
  • 网络deqing;Deqing County
  1. 德清县耐药肺结核流行情况及危险因素研究

    Epidemic Pattern of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and its Risk Factors in Deqing County

  2. 德清县水资源及其开发利用评述

    Discussion on Water Resouces and Their Utilzation in Deqing County

  3. 德清县森林资源优化发展研究

    Studies on Optimum Development of Forest Resources in Deqing County

  4. 德清县1951-2005年疟疾防治策略和效果分析

    Retrospective Analysis of Malaria Control from 1951 to 2005 in Deqing County

  5. 浙江省德清县1998~2003年病毒性肝炎疫情分析

    An analysis on situation of viral hepatitis in Deqing county , 1998 ~ 2003

  6. 浙江省德清县农田生态系统能量投入的优化

    Optimizing the external energy input into farmland ecosystems of Deqing County , Zhejiang Province

  7. 德清县早园笋产业现状与发展对策

    Industry Situations and Development Countermeasures of Bamboo Shoots of Phyllostachys praecox in Deqing County

  8. 德清县农村人群戊型肝炎感染状况调查

    An Investigation on the Hepatitis E Infection Status in Rural Population of Deqing County

  9. 德清县1996~1999年居民死因调查

    A survey on the death cause of residents in Deqing county from 1996 to 1999

  10. 对德清县农村合作医疗发展状况的调查与思考

    A Research into and Thoughts on the Cooperative Medical Service in the Countryside of Deqing County

  11. 目的评价浙江省德清县三桥镇的社会营养状况。

    Objective To assess the social nutrition condition of Sanqiao Township of Deqing County , Zhejiang Province .

  12. 德清县农业经济分区与种植业结构优化的研究

    Study on Agroecological Economic Zoning and Structural Optimalization of Cropping Systems at Deqing County in Zhejiang Province

  13. 结果表明,德清县水资源数量并不富裕,水质已有不同程度的污染。

    Result showed that water resouces of Deqing county was not prosperous and water was polluted in varying degrees .

  14. 农村能源的合理利用与节能&德清县农村多能源互补优化模式探讨

    Rational Use and Economization of Rural Energy : Study on an Optimal Use Model of Rural Energy in Deqing County

  15. 结果表明,从1995~2003年,德清县县域生态农业系统总体呈现优化趋势,这主要是由资源利用效率提高所致;

    From 1995-2003 , Deqing county agroecosystem of county presented ascending trend on summing index because of the higher efficient resource using .

  16. 现代林业:社会主义新农村建设的有益探索&浙江德清县以工业化模式发展效益林业的调查

    Modern Forestry : A Successful Experience about Constructing New Countryside of Socialism & A Survey Report of Deqing Developing Profitable Forestry according to Industrialization Model

  17. 1974年以来在南京、江苏省溧阳县及浙江省德清县陆续发现刚竹秆褐腐病。

    Since 1974 , culm brown rot of Phyllostachys viridis has been found in Nanjing , Li Yang County of Jiangsu Province and De Qing County of Zhejiang Province .

  18. 两周前,在有关方面对最新的污染案进行调查后,浙江德清县海久电池公司的负责人被拘留,数名地方官员受到记过处分。

    Two weeks ago , the head of Zhejiang Deqing Haijiu Battery Corporation was detained and several local officials received demerits after an investigation into the latest contamination case .

  19. 远在几千公里外的中国东部浙江省德清县的父母对该事故感到非常悲伤,对家附近的巴士安全很有信心。

    Parents thousands of kilometers away in Deqing county in eastern Zhejiang province are very much saddened by the accident , but feel confident about bus safety near home .

  20. 其次,市场开发模式单一、资金管理能力低、科学管理意识薄弱是影响浙江德清县农村私营企业发展的重要内因。

    In fact , market development model is a single , low money management skills , weak awareness of scientific management of important internal factors influence the development of private enterprises of Zhejiang Deqing County .

  21. 通过对传统的土地利用的结构模式及美国、新加坡和台湾省的土地利用模式的分析,结合德清县和青田县的实际情况,提出建设用地集约利用的创新模式。

    Through analyzing the traditional structural pattern of land use and land use pattern of USA , Singapore and Taiwan , we combined the actual condition of Deqing and Qingtian city and proposed the innovative pattern of built-up land use .

  22. 在借鉴农业产业化实践的基础上,对浙江省安吉、德清两县竹业产业化共同利益的形成途径与实现方式作了基本概括,并对共同利益的影响因素进行了分析。

    The forming way and implementing mode of cbbi in Anji County and Deqing County of Zhejiang Province were sum up basically after using the practice in agricultural integration for reference , and the effect factors on cbbi were analysed .