
  • 网络Map Compilation
  1. 地图编绘和复制技术加速改造;

    The speed up of reform in map compilation and printing techniques ;

  2. 图像变换的若干模型及其在地图编绘中的比较应用

    Some Models of Imagery Transformation and Their Comparative Application in Map Compilation

  3. GB《国家基本比例尺地图编绘规范》第2部分和第3部分有关问题的说明

    Details of Some Issues in Compilation Specification for National Fundamental Scale Maps-part 2 and Part 3

  4. 海岸带专题地图编绘相关问题

    Relative Problems in Mapping The Coast Zone

  5. 《中国历史地图集》等图集的完成显示了历史地图编绘的成就。

    The completion of the Historical Atlas of China shows the achievement in the compilation of historical maps .

  6. 蓝图拼贴法是地图编绘作业中的一种重要转绘地图内容的方法。

    The blueprint collage method is an important method for transferring the content of one map to another in map compilation .

  7. 建立了一套旅游地图编绘质量评价的通用指标体系,用模糊综合评判法进行评价。

    The authors establish a set of common indicators of evaluation on editorial and mapping quality of tourist map , evaluating with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

  8. 本文应用图像变换模型对常规地图编绘过程作了图像变换描述,使地图编绘过程上升到图像处理各个步骤的理论高度。

    In this paper models for imagery transformation are provided to describe the traditional map compilation steps , which have been thus raised to a theoretical altitude of imagery processing .

  9. 沙漠化地图的编绘与表示方法&以科尔沁地区为例

    Compilation of the Map of Desertification and Its Indications

  10. 在中、小比例尺地图上编绘地貌要素和水文要素应充分利用卫星像片。

    Satellite photograph should be fully apllied to edit and draw elements of geomorphology and hydrology on middle or small scale map .

  11. 地图数字化生产和数字地图编绘中都需要用到提取骨架线算法,如矢量化和等级变换等。

    Extracting skeleton line of polygon is a frequent operation in map digitization and cartographic compilation , e.g. vectorization and grade transformation . There are many algorithms handling this issue .

  12. 地图自动符号化是地图编绘自动化以至地图制图自动化的一个重要环节,因为符号是地图的语言,是地图的一切。

    As symbol is considered as the language of map , map would mean nothing without it . Undoubtedly automatic map symbolization is an important part of automatic map compilation and even automatic digital mapping .