
  1. 意见提出的主要目标是:到2025年,综合实力、内生动力和竞争力进一步增强,创新能力建设取得明显成效,全社会研发经费投入占地区生产总值比重达到全国平均水平。

    By 2025 , the comprehensive strength and competitiveness of the region should be further enhanced , and marked progress should be achieved in innovation capacity , with its proportion of research and development input in the regional GDP reaching the national average , says the guideline .

  2. 基于灰色关联分析的地区生产总值预测研究

    Research on Local GDP Forecast Based on Grey Relation Analysis

  3. 广西沿海地区生产总值(GDP)与入海污染物变化趋势分析

    Analysis on Trend of Gross Domestic Product of Littoral and Entering-Sea Pollutant in Guangxi

  4. 现有81万人口,2004年全县地区生产总值(GDP)50亿元,工业处于起飞初期。

    It owns a population of 810,000 . The GDP of the county is 5 billion RMB in 2004 , which means the industry is in the beginning of rapid development period .

  5. 研究结果表明,2004年沈阳市所有生态系统服务功能总价值为737亿元,是当年沈阳市地区生产总值(GDP)的40%。

    The study showed that in 2004 the total value of ecosystem service functions was RMB 7.4 × 10 ~ ( 10 ) Yuan , which accounts for 40 % of the GDP of Shenyang .

  6. 实证结果发现,地区生产总值(GDP)和教育经费支出对这些省(市)的非寿险消费有显著的正向影响,交通事故损失和火灾事故损失对非寿险消费的影响为正,但不显著;

    This paper finds that GDP and educational outlay have significant positive effect on the non-life consumption , the traffic accident loss and fire accident loss have positive effect on the non-life consumption , but not significantly .

  7. 文章选取固定资产投资总额、劳动力作为投入变量,地区生产总值、地方财政预算内收入、职工工资总额作为产出变量,运用DEA分析法对中国城市经济效率进行了研究。

    In this paper DEA method is applied to estimate economic efficiencies of Chinese cities , taking fixed asset investment and labor force as input factors , and GDP , local government budgetary income and total wages of workers and staff as output variables .

  8. 通过ECM模型可以发现建筑工程造价的短期波动对自身、地区生产总值、商品零售价格总指数、城镇登记失业率较为敏感,其中仅商品零售价格总指数是负相关。

    Through the analysis of ECM model , it finds that short-term fluctuation of construction cost is sensitive to itself , the gross regional product , registered unemployment rate in cities and towns and general retail price index of commodities which is also the only having a negative correlation .

  9. 利用外资方面,外商直接投资额占地区生产总值比重提高并不会促进技术效率的提高。

    The increase of foreign direct investment does not promote technical efficiency .

  10. 南京房地产业增加值与地区生产总值的数量关联研究

    Quantitative Correlation Analysis of Real Estate Industry and GDP in Nanjing City

  11. 图为辽宁历年地区生产总值表。

    The picture shows GDP of Liaoning over the years .

  12. 地区生产总值增速降至略超过10%的水平,这令人感到意外和难以接受。

    The drop to low double-digit growth has been sudden and unwelcome .

  13. 主要影响因子为游客人数和地区生产总值。

    The number of visitors and GDP have decisive effect on distribution of plants .

  14. 注:本表人均地区生产总值按户籍人口计算。

    Note : Per capita GDP in this table is calculated by household registered population .

  15. 产业结构方面,第三产业占地区生产总值比重越高,越有利于提高地区技术效率水平。

    The proportion of the tertiary industry is higher , the more help to improve the level of technical efficiency .

  16. 从影响技术效率因素的研究中发现,金融发展方面,贷款相对地区生产总值的比重增加能促进地区技术效率的改善。

    In the study of factors influencing the technical efficiency , financial development can promote the regional technical efficiency improvement .

  17. 注:地区生产总值绝对值按现价计算,发展速度按可比价格计算。

    Note : Figures in value terms on GDP are at current prices , whereas growth rates are at comparable prices .

  18. 国际贸易方面,进口额占地区生产总值比重提高不利于技术效率水平的提高,而出口和技术效率之间并没有显著的关系。

    Imports are not conducive to the level of technical efficiency , and there is no significant relationship between export and technical efficiency .

  19. 选取上海与大连进行比较,分别建立了消费、投资、出口、贷款、地区生产总值等5个经济预测模型。

    26 yearly indexes are chosen . We establish 5 economic forecast models of consumption , investment , export , loan and regional production .

  20. 最低工资标准与当地的经济产量密切相关,青海的地区生产总值在全国也居于倒数行列。

    The minimum wage is closely related to local economic output , with Qinghai 's GDP also remaining among the lowest in the country .

  21. 据2005年全国各省、区、市地区生产总值汇总,甘肃省已成为西部最贫困的省份之一。

    According to the aggregate GDP of Chinese provinces in 2005 , Gansu Province has become one of the poorest provinces in the western area .

  22. 产权交易市场对区域经济增长的作用主要体现在以下几点:首先,产权交易市场直接促进了就业和相关服务业的发展,增加了地区生产总值。

    Firstly , the equity exchange market makes direct contribution to the development of employment and related services , and then promotes the growth of GDP .

  23. 改革开放以来,浙江经济持续快速发展,地区生产总值年均增速达到13.2%,一直稳居全国前列。

    Zhejiang has developed rapidly since the reform and opening up . Its regional GDP growth rate reached 13.2 % which consistently ranked in the nation .

  24. 截止到2004年武汉市远城区工业占地区生产总值的比重已经达到22.91%。

    Till the year of 2004 the industrial proportion of the distant suburban area has reached 22.91 % of the total industrial output of the area .

  25. 并与国房景气指数,云南宏观经济景气指数,云南省地区生产总值等一一对比。对云南房地产趋势做出合理的预测。

    At last , contrast national housing climate index , Yunnan macroeconomic climate index and GDP of Yunnan . To make early warnings to real estate of Yunnan .

  26. 建立资源环境承载能力监测预警机制,对限制开发区域和生态脆弱的国家扶贫开发工作重点县取消地区生产总值考核。

    Build monitoring and warning mechanisms for the carrying capacity of natural resources and the environment . End the GDP assessment of key poverty-alleviation areas with fragile eco-systems .

  27. 随着中国经济的进一步复苏,北京市2010年全年实现地区生产总值13777.9亿元,较上年增长10.2%。

    With the economic revival of china , the GDP of Beijing has achieved at 1377.79 billion , up 10.2 % over the same period of last year .

  28. 在此基础上,计算2004年30①个省(市、区)人均地区生产总值的基尼系数、标准差、变异系数等指标,比较修正前后我国地区差距的测算结果。

    On this basis , calculate the Gini Coefficient , Standard Deviation and Variation Coefficient of per capita GDP in 2004 and compare the results of these indexes .

  29. 本文研究得出如下结果:2008年,北京市空气污染治理的环境效益是231.88亿元,占地区生产总值的2.21%。

    The results are as follows : In 2008 , the Beijing environmental benefits of air pollution control measures is 23.188 billion yuan , accounting for 2.21 % of GDP .

  30. 在上周五的一则电话采访中,加州财政部首席经济学家伊雷娜·艾斯门德逊表示,该州2015年的地区生产总值达到2.46万亿美元。

    California was the world 's eighth-largest economy in 2014 , Irena Asmundson , chief economist of the California Department of Finance , said in a phone interview last Friday .