
  1. 随着礼品行业竞争加剧和利润率下滑,H集团面临着围绕产业价值链的提升,向高附加值产业战略转型的问题。

    With the gift industry competition and margins , the H Group is facing around the industry value chain to enhance the transition to high value-added industrial strategy .

  2. 中国还在更多地关注高科技、高附加值产业。

    The country is also focusing more on high tech , value-added production .

  3. 高附加值产业实现的技术途径

    The technical approaches to developing high-value added industry

  4. 高附加值产业用非织造布的新进展

    Recent Developments in High Supplementary Value Technical Nonwovens

  5. 突出特色,建设高附加值产业基地。

    Stand out special characteristic , build new material industrial base with high added value .

  6. 同时,政府还必须考虑如何让自己的工业变为高附加值产业。

    In the meantime , governments must also think how to get their industries into higher-value manufacturing .

  7. 游艇旅游作为高附加值产业,发展游艇旅游是今后我国旅游业应重点发展与培养的领域。

    As high value-added industries , the yacht tourism is an irresistible trend of future Chinese tourism .

  8. 通过借鉴、转化与改造西方经济理论研究中的一些数学模型,具体分析了高附加值产业实现的三种技术途径。

    Based on using and revising some economical models , this paper analyses three approaches to developing high-value added industry .

  9. 旅游纪念品作为旅游业的一项高附加值产业,已经被越来越多的国家所重视。

    As a high value-added industry of tourism , tour souvenirs have been paid great attentions by more and more countries .

  10. 如何才能让一个地区的低附加值产业转型升级成为高附加值产业,一直以来是各国经济学家们研究的主要内容。

    How to make a region of low value industrial transform into high value industry has been the main research content of most economists .

  11. 三线城市中,房价与低附加值产业企业数正相关,与高附加值产业企业数负相关。

    In the lower-tier city , housing-price positively correlates with the number of low value-added companies , negatively correlating with the number of high value-added companies .

  12. 随着像中国这样的国家向高附加值产业转型,越南、孟加拉等工资水平较低的国家将迎来发展机遇。

    As the likes of China shifted towards higher value-added sectors , this would also present an opportunity for countries where wages are lower , such as Vietnam and Bangladesh .

  13. 重点开发区:有选择性承接产业转移,注意培养高附加值产业;合理城市化,避免过度的土地利用和扩张。

    Selectively accept the transfer of industry , pay attention to the developing of high value-added industries , reasonably become urbanization and avoid excessive land use and expansion in key zones for development .

  14. 陈德铭预计在国家相关政策的引导下,中国的高端技术和高附加值产业、服务业引资将呈现快速发展态势。

    With the help of such measures , foreign investment in industrial sectors with high technology and high added-value , as well as the service industry , would witness a boom , Chen predicted .

  15. 第二,一线城市中房价与低附加值产业企业数存在明显的负向关系,而与高附加值产业企业数的关系并不明显。

    Second . housing-price and the number of the low value-added industries have obvious negative relationship and the relationship between price and the number of high value-added industries is not obvious in the first-tier city .

  16. 所以房价水平提高使低附加值产业扩散到二三线城市,高附加值产业集聚于一线城市,产业的区位分工以及城市结构体系发生变化。

    So the rising price makes the low value added industries spread to second or third-tier city and high value-added industries gather in the first-tier city . Regional industry division and the structure system of cities are changing .

  17. 尽管中国对旨在打造高附加值产业的“自主创新”政策进行了一些调整,但它对内仍保留了一系列干预措施,比如补贴、采购控制和强制外国公司转让技术。

    And despite some reform of its " indigenous innovation " policy , aimed at creating high value-added industries , China retains an array of domestic interventions including subsidies , procurement controls and the compulsory transfer of technology by foreign companies .

  18. 专家预测中场产业将成为为数不多的高附加值产业之一,其中民营中小企业以其先天的优越性在其中占了很大比重,因此民营中小企业的发展及其融资问题便成为关注焦点。

    Experts forecast the intermediate zone will become one of the high additional value industries , among them the private small-medium enterprise with its superiority play an important role , so its problem of the development fund is then going to be the spotlight .

  19. 在三大产业内部,技术密集型产业、高附加值产业和新兴产业的比重不断提高,产业结构的协调性和合理性不断增强,产业结构演变的质量也越来越高。

    Through the analyses of industrial interior structure , the proportion of the technology-intensive industry , the high added value industry and emergent industry enhance endlessly . The coordination and rationality of industrial structure strengthen continually . The quality of industrial structure evolution is also getting higher and higher .

  20. 产值结构的智密化系数和高附加值子产业的劳动生产率都处于先进水平,并逐年上升。

    Its intellectual coefficient and its productivity of high-appreciation sub-industry are higher than other municipalities .

  21. 问题在于,这种改变是否能够迅速为珠三角地区带来高附加值的产业和就业岗位、以取代原有产业。

    The question is whether change in the delta can bring high-value industries and jobs fast enough to replace old ones .

  22. 在开放经济条件下,发达国家倾向于发展具有更高附加值的产业,更多地依赖进口发展中国家的高能耗商品,隐含了向发展中国家转移的部分碳排放污染。

    Under the condition of open economy , developed countries tend to develop higher value-added industries , relying more on importing high energy consumption goods of developing countries .

  23. 发展体验经济不仅是为了追求一种更高附加值的产业形态,也是社会发展走出资源、环保困惑的一条途径。

    Developing experience economy is not only in the pursuit of a higher value-added industries form , is also a sound way out of resources and environmental protection .

  24. 半导体芯片制造产业是信息技术产业群的基础和核心,它是一个技术尖端及高附加值的产业,对推动国民经济的发展有重大的战略意义。

    Semiconductor manufacturing industry is the core and basis of the information technology industry . Because it is an advanced manufacturing and high value-added industry , it is very significant for promoting the development of national economy .

  25. 基于日本前期产业升级的经验,中国在产业结构升级的第三阶段,应该转向低资源投入、低污染、高附加值的产业发展即新型工业化之路。

    By referring to the experiences of Japan in its earlier industrial promotions , that China , at the third stage of industrial structure promotion , should turn to new industries , namely , industries with low input of resources , low rate of pollution , and high additional value .

  26. 高附加值船国际产业转移的实证与机制探讨

    Formation Analysis and Positive Research on the International Industry Transfer of High value-added Vessels

  27. 在现代社会发展的影响下,高尔夫运动迅速发展成为一种新兴的和高附加值的社会产业。

    Under the influence of the development of modern society , golf has rapidly been developed into a rising social industrial with high extra value .

  28. 与此同时,创意产业作为一种无污染的、高附加值的新兴产业对优化中国产业结构具有十分重要的意义。

    Meanwhile , the creativity industry which is a kind of non-pollution , high value-added industry , has a very important significance to optimize China industrial structure .

  29. 这就需要我们尽快将东部的劳动密集型和资源密集型产业向中西部转移,为高附加值的优势产业腾出空间,缓解东部的人口、资源与环境压力,进一步促进产业结构的优化升级。

    It requires that we should transfer the Eastern labor & resource intensive industrial to the Midwest as soon as possible , make enough space for high value-added competitive industries , to alleviate the Eastern population , resource and environmental pressure and further promote the optimization upgrading of industrial structure .

  30. 大力发展高技术和高附加值产业

    Vigorously developing those high-tech and highly value added industries