
  • 网络Trade Pattern;The Pattern of Trade
  1. 内容提要本文首先研究了中国、印度和东盟(ACI)的贸易模式和行业生产率。

    This paper first investigates the pattern of trade and industrial productivity in the ASEAN , China , and India ( ACI ) .

  2. 贸易模式的动态演进模型与实证检验

    Study On The Dynamic Advanced Model Of The Pattern Of Trade & Experimental Analyses

  3. 投资银行摩根·斯坦利的施蒂芬·Jen说更高的海运成本甚至可能敲响整个东亚出口贸易模式的丧钟。

    Stephen Jen of Morgan Stanley , an investment bank , says higher shipping costs could even sound the death knell of the entire East Asian export model .

  4. 长虹电器(ChanghongElectronics)位于广东顺德的仓库堆满了成百上千的电视机,这一幕与中国南方其它无数仓库没有什么不同,但这些电视机的目的地反映了全球贸易模式的重要转变。

    With hundreds of television sets stacked high , Changhong Electronics ' warehouse in Shunde resembles many other storage depots in southern China , but their destinations reveal an important shift in global trade patterns .

  5. 新贸易模式与世界经济失衡&基于NITP-GEM的研究

    " New " International Trade Patterns and Global Economic Imbalances : a Study Based on NITP-GEM

  6. 正如南非总统雅各布祖马(jacobzuma)在北京举行的中非合作论坛(china-africaforum)上指出的,在中非双边贸易模式中,主要是非洲出口原材料、进口制成品,这是不可持续的。

    As Jacob Zuma , the South African president , pointed out at the China-Africa Forum in Beijing , the bilateral trade pattern which sees mainly raw materials flowing out from Africa and finished goods coming back is not sustainable .

  7. 从交易成本的角度看贸易模式、经济发展和二元经济现象

    Transaction Cost , Trade Pattern , Economic Development & Dual Economy

  8. 金融服务贸易模式、国际竞争力与政策选择

    Trade Patterns , International Competitiveness and Policy Countermeasures of Financial Services

  9. 基于中间层组织理论的国际贸易模式选择

    The Choice of International Trade Pattern Based on the Theory of Intermediaries

  10. 中国国际贸易模式:金融制度效应的分析视角

    International Trade of China : From the View of Financial Development Effect

  11. 环境规制对贸易模式的影响及其政策协调

    The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Trade Pattern and Its Policy Harmonization

  12. 山西对外贸易模式的现存缺陷

    The Existing Defects of Shanxi 's Foreign Trade Mode

  13. 中韩贸易模式的变迁:从互补到竞争

    Sino - South Korea Trade Pattern Alternation : From Mutual Complement to Competition

  14. 两种产业内贸易模式的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis of the Modes of Inter-industry Trades

  15. 我国初级产品与工业制成品贸易模式转变的时点判断及原因分析

    Causal Analysis on Transformation of Trade Pattern of China 's Primary and Manufactured Products

  16. 各国将做出进一步的努力,将贸易模式更多的转向新兴市场。

    Countries will make further efforts to shift trade patterns more to emerging markets .

  17. 南北贸易模式与中国贸易条件决定模型实证研究

    North-South Trade and the Determining of China Terms of Trade : an Empirical Study

  18. 动画产品国际贸易模式研究

    Research on International Trade Mode of Animation

  19. 贸易模式与不完全汇率传递&基于扩展的古诺模型的解释

    Trade Patterns and Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass-through : Explanations based on an Extended Cournot Model

  20. 我国对外贸易模式分析

    Analysis on Chinese foreign trade patterns

  21. 正是这三种机制保证了东亚产品内贸易模式的有效运行。

    It is three kinds of mechanisms to ensure the East Asian intra-production trade patterns effectively run .

  22. 近年来,随着电子商务这一新型贸易模式的发展,网上银行有了更大的用武之地。

    In recent years , as e-commerce development , the new business model , online banking become more useful .

  23. 中国沿海地区外资加工贸易模式与本土产业升级:苏州地区的案例研究

    Processing growth pattern of Chinese coaster areas based on FDI and local industrial upgrade : case study of Suzhou area

  24. 随着经济一体化在亚洲以及全球的发展,地区内的贸易模式也愈加复杂化。

    As the economy integration develops in both Asian and global scale , regional trade pattern becomes more and more complex .

  25. 中西部地区贸易模式偏向于传统产业的产业间贸易模式,而东部地区贸易模式偏向于高新技术产业的产业内贸易模式和产品内贸易模式。

    Mid-western trade pattern tends to the Inter-Industry trade . Eastern trade pattern tends to the Intra-Industry trade and Intra-products trade .

  26. 但是,除了欧盟,中国与其他三个经济体的贸易模式正在逐步由互补性的产业间贸易向产业间贸易与产业内贸易并重转变。

    However , except for Europe Union , China is transforming from inter-industrial trade to intra-industry trade with other three largest countries .

  27. 然而,在经济全球化背景下,不仅本国的经济增长决定与之对应的对外贸易模式,其他国家的经济增长也会对本国的经济增长贸易模式产生深刻影响。

    But both domestic and abroad economic growth can deeply influence the patterns of international trade under the conditions of economic globalization .

  28. 虽然导致全球贫富差距的原因是多方面的,也是很复杂的,但是其中就包括了有利于工业化国家的殖民时代的贸易模式;

    The causes of this global disparity are diverse and complex , but include colonial era trading patterns that favor industrialized nations ;

  29. 通过对新贸易模式的了解,分析出口信用保险业务商务模式应该如何转型。

    Familiar with the new trade patterns can help to get the idea that how to transition export credit insurance business models .

  30. 探讨本港贸易模式近期由转口贸易转移至离岸贸易的趋势,并特别指出这个趋势对就业的影响。

    Examining the recent shift in trade patterns from re-exports to offshore trade and drawing attention in particular to the implications for employment .