这一概念却是现代管理学界相对应于正式群体提出来的。

    Study carefully its origin , can roughly trace back to primitive human era . But the concept of informal group is put forward by modern management educational circles correspondent to formal group .

  2. 大学校园的非正式群体现象,一直以来游离于我们的视线之外,游离于高校正式群体之外,高校思想政治工作如何面对非正式群体这种客观现象?

    The phenomenon of informal group in university has always been out of our sight , out of the sight of formal group . How to face this objective phenomenon of informal group in the ideological political work in university ?

  3. 要合理利用正式群体。

    And to make use of formal groups more rationally .

  4. 论高校科研组织的正式群体与非正式群体的互动关系

    On the interactive conditions for formal and informal communities in university research organization

  5. 正式群体与非正式群体

    Formal and informal group

  6. 非正式群体不仅存在于企业中,社会上的任何群体都有正式群体和非正式群体。

    Informal groups exist not only in corporate and social groups have a formal groups and informal groups .

  7. 目前,在大学校园里出现了非正式群体学生自发组织的业余锻炼队伍,他们彼此相互了解、情趣相投、交流频繁,认同感比正式群体强烈。

    At present , amateur physical training teams which are spontaneously organized by the non-official students ' associations have appeared on the campus .

  8. 注意正式群体的建设以及对非正式群体的引导,发挥先进典型人物的示范作用。

    We had better pay attention to the construction of formal groups , guide informal groups and make the advanced exemplary play a role .

  9. 学生群体分正式群体和非正式群体,其中非正式群体在学生发展中具有特殊意义。

    The student groups divide into formal and informal groups , and the latter play a special role in the course of the students ' growing .

  10. 它是研究东方管理企业经营中的人与人之间人缘关系的新课题。人缘管理研究的对象是群体间的关系,包括:正式群体与非正式群体。

    Human Relationship Management evolves with the development of modern sciences . Human Relationship Management is a new topic on the interrelationship within the eastern enterprises .

  11. 大学校园中的群体(包括正式群体与非正式群体)规范为校园精神影响与整合大学生诸素质的发展提供环境条件与途径。

    The norm of the group ( formal and informal ) on campus therefore has an impact on the campus spirit and the improvement of the competence level of college students .

  12. 高校科研组织活动依赖于其正式群体与非正式群体互动关系的基本特性实现,与其基本关系的确定性、一致性、差异性等深层机理活动有关;

    The success of the interactive condition for formal and informal community in university research organization is related to the certainty , reconcilement distinguishment and other complex activities of its basic relation .

  13. 对初中二年级三个班的学生作了问卷调查。了解每个班学生的同伴关系情况,以及他们对正式群体和非正式群体的态度。

    Thirdly , investigating three class of grade two in junior middle school , finding out the students ' companion relationship conditions of every class , and finding out their attitude to formal and informal group .

  14. 通过加强班级、寝室等正式群体建设、开展形式多样的学生教育活动、树立健康的人际交往观、抓核心人物等途径进行教育引导。

    Giving the education and guidance to the students by strengthening the formal groups , for instance , the building of class and dormitory , carrying out various students ' campaigns , establishing the healthy interpersonal interaction idea and catching key figure .

  15. 教师团队,是由若干具有互补的知识、技能的教师,在教育教学行为上有共同目标和规范,教师之间相互协作、沟通所组成的正式群体。

    Teachers team is composed by a number of teachers who have complementary knowledge and skills . These teachers have common goals and norms in the education of teaching . Teachers team is a formal communication group and the cooperation between the teachers is very mutual .

  16. 在正式的群体结构中,领导岗位是由头衔标明的。

    Ina formal organisation structure , leadership positions aredesignated bytitles .

  17. 高校青年教师群体是自发的、散的、正式的群体。

    Young teachers ' group are spontaneous and informal .

  18. 非正式组织是指人们在共同的工作过程中自然形成的以感情、喜好等情绪为基础的松散的、没有正式规定的群体。

    Informal organization is referred to the loose and no official binding groups that naturally formed in works based on emotions such as favorite enjoys .

  19. 道德是一种普遍存在的社会现象,任何国家、民族乃至任何正式或非正式群体都有其自身的道德要素,而这些要素相互适应,构成其稳定的道德系统。

    Morality is a universal social phenomenon , no country , nation , or even any formal or informal group has its own moral elements , and these elements fit together to form the moral system from the steady state .