
mào yì ɡuǎn zhì
  • trade control;restraint of trade;transaction control
  1. 他控告他们实行贸易管制,并且胜诉了。

    He sued them for restraint of trade and won .

  2. 正文第三部分论述WTO的宗旨、基本规则和例外规则与贸易管制的关系。

    Part four explores the relationship between the WTO basic rules , the exception of the basic rules and the restraint of trade .

  3. 法官大人,这是贸易管制

    Your honor . This is restraint of trade , okay ?

  4. 杜鲁门政府的中日贸易管制政策

    Truman 's U.S. Trade Control Policy toward China and Japan

  5. 发展中国家贸易管制措施手册

    Handbook on Trade Control Measures of Developing Countries

  6. 传统的经济学理论把关税看作是贸易管制的最重要的手段,对进出口货物征收关税是国家管理对外贸易的最古老的措施之一。

    Traditional economic theories deemed tariff as the most important means to protect national economy .

  7. 贸发会议贸易管制措施数据库

    UNCTAD Database on Trade Control Measures

  8. 贸易管制措施信息系统

    Trade Control Measures Information System

  9. 贸易管制短期内保护国内就业机会和进口行业,代价是损害消费者和出口行业利益。

    Trade restrictions protect employment and import competitive business on the cost of consumers and exporters while .

  10. 贸易管制措施数据库

    Trade Control Measures Database

  11. 在协议中,买家要求卖家接受贸易管制也是很常见的。

    It is not uncommon for the purchaser to have the vendor subject to a restraint of trade in the Agreement .

  12. 实施一定的出口贸易管制措施不仅符合国际贸易规则,也是其他国家都在采取的做法,但其具体存在之理由是多方面的。

    Export trade restraint is in accord with international trade rules and is also the practices which many countries have been doing .

  13. 而中国差别的废除带动了东西方贸易管制的整体缓和,并促使其管制标准向缓和时代的限制高新技术转让转变。

    Elimination of " China Differential " derived overall relaxation of East-West trade control and accordingly its standards were changed to restrict transfer of high technology .

  14. 国际反倾销法属于国际经济行政法,是各国在对外贸易管制问题上相互让步,彼此协调的结果。

    As the international economic administration law , the international antidumping act is the result of mutual concession and coordination between different countries in foreign trade control .

  15. 贸易管制处也负责执行保障消费者的法例,范围包括玩具、儿童产品和消费品的安全;

    The branch also enforces consumer protection legislation relating to the safety of toys , children 's products and consumer goods , the integrity of weights and measures ;

  16. 历史上三次石油危机时期,由于我国实行严格的石油贸易管制和价格管制,国际油价无法传导到国内。

    The history witnessed three oil shocks , during which the international petroleum price failed to influence that of China since it took strict control over oil trade and price .

  17. 朝战前,美国已经确立了对华与苏联及东欧国家同等水平的严厉的贸易管制措施,但并未实行全面的禁运。

    Before the Korea war , the United States has already established the stern trade restraint measures to China , which is the same to the soviets and the eastern European countries , but did not practice the overall embargo .

  18. 比起目前总体处于较低水平、属于贸易管制时代之物的商品关税,跨国公司如今更关心的是保护自己的全球供应链所依存的专业知识。

    Multinationals are less concerned with goods tariffs , which are now generally low and belong to an earlier era of trade governance , than they are with trying to protect the specialist knowledge on which their global supply chains depend .

  19. 香港海关贸易管制处负责执行各项贸易管制制度,包括签发产地来源证、纺织品进出口管制、战略物品管制及进出口报关等制度。

    The trade controls branch of the customs and Excise Department is responsible for enforcing various trade control systems , including the certification of origin system , the textiles import and export control system , the strategic commodities control system and the import and export declaration system .

  20. 这些变化表现在:更加重视向顾客提供价值,全面质量管理,信息技术与制造业技术的进步,市场的全球化,服务产业的增长,贸易管制的解除以及与道德和环境有关的经营活动。

    These changes express as follows : paying attention to provide value to customers , total quality control , advances on information technology and manufacturing technology , market globalization , increase in service industry , rescission of trade control , and operating activities in relation to morality and environment .

  21. 作者认为,斯密首先通过确立自己的财富观,来批判当时西欧尤其是英国普遍盛行的贸易管制政策,最终确立起自由贸易的富国原则。

    I consider that Smith firstly advances his view about wealth of nations , in order to criticize the policies of the restraint of trade prevailing in eighteenth-century West , and finally has established the principle about nations how to become wealthy , that is the one of free trade .

  22. 我国应对技术强国贸易出口管制的策略研究

    Study on China Strategy to Deal with Trade Export Control by Developed Countries

  23. 伴随美苏冷战格局的形成,贸易出口管制成为美国为首的西方在经济上遏制苏联集团的重要工具。

    With the formation of cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union , trade policy of export control became an important tool which western countries and America , as their head , economically contained Soviet Bloc .

  24. 环境技术贸易的法律管制

    Legal Control System of Environmental Technology Trade

  25. 自由贸易和贸易管制

    Free Trade and Trade Restrictions

  26. 这使得这位敬爱的领导人近期不得不对国内市场的贸易解除一些管制;

    This recently forced the Dear Leader to lift some of his regulations on trading in the country 's markets ;

  27. 国会吵吵嚷嚷,步伐迈得很小,不能做任何事情来惩治中国,缺少贸易禁令和管制。

    Congress sputters and stamps its little feet but really cannot do anything to " punish " China , short of a trade embargo and tariffs .

  28. 自由贸易和放松管制的市场导致了经济的大起大落和可怕的财富集中,但它们仍然是促进全球繁荣的最好手段。

    Free trade and deregulated markets make for wild rides and hideous concentrations of wealth , but they remain the best means of increasing global prosperity .

  29. 这是一件复杂的事情,而起决定性的原因包括自由贸易、放松管制、削减税收和福利并且在欧盟的规则下保护花旗银行。

    It is a complex animal , but defining causes include free trade , deregulation , cutting taxes and welfare , and shielding City banks from EU rules .

  30. 借助这些营销活动,汇丰及其同行在过去一年里积累下了大量的人民币存款,这些资金是通过诸如跨境贸易等受管制的渠道流出中国内地的。

    As a result of these marketing campaigns , HSBC and its rivals have , over the past year , accumulated a large pool of Renminbi deposits which flowed out of the Chinese mainland through controlled channels such as cross-border trade .