
xún huán jīnɡ jì
  • circular economy;recycling economy;cyclic economy
  1. 一直以来,理论界对循环经济法基本原则确立的方法或标准少有研究。

    Until now in china , there are few studies about the methods or standards of fundamental principles of the circular economy law .

  2. 企业在创造循环经济中发挥着重要作用,在循环经济中,价值的产生较少来自于开发新资源,更多来自于更好地利用现有的资源,但企业也必须让客户参与到这一过程中来。

    Companies play a big role in creating a circular economy , in which value is generating less from extracting new resources and more from getting better use out of the resources we already have -- but they must also get customers engaged in the process .

  3. 在循环经济中,会先制造100罐罐头,然后用回收的罐头反复替换。

    In a recycling economy , we would make one set of 100 cans to start with , then replace them over and over again with recycled cans .

  4. 循环经济的发展需要绿色科技创新生态化作为支撑。

    The circulation economy development needs the green science and technology innovation as the strut .

  5. 研究发现,许多服装租赁品牌都在滥用“循环经济”一词作为漂绿手段。

    The study found many rental brands misuse10 the term " circular economy " – the system where clothes are passed from person to person before being recycled – as a form of greenwashing .

  6. 循环经济GIS数据库空间冲突的确认方法研究

    A Method to Confirm the Spatial Conflict in GIS Database for Circular Economy

  7. 改进的BP神经网络方法是一种极好的矿业城市循环经济发展的综合评价方法。

    Improved BP artificial neural networks is preferable comprehensive evaluation of circular economy .

  8. 循环经济催生绿色GDP

    Green GDP Accelerated by Circular Economy

  9. EMD产业与循环经济

    EMD industry and recycling economy

  10. 环境变迁对传统型生产方式的挑战,突显出绿色GDP指标体系与循环经济模式,是我国建设全面小康社会的必然选择。

    This article is to argue that the green GDP guideline system and the circulative economy model are necessary choices in constructing well - off society in China .

  11. 综合利用城市固体废弃物促进循环经济发展

    Synthetic Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste and Promoting Circulation Economy Development

  12. 发展循环经济:理念原则措施

    The Development of Circular Economy : Concept , Principles and Measures

  13. 全面策动循环经济综合优化发展目标

    Wholly Engineering the Circulatory Economy and Synthetically Optimizing the Development Objectives

  14. 用循环经济理念重构传统经济流程

    Rebuilding the Traditional Economy Procedure with the Idea of Circular Economy

  15. 面向循环经济的畜禽养殖发展思路

    Thought on Development of Breeding Livestock and Poultry in Circular Economy

  16. 循环经济:实现可持续发展的重要途径

    Circulatory Economy : An Important Solution to Sustainable Development of Economy

  17. 循环经济:21世纪的理想经济模式

    Recycling Economy : an Ideal Economic Model in the 21St Century

  18. 打造循环经济理念提高烧结生产水平

    Concept of Circular Economy and the Level Raising of Sintering Production

  19. 小议我国循环经济立法中的财税与金融制度

    The fiscal and financial systems in the legislation of circle economy

  20. 广东省发展循环经济的现实思考

    Practice and thinking for the development of recycling economy in Guangdong

  21. 国内氯碱行业实施循环经济的模式

    Domestic chlor - alkali industry enforcing the circulating - economy mode

  22. 循环经济在节水型社会建设中的表现形式

    The Circular Economy 's Manifestation in Constructing The Water Saving Society

  23. 内生增长理论下的循环经济研究

    Research on the Circular Economy under the Theory of Endogenous Growth

  24. 循环经济发展的三层次协调问题

    The Issue of Three-level Coordinations in the Development of Circular Economy

  25. 循环经济供应链中采购问题的研究

    Research on the Purchase Problems Under the Recycle Economy-Supply Chain Management

  26. 循环经济及清洁生产理念下的新型矿业开发

    New mining enterprise development under idea of circulating economy clean operation

  27. 以循环经济理念推进生态化学工程

    Eco-Chemical Engineering to be developed with an idea of cycling economy

  28. 循环经济技术创新:特征比较与体系构建

    Circulation economy technology innovation : characteristics comparison and system construction

  29. 我国发展循环经济的制约因素与战略举措

    China developing recycling economy 's restriction factor and strategy measure

  30. 运用循环经济模式防治环境污染

    Utilize the Circulate Economy Model to Prevent the Environmental Pollution