
  • 网络circular definition;CYCL DEF
  1. 本文对卡诺循环定义的提法作出讨论。

    In this paper a discussion has been made about the definition of Carnot cycle .

  2. 为了避免循环定义,我们需要刻划通过这种方法得出的有理数集合的特征

    To avoid circularity in the definition , we must be able to characterize the sets of rationals obtainable in this way

  3. 如果循环定义的约束变量之间存在相互依赖的关系,那么包含这些依赖关系的约束状态将无解。

    If there are co-dependent relations among constraint variables defined in a loop , the constraint states including these relations are infeasible .

  4. 坚持社区第一性,语言第二性的原则可以克服“语言”和“社区”概念之间的循环定义错误。

    Insisting the principle of " community being primary and language being secondary ", we can overcome the tautological errors in defining such concepts as " language " and " community " .

  5. SIEMENS802D数控系统用户循环的定义

    The Defination of Users ' Cycle in SIEMENS 802D NC System

  6. 关于卡诺循环的定义

    On the definition of Carnot cycle

  7. 我们仅需要提前执行一些循环来定义模式,然后就可很好地使用它。

    We 'll just need to spend a few cycles up front defining a schema , and then we 'll be good to go .

  8. 时间是用来确定其他数量-如速度-和确定时间等方面的数量会导致循环的定义。

    Time is used to define other quantities such as velocity and defining time in terms of such quantities would result in circularity of definition .

  9. 方法:按照抗抑郁药物引起躁狂、轻躁狂、快速循环的定义,对321例接受抗抑郁治疗的病人出现躁狂、轻躁狂、快速循环进行调查、分析、比较。

    Method : The switching rate during therapy with antidepressants in 321 cases was investigated and analyzed according to the definition of mania , hypomania and rapid cycling induced by antidepressants .

  10. 文章介绍了n阶循环矩阵的定义、n阶循环矩阵的行列式和其基本性质,并且进一步给出了n阶循环矩阵可逆的判定以及求n阶循环矩阵的逆矩阵的方法。

    This paper introduces the definition , determinant and basic properties of n-order cycle matrix , furthermore gives the judgements of n-order cycle matrix which is inverse and find the calculations of the inverse matrix of n-order cycle matrix .

  11. 给出了边矩阵和循环赛图的定义。

    The definitions about edge matrix and round-robin tournament are given .

  12. 中间再热式汽轮机理想循环热效率定义方法的改进

    Improving on the Defining Method of Reheat Steam Turbine Ideal Cycle Thermal Efficiency

  13. 详细系统的介绍了高阶累积量和循环平稳的定义和基本性质。

    Detailed and systematic introduce the definition and basic properties of high order cumulants and cyclic stationary theory .

  14. 在循环之后,定义接收活动,该活动将等待最后一个事件处理程序实例调用。

    After the loop define a receive activity that waits until it is invoked by the last event handler .

  15. 我们用有向图的理论给出了电路的数学描述,并介绍了电路划分的定义,然后给出了非循环划分的定义。

    We show the mathematical description and definition of circuit using directed-graph . Then , we show the definition of acyclic partition .

  16. 该文从循环倍率的定义出发,利用钙硫摩尔比Ca/S、分离器效率η和灰平衡方法,建立了循环流化床锅炉循环倍率的数学模型,由此可以方便地确定循环物料量。

    From the definition of cycle multiple ratio , mathematics model of cycle multiple ratio in circulating fluidized bed boiler is established using mole ratio of calcium and sulfur 、 separator efficiency η and ash balance method .

  17. 改进后的算法通过二维直方图设置初始聚类中心来减少蚁群算法循环次数,定义了一种新的引导函数,并通过改进信息素更新机制提高蚁群聚类的速度。

    This algorithm is based on this tradition , by two-dimensional histogram to set the initial cluster centers to reduce the number of cycles of ant colony algorithm to define a new boot function , and by improving the ant colony pheromone update mechanism to improve the speed of clustering .

  18. 针对上述问题,文中首先对理想循环热效率的定义方法进行了改进。

    To counter the problems above , the defining method of ideal cycle heat efficiency is improved firstly .

  19. 循环地对子系统定义层和内部设计应用这些原则可形成一个完整、一致的架构工程模型。

    Recursively applying the principles to the level of subsystems definition and internal design results in a complete , consistent engineering model of the architecture .

  20. 本文针对上述问题,主要的工作概括如下:1.详细分析了复随机信号的循环特性,给出了非循环信号的定义及一些有用的性质。

    The main research work and contributions are detailed as follows.1.By analyzing the circularity of the complex random signal in detail , we give out the definition of the non-circular signal and some important property .

  21. 关于求已知do循环不变式的一个方法及for循环的WP的定义

    On a Method Attaining Known Do Loop Invariant and the Definition of WP in For Loop

  22. 将循环经济理论引入了有机农业研究中,提出了循环有机农业定义、遵循的原则、循环的层次、内容、发展模式和产业链构建。

    This thesis inducts the Cycle Economics theory into Organic Agriculture research . It brings forward the Cycle Organic Agriculture definition , principles to follow , levels of cycle , content , mode of development and construction of industry chain .

  23. 但由于高阶循环累积量谱分析需要更长的时间序列,因此本文从循环谱相干定义出发,提出了利用11/2维循环谱区分线性与非线性特征的方法。

    Based on cyclic spectrum coherence definition , a method using 1 1 / 2 dimension cyclic spectrum to distinguish linear or nonlinear characteristic is presented since longer time series is required to analyze high-order cyclic cumulation .