
  • 网络Trade Nations;a trading power;large country
  1. 但是作为贸易大国的我国还存着一系列的问题。

    But as a trading power of China with a series of problems .

  2. 奥托尔及其同事试图聚焦中国成为贸易大国的影响。

    Autor and his colleagues try to zoom in on the impact of China 's emergence as a trading power .

  3. 我国是世界贸易大国,也是WTO的成员国。

    China is a large trading country in the world , and also a member of WTO .

  4. 作为一个贸易大国,贸易便利化给中国带来了机遇也带来了挑战,中国应积极参与接下来的WTO贸易便利化规则谈判。

    As a huge country in foreign trade , Trade Facilitation brings China not only opportunities but also challenges . China should take active part in the WTO Trade Facilitation negotiations .

  5. 中国作为劳动密集型产品出口的贸易大国,因此受到SA8000标准的影响也就更为深刻。

    China , as a big export trade country of labor-intensive products , is influenced by SA8000 .

  6. FTA外交是为抢占世界市场,争做世界贸易大国。

    The aim of " FTA Diplomacy " is to seize the world market to strive to become one of the big trading nation in the world .

  7. 过去半个世纪的快速工业化,把韩国这个饱受战争摧残的国家转变为世界第七贸易大国(据2014年的世贸组织(WTO)数据),在此过程中,韩国人形成了强大的工作伦理。

    South Koreans forged strong work ethics during the country 's rapid industrialisation over the past half a century to transform the war-torn country into the world 's seventh largest trading nation by volume , according to WTO data for 2014 .

  8. 我国虽然已成为世界生产大国和贸易大国,但FDI的发展却相对滞后,培育和发展一批具有国际竞争力的大企业,是我国企业应对国际竞争刻不容缓的重大措施。

    China has already become a big power of production and foreign trade , but her FDI still lags behind other countries . Cultivating a large number of large competitive enterprises has become very urgent and necessary .

  9. 中国是世界上的贸易大国,又是WTO的成员之一,劳工标准问题不容回避,因此,研究贸易与劳工标准问题对我国无疑具有重大的理论和现实意义。

    Since China is an important trading country and the member of WTO , the problem of the labor standards should not be neglected in China and the study of trade and the labor standards is of profound theoretical and practical significance .

  10. 中国作为世界C02排放大国和出口贸易大国,在节能减排方面的行动越来越受到国际社会的关注。

    China as a big export country with huge CO2 emissions , the action in energy conservation and emission reduction has been attracted more and more attention by the international community .

  11. 我国既是环境大国又是贸易大国,面对多边贸易体制和MEAs在处理贸易与环境问题中的政策冲突日益突出,如何协调二者冲突,实现可持续发展,成为无法回避的现实。

    Facing with more and more protrudent policy conflict in dealing with the problem of environment and trade under multilateral trade system and MEAs , how to coordinate the conflicts and realize sustainable development become unavoidable reality in China which is a big ecological and trading country .

  12. 我国已经成为一个真正的对外贸易大国。

    Now , China is a veritable great foreign trading country .

  13. 从贸易大国到贸易强国

    From A Large Trading Power To A Might One Trade Opportunities

  14. 我国是农产品和食品贸易大国,近年来在国际贸易中屡次受到绿色贸易壁垒的阻碍,发展绿色食品贸易已成当务之急。

    To develop green trade has been an urgent affair .

  15. 中国已经成为一个金融及贸易大国。

    China has become a major financial and trade power .

  16. 双重身份的困扰:贸易大国和金融小国

    The troubles of dual identities : tall in trade but short in finance

  17. 中国是一个农产品生产大国、消费大国和贸易大国。

    China is an agricultural producing country , consuming country and major trading nation .

  18. 单从数量和规模来看,我们已经成为名副其实的贸易大国。

    Just considering amount and scale , we have become a veritable trading power .

  19. 我国俨然已经成为世界贸易大国。

    China has been a Trade Nation .

  20. 其他一些大型项目可能会巩固中国作为一个制造业和贸易大国的地位。

    Other mega projects could bolster China 's position as a manufacturing and trading powerhouse .

  21. 求解贸易大国变为贸易强国之路

    The Way to a Super Trading Power

  22. 英国是贸易大国,也是海运强国。

    Britain is not only a large trade country , but also a powerful shipping country .

  23. 加拿大是世界林产品生产大国和贸易大国。

    Canada is one of the largest forest products producing and export country in the world .

  24. 贸易大国的问题及出路

    The Strategies of Large Trading Countries From the analysis to the behavior of problems embodied in

  25. 中国是一个纺织品生产和贸易大国,占据了世界纺织品近20%的份额。

    China is a big trade country in textiles accounting for 20 % in the world .

  26. 而中国是一个世界贸易大国,自然成为各国采取贸易救济措施的靶心。

    As a big trading nation , China naturally becomes the bull ' s-eye of trade remedy measures .

  27. 随着中国的成外出口贸易大国,中国与西方的贸易往来也越发的频繁。

    As china 's exports , a leading trader , china 's trade with the West has become increasingly frequent .

  28. 作为世界第二大贸易大国,中国对外贸易依存度越来越高。

    As the second largest trading nation in the world , China depends more and more on its foreign trade .

  29. 中国作为食品出口贸易大国,每年向全世界各个国家地区输出的食品数量巨大。

    As a major food export country , China exports huge amount of food products to the world every year .

  30. 随着全球化趋势的不断深入,我国已经跻身全球贸易大国之列。

    With the deepening of globalization , our country has already ranked among the list of big global trading country .