
  • 网络Kandy;Conti;Kandy, Sri Lanka
  1. 康提(Kandy)坐落在山谷之中,毗邻一片宁静的湖泊,是由这个国家最后一位僧伽罗君主兴建。

    Kandy sits in a valley beside a placid lake that was ordered by the region 's last Sinhalese emperor .

  2. 头康提是最终的资源用于购买高品质的剪辑头发延长。

    Head Kandy is the ultimate resource for purchasing high quality clip in hair extensions .

  3. 派康提,你干嘛摺你的裤管?

    Perconte , what are you thinking of blousing your pants ?

  4. 快去找波勒和派康提来!

    Bring on Boyle and perconte , go !

  5. 斯图加特的康提莎工厂又开始生产伊康塔和尼塔尔胶片相机了。

    The Contessa works at Stuttgart resumed production of Ikonta and Nettar film cameras .

  6. 头康提给你各种各样的长度和颜色可供选择。

    Head Kandy gives you a wide variety of lengths and colors to choose from .

  7. 二等兵派康提,你有像伞兵那样把裤子扎进靴子里吗?

    Private Perconte , have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper ?

  8. 康提古城的佛牙寺里收存着佛祖的圣牙,是著名的佛教朝圣圣地。

    It is also the site of the Temple of the Tooth Relic ( the sacred tooth of the Buddha ), which is a famous pilgrimage site .

  9. 一旦你购买你的脑袋康提头发延长,您可能需要一些指导至于如何风格你的头发,使你看看红地毯准备。

    Once you purchase your Head Kandy hair extensions , you may want some guidance as far as how to style your hair so that you look red carpet ready .

  10. 在葡萄牙人和荷兰人统治海岸地区期间,内地丘陵地区仍然保持独立,其首都是康提。

    During both Portuguese and Dutch rule of the coastal areas , the interior , hilly region of the island remained independent , with its capital , the city of Kandy .

  11. 与此同时,这一带又完全自成一体,和五个世纪之前横亘在群山之间的康提佛教王国别无二致。

    At the same time , the region feels like its own country , as it essentially was when the Buddhist Kingdom of Kandy held sway over the hills five centuries ago .

  12. 如果您要去斯里兰卡旅游,记得一定要去康提市,在那里您会看到展出在佛牙寺的圣人释迦牟尼的左犬牙。

    If you ever visit Sri Lanka be sure to drop by the city of Kandy , where you 'll find the sage 's left canine on display in the Temple of the Tooth .

  13. 和大多数斯里兰卡城市一样,拥有10.9万人口的康提也是经历了数代人的发展营建,由一个小村庄走向混乱的城市化,有一种邋遢杂乱的气氛。

    Like most Sri Lankan cities , Kandy , which has a population of 109000 , has the unzoned , mangy atmosphere of a once-small village that proceeded over generations to become sloppily urbanized .

  14. 我在当地市场购买干辣椒和肉桂,然后又去茶室流连,藉此消磨了几个小时。但是游客前往康提一般主要有三个去处。

    I killed a couple of hours gathering up dried peppers and cinnamon at the local market and wandering through the tearooms & but really , one comes to Kandy for three principal reasons .

  15. 在从首都科伦坡开往康提的三小时旅行中,亚帕靠边停车两次,让我下车看看路边卖的本地腰果和小块煮玉米,它们都非常美味。

    On the three-hour drive from the capital city , Colombo , to Kandy , Mr. Yapa pulled over twice so that I could visit roadside stands selling delicious locally grown cashews and boiled corn on the cob .

  16. 走出面包车,山间新鲜的空气扑面而来,茶园美景一览无余,远处有几间平房,我晚上就要在那儿过夜,面对此情此景,康提那些难忘的景色也不禁被我丢在脑后。

    When I stepped out of the van into the crisp mountain air enveloping the spectacular gardens leading to the bungalow where I would stay that night , I suddenly lost all memory of that unforgettable place in Kandy .

  17. 如您所料,很多人争夺过这颗牙齿,善良的信徒们被迫将这颗牙齿一次次地藏起来,直到最后在康提将其展示给全世界看。

    As you might expect , quite a few people squabbled over the tooth , and holy men were forced to hide it from time to time until it finally ended up in Kandy for all the world to see .

  18. 后来我打听她的身世,她说她是在康提出生长大,父亲是一位著名的斯里兰卡政治家,母亲是柏林包豪斯艺术圈中的活跃人物。

    When I inquired as to what planet she was from , Ms. Perera said that she was born and raised in Kandy , the daughter of a prominent Sri Lankan politician and a mother who was active in Berlin 's Bauhaus art scene .

  19. 这座辉煌的大理石佛寺内有两座龛位,还有一系列彩绘,纪念佛牙从一处到另一处辗转流落的奥德赛之旅,直至16世纪末终于来到康提,如今,它被安放在小小的金匣子里。

    The sumptuous marble temple contains two large shrines , along with a series of paintings that memorialize the odyssey of the Buddha 's tooth from one place to the next until the end of the 16th century , when it at last arrived in Kandy and is presently entombed in a small gold casket .