
jiā bān fèi
  • overtime pay
  1. 他每月挣得不少加班费。

    He pulls in a lot of overtime pay each month .

  2. 威立版权代理公司(WylieAgency)的一位前雇员称,该公司的助理版权代理人的年薪在3万美元左右,通常每周工作50至60个小时,没有加班费。该公司的纽约分分公司通常有8至10位版权代理人。

    A former employee of the Wylie Agency said assistant literary agents there - usually eight to 10 in the New York office - typically earned in the $ 30000s and routinely worked 50 to 60 hours a week without overtime pay .

  3. 他们支付每天150元的报酬,外加加班费。

    They pay $ 150 a day plus overtime .

  4. 大公司的员工有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。

    Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime .

  5. 工人们得到了每周40小时和保证支付加班费的公正待遇。

    The workers were offered a square deal of a40-hour week and guaranteed overtime .

  6. 然而,许多公司都不会支付加班费。

    However , many companies don 't pay overtime .

  7. 2.Overtimepay加班费A:加班费怎么算?

    A : How much is the overtime pay ?

  8. 一般而言,该员工若有一年的专业经验就可能被归类为不适用加班费领取资格的职位(exempt)。

    Generally , after about a year of experience , they would be considered'practicing'professionals and be eligible for exempt status .

  9. 你需要加班费,或者你有个冷酷的老板(《恶老板》(HorribleBosses),有人看过这部电影吗?),这些都强迫你必须加班。

    The need for overtime pay , or a cruel boss , might force you to log long days . ( 'Horrible Bosses , ' anyone ?)

  10. 但即便是把加班费、奖金和其他薪酬项目包括在内,工资上涨幅度似乎仍不到3%,即预期中的日本消费者价格指数(CPI)升幅。

    But even with overtime , bonuses and other payments included , the salary rises still appear to fall short of a 3 % rise expected for the nation 's consumer price index .

  11. 她从没想过申请加班费。她的薪水来自该杂志的出版公司康泰纳仕集团(CondéNast)。

    It never occurred to her to put in for overtime pay , which Cond é Nast , the magazine 's publisher , provides .

  12. 在巴西最大的私营银行Unibanco,工作人员在规定的午餐时间结束前会被转门拒之门外,因为早一分钟进来,工人们就有了要求加班费的理由。

    At Unibanco , a big private-sector bank , the turnstiles are programmed to keep workers out of the building until a minute after their allotted lunch hour ;

  13. 该公司的一位发言人凯瑟琳·沙利文(CatherineSullivan)称:“博雅一直给符合条件的员工支付加班费,以后也将继续支付。”她指出,比合伙人级别更低的员工目前有加班费,也参与24小时监视工作。

    Catherine Sullivan , a company spokeswoman , said : " Burson-Marsteller has always paid , and will continue to pay , overtime to those who are eligible . " She noted that employees below the associate level currently do receive overtime pay and also participate in round-the-clock monitoring .

  14. 但Uber显著提高了他们在高峰期的收入,因此激励司机成为Uber圈子里的一员,甚至让这些司机延长已经够长的工作时间,多拉几位客人(可以把这看成是加班费)。

    Uber effectively increases their take-home pay during surge moments in order to encourage a driver to work within the Uber pool , or even extend their already long day to pick up a few more passengers ( think of it as the price of overtime ) .

  15. 996工作制指的是员工从早上9点工作到晚上9点,每周工作6天,且没有加班费。一位程序员在代码分享平台GitHub网站上创建了996.ICU主页,这种工作制立即遭到抨击,并引发了国内外广泛关注。

    The rules-which require employees to work from 9 am to 9 pm , six days a week without overtime pay-came under fire after a programmer created 996.ICU , a page on code-sharing platform GitHub.com . The page garnered immediate attention at home and abroad .

  16. 工资、安全规章、加班费和体假安排。

    Wages , safety regulations , overtime , and holiday arrangements .

  17. 加班费对在正常工作时间之外做的额外工作所付的报酬。

    Payment for additional work done outside of regular working hours .

  18. 劳动力市场改革削减了遣散费和加班费。

    Labour market reform reduced severance payments and cut overtime remuneration .

  19. 小孩,他有没有付你加班费?

    Kid , he paying you for this late night shit ?

  20. 如果需要,加班费是怎么算的?

    If so , how do you pay for the overtime ?

  21. 如果有,你得到加班费了吗?

    If so , do you get paid more for overtime work ?

  22. 虽然工作经常刻不容缓,但加班费则很优厚。

    Although the work is always urgent , overtime payment is unusual .

  23. 我们每天工作12小时,还没有加班费。

    We have to work 12 hours a day without overtime payment .

  24. 上星期就加班费问题的谈判告吹。

    Talks broke down last week over the issue of overtime pay .

  25. 第一部分主要介绍一则加班费案例,并进行案例分析。

    The first part introduces an overtime case and conduct case studies .

  26. 这将使更多的工人得到加班费。

    It will make more workers eligible for overtime pay .

  27. 某个人工作超时而不索取加班费,这个人是疯了。

    Anyone who works overtime without being paid is crazy .

  28. 除了正常薪水外,加班费另付。

    You will be paid overtime in addition to your regular salary .

  29. 加班费是正常报酬的一倍半。

    The overtime rate be one and a half times normal pay .

  30. 算上加班费,钢铁厂工人的年收入为3.3万英镑。

    Manual workers were on £ 33000 , plus overtime .