
  • 网络Deutsches Reich
  1. 首先是由于德意志邦国体制的限制,邦国的议会受到领主土地所有制的制约;

    First , subjecting to severe limitation of the territorial states , the Germany Landtag was enslaved to the seigniorial land ownership .

  2. 德意志联邦共和国西部城市;鲁尔河流域的一个工业中心。

    A city in western Germany ; industrial center of the Ruhr .

  3. 德意志联邦共和国高等职业教育的办学模式与运行机制&德国高等职业教育考察述评之二

    The Running Patterns and Operational Mechanism of the Higher Professional Education in Germany

  4. 德意志联邦共和国对外贸易法

    Foreign Trade Law of the Federal Republic of Germany

  5. 德意志联邦共和国西北部的一个州。

    A state in northwestern Germany .

  6. 按照德意志联邦共和国的相关规定,不再允许在公共道路上驾驶该车辆。

    In the Federal Republic of germany , it is no longer permissible to drive on a public road .

  7. 关于德意志联邦共和国对南非武器禁运执行情况的磋商

    Consultations on the Implementation by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany of the Arms Embargo against South Africa

  8. 本次展览是由广东美术馆和德意志联邦共和国驻广州领事馆文化教育处,共同筹划并举办的。

    This is a cooperated program held by Guangdong Museum of Art and Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Guangzhou .

  9. 德意志联邦共和国从1949年成立之日起,就着眼于欧洲的建设和统一。

    Since the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949 , the government aimed at the construction and unification of Europe .

  10. 德意志联邦共和国是世界上具有较长文化外交历史的国家之一,也是二战之后现代文化外交强国中的一员。今天,德国在欧盟酝酿自己的对外文化战略过程中始终扮演着相对重要的角色。

    As one of the countries with longer history on cultural diplomacy in the world , and also one strong player in modern cultural diplomacy since the World War ⅱ, the Federal Republic of Germany plays an important role in forging cultural diplomatic strategy of the European Union .

  11. 从德意志研究联合会看德意志联邦共和国的研究资助系统

    The research funding system of Federal Republic of Germany as seen from the work of DFG