
  • 网络commons;J.R.Commons;John R. Commons
  1. 康芒斯的法经济学思想及其贡献

    Commons ′ Thought and Contribution to Law and Economics

  2. 康芒斯的法经济学思想主要体现在他的集体行动理论、利益和谐理论和法制决定论之中。

    Commons ′ economic analysis of law embodies in the theory of collective action , harmonious interest etc.

  3. 在其著作中,康芒斯通过“交易”这一基本单位把法律、经济学和伦理学联结在一起。

    In his own works , commons linked law , economics and ethics by transaction , which was a basic unit .

  4. 作为现代西方法经济学的伟大先驱,康芒斯非常重视法律制度在经济发展中的作用。

    As a pioneer of law and economics , Commons paid great attention to the role of laws in the development of economy .

  5. 根据康芒斯和米塞斯的定义,人与人之间的有意义的行动即是交易行为,交易成本则包括一切不直接发生在物质生产过程中的成本,成本最小是其行为准则。

    And the transactions costs include all of the costs taken place in the no-material-producing in which minimizing the costs is the standard of behavior .

  6. 而康芒斯将法律制度看成是协调冲突的规则体系的观点,也对现代法经济学中的制度学派产生了深刻的影响。

    In addition , Commons ′ view of regarding law as rule system , which coordinated conflicts , also affected the school of institutionalism of law and economics .

  7. 康芒斯认为制度就是集体行为控制个体行为;韦伯指出制度就是一定圈子里的行为准则。

    Commons thought that the system is that " the collective behavior control individual behavior " . The Weber pointed out that " the system is standard of conduct in certain circle " .

  8. 从凡勃伦传统到康芒斯的交易概念,再到科斯的交易成本和科斯定理,法律经济学奠定了雄厚的理论基础。

    From " Veblen , s tradition " to Commons , notion of " Transaction ", to Coase " Costof Transaction " and " Coase Theorem ", legal economics has had a solid theoretical basis .

  9. 本论文分析说明不同的经济体制不过是对康芒斯所划分的买卖的、管理的、限额的三种交易类型的主次安排的选择。

    In this thesis , I have concluded that the formation of different economic systems is owing to the selection and arrangement by priority of three types of transactions : purchasable , managerial , and limitary .

  10. 从康芒斯的理论出发,本文以制度三角为理论分析框架,分别从政府交易、企业内交易和市场交易的角度出发来论述出版业的制度创新。

    Starting from the theory of Commons and based on the theoretical triangle-analysis framework , it discusses the institutional innovation of the publishing industry respectively from the perspective of government transactions , corporate transactions and market transactions .