
  • 网络german;German Food
  1. 尽管它与大多数德国菜都搭配得很好,它的原产地其实是中国。

    While it goes well with most German food , the original was Chinese .

  2. 不是每个人都喜欢德国菜。

    Not everyone likes German food .

  3. 烤猪脚是一道有名的德国菜。

    One famous dish from Germany is roasted pork knuckle .

  4. 饮用德国啤酒下菜。

    German dishes washed down with beer .

  5. 德国是猪肉、啤酒的天下,一提到德国的地道菜式,咸猪手、香肠和啤酒是必不可少的风味名吃。

    Germany is a pork , the beer land under heaven , the local flavour name being essential eats one subway dish style mentioning German , salty pig hand , sausage and beer .