
  • 网络Trade volume;volume of trade;Quantity of Trade;Quantum Of Trade
  1. 集装箱运输以其高效、方便、快捷等特点,成为两岸整个经贸运输中的重要组成部分,其贸易量在两岸进出口经贸额中占有相当大的比重。

    Container transportation has become the main part of whole economic trade conveyance of cross-straits for its characteristics of efficiency and convenience , its quantum of trade occupying a very big sum in the import and export economic trade of cross-straits .

  2. 食品货运的过程中(包括海运、空运等)必然产生会产生C02气体的排放,随着贸易量的增长,海、空等运输方式都在递增,食品货运的碳排放量十分惊人。

    The process of food freight ( including sea , air , etc. ) is bound to produce to produce CO2gas emissions , with the growth of trade volume , sea , waited in vain for mode of transport in increments food freight carbon emissions is very amazing .

  3. 他们分别是:GDP、就业人数、贸易量、居民收入、居民消费。

    Growth of trade , income of residents and consuming of residents .

  4. 而wto预测全球贸易量将萎缩9%。

    The WTO forecasts a decline of 9 per cent in the volume of world trade .

  5. 世界LNG贸易量和LNG船市场预测

    World LNG trade estimation and prediction of LNG carrier market demand

  6. 自中国加入WTO以来,随着经济的快速发展和对外贸易量的激增,世界航运市场也迎来了繁荣发展的好年景。

    Since China becomes the member of WTO , the development of economy and international trade is becoming more and more rapidly .

  7. 几十年来,全球贸易量的增速远超过全球真实gdp的增速。

    The growth in the volume of Global trade has far exceeded the pace of world real GDP growth for decades .

  8. 2008年10月至2009年1月间,全球商品贸易量下滑了大约20%,其相对经济增长的下滑速度甚至快于大萧条(GreatDepression)时期。

    Between October 2008 and January 2009 , global goods trade fell by about 20 per cent , a faster decline relative to economic growth than during the Great Depression .

  9. 近年来,随着世界LNG需求量的增加,LNG贸易量急速增长,像集装箱船大型化一样LNG船也正趋于大型化。

    Recently , with the increasing requirement and trade magnitude , LNG is tending to maximization like container ships .

  10. 全球LNG市场仅约占国际天然气贸易量的四分之一,但增长速度很快,未来10年供应量将增加1.3倍。

    Global LNG market is very active and the supply will augment 1.3 times within the further ten years .

  11. 1995年至2005年,海湾合作委员会(GulfCo-operationCouncil)6个成员国和东亚之间的贸易量,增长了约3倍。

    The volume of trade between the six members of the Gulf Co-operation Council and east Asia roughly quadrupled between 1995 and 2005 .

  12. 据美国农业部(USDepartmentofAgriculture)表示,乌克兰、俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦三国的黑海地区去年出口了840万吨饲料大麦,占1690万吨总贸易量一半。

    The Black Sea region of Ukraine , Russia and Kazakhstan last year exported 8.4m tonnes of feed barley , half the trade of 16.9m tonnes , according to the US Department of Agriculture .

  13. 不过,世贸组织总干事帕斯卡尔拉米(PascalLamy)表示,贸易量的下降似乎正在放缓。

    However , Pascal Lamy , its director-general , said the decline appeared to be slowing .

  14. 对美韩两国而言,FTA的签订将会扩大两国的贸易量、增加两国的福利、增强两国的国际竞争力。

    For U.S. and Korea , the signing of the FTA will expand bilateral trade , increase welfare , enhance the international competitiveness of both countries .

  15. 随着我国加入WTO组织以后,进出口货物贸易量大幅度增加,国际间交往也日益频繁,国际航行船舶入出境的数量迅猛增长。

    With China s accession to the WTO Organization , a substantial increase in import and export trade in goods , international exchanges have become increasingly frequent , international voyages rapid growth in the number of entry and exit .

  16. 近年来由于各国从石油向天然气的能源发展战略转变,使得LNG船舶的海运贸易量增加。

    In recent years , due to the strategic transition of energy development from petroleum to natural gas all over the world , the shipping volume of LNG carriers have been increasing .

  17. 在加入WTO以后,也是我国具有较强国际竞争力的农产品之一,其出口量约占世界出口贸易量的4%。

    At join the WTO hereafter , is also one of the agricultural product that the our country has the stronger and international competition ability , it exports 4 % of the export trade quantity that the quantity about shares the world .

  18. 其最新报告预测,其三十个成员国今年的经济总量将缩减4.1%。贸易量可能降低OECD秘书长葛利亚(AngelGurria)告诉记者,贸易量可能会降低16%,明年的失业人数将比2007年增加2500万人。

    Trade likely to fall OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria told reporters that trade is likely to fall 16 percent , while 25 million more people will next year than was the case in 2007 .

  19. 近年来,世界LNG海运市场的发展蒸蒸日上,海运贸易量逐年攀升,船队的规模也在不断增长,世界LNG海运市场的发展前景广阔。

    Recently , world LNG shipping market has been rising rapidly . The amount of shipping trade and the fleets are going up step by step , and the development of the LNG market is improved widely .

  20. 本文通过分析中国的GDP及其增长率、中国对区域内其它国家的贸易量与投资量及中国的外汇储备方面,得出中国在多重货币篮子中占据主导地位。

    This article analyses Chinese GDP and the rate of increment , China to the region in other national volume of trade and the amount of investment and Chinese foreign exchange reserve , and then making a conclusion the dominant position of china in the multiple currency baskets .

  21. G-3汇率波动对发展中国家和地区可能产生的影响包括:贸易量、外国直接投资、货币危机、债务负担等等。

    G-3 exchange rate volatility may affect developing countries on such variables as follows : trade flows , foreign direct investment , currency crisis , debt servicing and so on .

  22. 果胶的世界贸易量从1985年的17000t增至1995年的27000t,年平均增长率为4%~5%。

    The international trade of pectin from 17000t in 1985 to 27000t in 1995 , register an average increase of 4 % ~ 5 % per year .

  23. 近年来,由于经济危机的影响,世界贸易量急剧下降,BDI受到的影响很大,短短的一年时间内,BDI就降低了11130点,这给航运企业和投资者带来了巨大的损失。

    Recently , because of the economy crisis , there is a sharp decline in the world trade , BDI is influenced heavily . In a short time , BDI went down by 11130 point . It bring a great loss to shipping companies and investors .

  24. 7月份的贸易量升幅达到了2003年12月以来的最高水平。

    The rise in volumes was the steepest since December 2003 .

  25. 上海的对外贸易量也获得了快速发展,并且有其自身的特点。

    It also increases in Shanghai and has its own characteristics .

  26. 尼泊尔与印度间的贸易量也一直保持稳定。

    The trade between Nepal and India has always been constant .

  27. 贸易量不断增长,而吞吐能力比较紧张。

    The volume is increasing , while capacity is under constraint .

  28. 虽然上海超越香港,成为中国最多贸易量的对外关口。

    Shanghai has eclipsed Hong Kong as the busiest gateway in China .

  29. 奶和奶制品的世界贸易量一直比较稳定。

    International trade of milk and dairy products remains stable .

  30. 多亏了他们的高额贸易量,为市场提供了流畅性。

    They provide liquidity to markets , thanks to their high trading volumes .