
zhènɡ xiànɡ yí chuán xué
  • forward genetics
  1. 以往的基因克隆方法如图位克隆法、转座子标签法等大都是建立在正向遗传学的基础上,这些方法只适用于一个或少数基因,应该说是零敲碎打的策略。

    However the former cloning methods such as map-base cloning or transposon tagging which based on forward genetics can only cloned one or several genes at the same time .

  2. 正向遗传学筛查是分子遗传学家最初可使用的一种方法。

    One of the first tools available to molecular geneticists is the forward genetic screen .

  3. 本实验室以番茄为模式系统,建立了用正向遗传学方法研究植物对昆虫抗性机理的研究体系。

    We set up a research system to explore the mechanism of plant resistance to pest by forward chemical genetics approach with tomato as a model system .

  4. 水稻插入突变体库的建立是功能基因组研究的一个重要内容,在此基础上也能进行正向遗传学及反向遗传学的研究。

    Insertional mutagenesis has the advantage that the inserted element acts as a tag for gene identification , and it is convenience for both forward and reverse genetics research .