
  • 网络Liberal Party of Canada;Liberal Party;Free Party
  1. 作者为加拿大自由党前党魁

    The writer is the former leader of the Liberal Party of Canada

  2. 加拿大自由党

    Liberal Party of Canada

  3. 加拿大自由党在加拿大政治生活中长期居于主导地位是一个值得我们研究的现象。

    The phenomenon that Canadian Liberal Party occupied the domain position for long time is worth studying by us .

  4. 此前,加拿大自由党政府签署加入《京都议定书》,承诺截至2012年,在1990年的基础上减排6%。

    Canada 's former Liberal government signed on to Kyoto , which obliged the country to cut emissions to 6 percent below 1990 levels by 2012 .

  5. 加拿大前总理、自由党人皮埃尔•特鲁多(PierreTrudeau)曾赢得少数族裔的广泛支持,因为他向来自亚洲和非洲的少数族裔敞开了大门,并降低了欧洲新移民为家庭成员提供担保的难度。

    Pierre Trudeau , the former Liberal prime minister , won wide support in ethnic circles by opening the door to visible minorities from Asia and Africa , as well as making it easier for newcomers from Europe to sponsor family members .