
  • 网络business cycle;Economic cycle;cycle
  1. 台湾GDP序列结构突变与经济周期

    GDP Time Series with Structural Break and Business Cycle in Taiwan

  2. 我国经济周期测量&基于ICA的研究

    Measurement of Chinese Business Cycle from an ICA 's View

  3. 这些数据显示了目前经济周期的最低点。

    The figures marked the final low point of the present economic cycle

  4. 英国在整个经济周期循环中都应用了这一规则。

    The rule is applied over the economic cycle .

  5. 经济周期、WTO与银行不良债权

    Economic Cycle , WTO and Bad debts of Banks

  6. Markov体制转换模型与经济周期分析

    Markov Model with Regime-Switching and Analysis of Economic Cycle

  7. 经济周期波动下FDI流动对我国就业的影响研究

    A Study on the Effect of FDI 's Flow on China 's Employment under Economic Cyclical Fluctuation

  8. 真实经济周期(RBC)理论运用动态一般均衡方法,从微观经济主体的最优化行为出发建立模型。

    The optimization of micro-economic subject is the basis of real business cycle theory ( RBC ) .

  9. 基于经济周期的KMV信用风险度量研究

    The Credit Risk Metric Research of KMV Reduced Model Based on the Business Cycle

  10. 鉴于RBC模型已成为研究经济周期问题的基准模型,本文第三章在标准的RBC模型中引入预期冲击,建立一个扩展的RBC模型。

    Since the RBC model is the workhorse model in business cycle , we construct an extended RBC model by introducing news shocks into standard RBC model in chapter 3 .

  11. 另一方面通过优化资源配置扩大一国潜在的GNP,以共同达到减缓经济周期波动的效果。

    On the other hand , by optimizing resources allocation , stock market has the effect of increasing a country 's potential GNP and slowing down the fluctuation of economic cycles .

  12. 本文对当前中国经济周期的阶段的考察从三个层次入手:首先是利用ISLM模型对中国宏观经济进行综合分析;

    Authors observe a economic cycle of China at three levels : firstly analyzing comprehensively macro_economy of Chian with IS_LM model , secondly analyzing the facts affecting economic recovery , finally analyzing the principal task of current China 's economy .

  13. 新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线(NKPC)是当前评价货币政策和经济周期分析的主流模型之一。

    The new Keynesian Philips curve ( NKPC ) is one of the mainstreams models for the current evaluation of monetary policy and economic cycle analysis .

  14. 纽约的经济周期研究所(ecri)表示,美国正处于“增长率周期向上翻转的一个端点”衰退速度趋缓。

    The new York-based economic cycle research institute says the US is " on the cusp of a growth rate cycle upturn " a slowing in the rate of decline .

  15. 对地矿产业经济周期与改革策略的思考

    On the economic cycle in geological industry and the reform policies

  16. 投资是预示一国经济周期发展的晴雨表。

    Investment is the barometer of economic development of a country .

  17. 经济周期、经济危机与危机治理理论的再研究

    Research on Economic Cycle , Crisis and Theory of Control Practice

  18. 改革开放以来我国经济周期性波动实证研究

    Empirical Research on Business Cycle of China Since Reform and Opening-up

  19. 中国钢铁工业规避经济周期风险的战略思考

    Strategic Consideration on Avoiding Economic Cycle Risk of Chinese Steel Industry

  20. 我国经济周期波动的需求分析

    The Effects of Demanding Factors in Chinese Economic Fluctuation Period

  21. 东亚经济周期协动的研究

    The Empirical Study of Business Cycle Co-movement in East Asia

  22. 描述性事实围绕特定事件展开,主要用语言文字对经济周期波动现象进行描述。

    The description facts mostly describe the business cycle phenomenon in language .

  23. 工业经济周期波动的影响因素分析

    Analysis of Impacting Factors on Periodic Fluctuation of Industrial Economy

  24. 改革以来我国经济周期波动的系统分析&兼论适度增长模式

    Systematic Analysis of Economic Cycle Fluctuation in Our Country since the Reform

  25. 增长性和波动性是增长型经济周期的典型特征。

    Growth and volatility are the characteristic features of growing economic cycle .

  26. 企业战略与经济周期的相关性研究

    The Relativity Research of the Enterprise Strategy and Economic Cycle

  27. 经济周期与学生贷款的反周期供给机制

    Business Cycle and Counter Cycle Supply Mechanism of Student Loans

  28. 中国经济周期的福利成本:1978~2004

    The Welfare Cost of China 's Business Cycles : 1978 ~ 2004

  29. 论新一轮经济周期及其战略机遇期

    On the New Economic Cycle and its Strategic Opportunity Period

  30. 房地产经济周期与我国房地产宏观调控政策审视

    Real estate economy circle and China real estate Industry macro control policy