
kānɡ tài
  • Kangtai;healthy and carefree;healthy and well
康泰 [kāng tài]
  • (1) [healthy and safe]∶健康安乐;平安

  • 全家康泰

  • (2) [healthy]∶健康

  • 身体康泰

  1. 结论:脑康泰胶囊显著改善AD大鼠学习记忆能力的作用,其机制与其调节中枢递质及激素水平等相关。

    CONCLUSION : Naokangtai capsule possesses obvious effects of improving memory and learning of AD rats .

  2. 《中国妇女》杂志(中文版)社联合纽约康泰纳仕杂志社推出的中文杂志《悦己SELF》开展了此项调查。

    The survey was conducted by the Yueji.Self , a Chinese-language magazine jointly launched this month by the Chinese-language Women of China magazine and the New York-based magazine publisher Conde Nast Publications .

  3. 和时代公司(TimeInc)一样,康泰纳仕(CondéNast)也使用了一篇史蒂夫•乔布斯的故事来吸引新订阅者。

    Like Time Inc. , cond é Nast has used a Steve Jobs story as a lure to enlist new subscribers .

  4. 公司称,康泰纳零售连锁店(ContainerStore)等大客户,以及超过90%的其他客户都续签了包年合同,公司2011年的收入达到了1500万美元。

    With big clients like the container store and more than 90 % of customers renewing their annual contracts , according to the company the Silicon Valley firm says it pulled in $ 15 million in 2011 .

  5. 目前已有多家大公司与Identified签约,包括百事可乐(PepsiCo)和传媒集团康泰纳仕(CondeNast)。

    PepsiCo ( PEP ) and Conde Nast are among the major companies that have already signed on with identified .

  6. 康泰纳仕集团列出了美国友好城市和世界友好城市排行榜,并给CNN提供了一个联合名单。

    Conde Nast , which just published lists of the friendliest US cities and friendliest cities in the world , created one combined list for CNN .

  7. 结果:脑康泰胶囊可显著增强AD大鼠被动学习和主动学习的能力,调节脑组织中单胺类递质含量及血液中相关激素水平,并显著改善AD模型大鼠的脑电图。

    RESULTS : Naokangtai capsule could increase the ability of memory and learning of AD rats , adjust the level of monoamine transmitters in the brain and hormones in the blood and improved electro encephalogram of AD rats significantly .

  8. 结果:脑康泰可以明显改善VD大鼠的学习记忆功能,同时可不同程度增加VD大鼠海马组织中5-羟色胺、多巴胺和去甲肾上腺素含量。

    Results : Naokangtai capsule could obviously improve the learning and memory ability of VD rats and could also restore the level of 5-HT , DA and NE in the hippocampus tissues .

  9. 《康泰纳仕旅人》正在制作肯伯恩斯的新的有关国家公园的PBS系列,“美国的最好主意”,带有10个国家公园的景色以及如何去观看它们的建议。

    Conde Nast Traveler is marking Ken Burns'new PBS series about the national parks ," America 's Best Idea ," with a look at10 national parks and recommendations for how to see them .

  10. 她是否会重回康泰纳仕出版集团(CondéNast)?她曾在《Tatler》杂志干过。

    Could a move back to Cond é Nast , where she once worked on Tatler , be on the cards ?

  11. 68岁的温图尔自2013年起就在《Vogue》杂志(康泰纳仕集团出版发行的一本期刊)和康泰纳仕集团担任艺术总监,如今她将在该杂志标志性的9月刊发行后离开这家公司。

    Wintour , 68 , will depart Vogue and Cond é Nast - where she has served as artistic director since 2013 , ending her time at the company with the publication 's iconic September issue .

  12. 她从没想过申请加班费。她的薪水来自该杂志的出版公司康泰纳仕集团(CondéNast)。

    It never occurred to her to put in for overtime pay , which Cond é Nast , the magazine 's publisher , provides .

  13. 谷康泰灵和雌激素治疗30d后,骨质疏松大鼠股骨平均骨小梁数、平均骨小梁宽度、骨小梁面积百分比、皮质骨面积百分比等显著增加,与正常组大鼠骨质无差异。

    Mean trabecular plate density , mean trabecular plate thickness , trabecular bone volume and cortical bone volume of the femurs of the osteoporotic rats were significantly increased after 30 days with the treatment of bone peptide and estradiol .

  14. 出事的康泰旅行团,在马尼拉著名景点、旅行团必定一游的市中心黎刹公园,被独行枪手持火力强大的M16自动步枪登车挟持。

    The man , armed with a powerful M16 assault rifle , boarded the Hong Tai group 's bus outside Rizal Park , a famous tourist attraction that is a must for tour groups .

  15. Reddit是个例外:2006年,这家红极一时的社交新闻网站被康泰纳仕集团收购(后者是《Vogue》等十多家著名生活时尚杂志的出版商),施瓦茨和他的同事从中获利颇丰。然而,他事后谈及这笔财富的语气几近悔恨。

    One exception was Reddit , though he later sounded almost contrite about the riches showered on him and his colleagues by Cond é Nast , the publisher of Vogue and over a dozen other prominent lifestyle magazines , which bought the popular social news site in 2006 .

  16. 2009年11月,康泰纳仕公司(CondéNast)关闭了旗下的《美食家》杂志(Gourmet),雷切尔被迫放弃了杂志主编的宝座。

    With Reichl as editorial advisor , gilt promised a site offering " artisanal hard-to-find foods " for ethical eaters with limited access to such products e.g. " people who live outside New York City " as well as the kind of editorial content that made Reichl famous .

  17. 赏心乐事的瞬间——不是康泰之感,

    The moments of happiness - not the sense of well-being ,

  18. 首先请允许我祝各位日益康泰。

    First , please allow me to wish everyone a growing sense .

  19. 结论:溃结康泰治疗溃疡性结肠炎疗效可靠且副作用少。

    Conclusion : Kuijiekang capsule has good effect on treating ulcerous colonitis .

  20. 他说服康泰茨他能继续比赛。

    He convinces Cortez he wants to keep fighting .

  21. 我去康泰纳仕实习时学到的。

    I learned it while interning at Conde Nast .

  22. 谷康泰灵对骨质疏松模型大鼠骨形成和骨吸收功能的影响

    Effect of bone Peptide on functions of bone formation and bone resorption in osteoporotic model rats

  23. 他的名要叫所罗门(即太平之意)。他在位的日子,我必使以色列人平安康泰。

    His name will be Solomon , and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign .

  24. 谷康泰灵治疗胫腓骨骨折50例临床疗效观察

    Observations on Clinical Therapeutic Effects on Treatment of 50 Cases of Tibiofibular Fracture with Gu Kang Tai Ling

  25. 谷康泰灵对维甲酸诱导的大鼠骺板软骨损伤的治疗作用

    The therapeutical effect of bone peptide on the damage of the growth plate cartilage from rats by retinoic acid

  26. 目的:探讨纯中药制剂乙肝康泰辅以其它药物对慢性乙型肝炎的疗效。

    Objective : To approach efficacy of the Secondary Hepatitis Contai combined with other medicine for the chronic secondary hepatitis .

  27. 三国时期孙权派遣朱应、康泰出使南海诸国,是为了加强同南海诸国的联系。

    Sun Quan sent Zhu Ying and Kang Tai to visit South Sea states for strengthening relationship between Wu Kingdom and States there .

  28. 目的:研究骨组织提取的可溶性多肽片段药物谷康泰灵对大鼠骨折愈合的作用。

    Objective : To study the effects of soluble multi-peptide agent , marked Gu Kang Tai Ling , derived from bone tissue on rat bone fracture healing .

  29. 目前全球已有数万家医院正在使用康泰产品,“康泰”已成为医疗器械行业中知名的品牌之一。

    There are already tens of thousands of hospitals are using Contec products , and " Contec " has become a well-known brand of medical device industry .

  30. 在线,《康泰纳仕旅人》对于其它五个公园:缅因州的阿卡迪亚,亚利桑那州的大峡谷,阿拉斯加州的德纳里,科罗拉多州落基山脉和夏威夷的火山国家公园,提供了更多的信息。

    Online , Conde Nast Traveler has more information on five other parks : Acadia in Maine , Grand Canyon in Arizona , Denali in Alaska , the Rockies in Colorado and Volcanoes in Hawaii .