
  • 网络Luge
  1. 无舵雪橇在奥运会上被普遍认为是最危险的运动。

    Luge has the reputation of being one of the most dangerous sports in the Olympics .

  2. 在冬奥会开始前,格鲁吉亚无舵雪橇运动员库马里塔什威利在练习中意外身亡。

    Before the Games began , Georgian luge slider Nodar Kumaritashvili was killed during practice .

  3. 艾琳·汉姆林在无舵雪橇女子单人赛中获得铜牌,这是美国在该项目中的首枚奖牌。

    Erin Hamlin gives the US its first medal in women single luge by winning the bronze .

  4. 周二将产生更多的奖牌。自由技巧项目、速度项目以及无舵雪橇比赛都将决出冠军。

    On Tuesday , more medals will be handed out . Among them freestyles game , speeds game and luge .