
  • 网络German Navy;Marine;Bundesmarine
  1. 看看看二战时的德国海军吧。

    To see what I mean , look at the German Navy in WWII .

  2. 德国海军秘密地为它提供资金。

    Secretly funded by the German Navy .

  3. 他的发现得到了德国海军天文台专家的证实。

    His finding was confirmed by experts at the German Naval Observatory .

  4. 他后来对各项布置的胡乱更动,使德国海军参谋部忧心忡忡。

    His consequent distortion of the arrangements disturbed the German Naval Staff .

  5. 1926年参加德国海军,经过训练后的许多年他都是在海面军舰上服役。

    He joined the German Navy in1926.After training he spent many years on surface ships .

  6. 德国海军医学研究所正在证实它的效果。

    The German navy 's medical institute is checking to see just how effective it is .

  7. 德国海军上将冯施赖伯跑来质问冯特拉普上校为何没有答复电报。

    German Admiral von Schreiber arrives to find out why Captain Von Trapp has not answered the telegram .

  8. 德国海军参谋部打心眼里赞成所有这几次延期;事实上,延期是他们从中怂恿的。

    The German Naval Staff were in hearty accord with all the postponements ; indeed , they instigated them .

  9. 最好的情报就是来自一个丝袜商人,他与德国海军邮局有联系,

    The best ... came from a black market dealer in silk stockings with a contact in the German Naval Post Office ,

  10. 陆军元帅冯-隆斯德当把运送陆军过海的责任明确地交给海军以后,德国海军部就一直表示悲观。

    VON RUNDSTEDT , Field Marshal Once the responsibility for putting the Army across was definitely thrust upon the Navy , the German Admiralty became consistently pessimistic .

  11. 如果德国海军能更加正确地使用这台机器,不要愚蠢地把三个字母重复两遍,那它就不会被波兰人利用。

    If the German navy used the machine ' more carefully ' , then its key systems were perhaps much less transparent than the foolish repeated triplets exploited by the Poles .

  12. 但是,德国海军指挥部情报部门的领导坚持认为,敌人不可能破译通信。

    But the head of the German naval intelligence service at Naval High Command adhered to the opinion that it would be impossible for the enemy to have deciphered the signals .

  13. 同一天,即5月5日,新任德国海军总司令汉斯冯弗雷德堡海军上将来到设在莱姆斯的艾森豪威尔的司令部接洽投降。

    On that day , may5 , admiral Hans yon friedeburg , the new commander in chief of the German navy , arrived at general eisenhower 's headquarters at Reims to negotiate a surrender .

  14. 当把运送陆军过海的责任明确地交给海军以后,德国海军部就一直表示悲观。调查表示德国人「是欧洲最悲观的一群人」。

    Once the responsibility for putting the Army across was definitely thrust upon the Navy , the German Admiralty became consistently pessimistic . The Germans , the survey said , " are the most pessimistic in the region " .

  15. 这使1940年5月期间,政密学校能够解读上个月6天的海军谜机通信,因此增加了大量关于德国海军的加密方式的经验。

    It had enabled GC and CS to read during May 1940 the naval Enigma traffic for six days of the previous month , and thus to add considerably to its knowledge of the German Navy 's ( radio ) and cypher organisation .

  16. 除了1908年建造齐柏林飞艇时德国海军飞艇师粗略的成绩记录,最后的军方模型在北海进行侦察和战争演习——它飞进飓风里时,就在黑尔戈兰北边。

    Despite the German Naval Airship Division 's sketchy track record since the building of the Zeppelin I in 1908 , the latest military model was in the North Sea performing reconnaissance and war maneuvers just north of Helgoland when it flew into a hurricane .

  17. 实际上,为了得到良好的直观图象,使用10行甚至12行扫描线来表示每一行字符。当把运送陆军过海的责任明确地交给海军以后,德国海军部就一直表示悲观。

    In practice , for good visual presentation , ten lines are used , and sometimes twelve , to present a line of characters . Once the responsibility for putting the Army across was definitely thrust upon the Navy , the German Admiralty became consistently pessimistic .

  18. 长官,我是在德国当海军武官的时候,他碰巧派我去完成几项保密性很强的任务。

    When I was naval attache in Germany , sir , he happened to use me on jobs involving high security .

  19. 驻纳粹德国的美国海军武官当然是个人物,您可以给军事准备和两洋舰队打气。

    America 's naval attache in Nazi Germany is certainly somebody . You could strike a blow for preparedness , or a two-ocean Navy .

  20. 然而这种机制并未一直存在,海军型谜机首先取消了这种机制:……1937年4月底,德国改变了海军的指示信号,于是他们只能解出4月30日到5月8日的海军通信,而且全是马后炮。

    It did not last . The naval Enigma was the first to be lost , and6 ... after the end of April 1937 , when the Germans changed the naval indicators , they had been able to read the naval traffic only for the period from 30 April to8 May 1937 , and that only retrospectively .

  21. 代表德国签字的是海军上将弗雷德堡和约德尔将军。

    Admiral Friedeburg and general Jodl signed for germany .

  22. 在德国北部威廉港一个基地,一名德国海军军官得到他女朋友的热烈欢迎,当他从地中海执勤返回时。

    German naval officer gets a warm welcome home from his girlfriend at a base in Wilhelmshaven , northern Germany , as he returns from operations in the Mediterranean Sea .

  23. 文章第一部分从海权的角度阐述德国侵占胶州湾的必然性,作为海权理论实践主体的德国海军的发展和活动将是本文论述的重点。

    The first part of article , from the sea power theory , elaborates the inevitability of Germany invading Jiaozhou Bay .