
  • 网络Reichstag;Reichstag building;Berlin Reichstag
  1. 这座堡垒可能不会像德国国会大厦顶上的玻璃圆屋顶那样吸引众多游客,但人们对它的兴趣正在上升。

    The bunkers may not be so well visited as the glass dome on the Reichstag , Germany 's parliament building , but interest is growing .

  2. 德国国会大厦的墙壁板。

    The slab of Reichstag wall .

  3. 该火车站距离德国国会大厦和总理府很近,可步行前往。

    The station is walking distance from the German parliament and Chancellor building .

  4. 颁奖仪式预计将在柏林的德国国会大厦举行。

    The award ceremony is expected to take place at the German Parliament in Berlin .

  5. 1933年2月27日,建立在德国柏林的国会大厦发生火灾。

    On Feb. 27 , 1933 , Germany 's parliament building in Berlin , the Reichstag , caught fire .

  6. 半夜时,德国国旗将在德国国会大厦升起。

    At midnight , the German flag will be raised over the Reichstag .