
  • 网络total retail sales of consumer goods;Social Retail Goods;Retail sales
  1. 居民点及工矿用地面积的变化与GDP、社会消费品零售总额和财政收入正相关。

    The changes in residential and industrial area and GDP , the total retail sales of consumer goods and financial income are related .

  2. 根据蓝皮书,2008年和2009年,中国网络购物交易额占社会消费品零售总额的比重分别为1%和2%。

    According to the blue paper , China 's online shopping accounted for1 percent of total retail sales of consumer goods in2008 and2 percent in2009 .

  3. 全年社会消费品零售总额比上年下降3.9%。不过,12月份,社会消费品零售总额同比增长4.6%。

    Growth in retail sales came in at negative 3.9 percent year-on-year last year , but the growth recovered to positive 4.6 percent in December .

  4. 社会消费品零售总额ARIMA模型的建立及预测

    Creating ARIMA Model by the Total Volume of Social Retail Consumer and Forecasting the Trend

  5. 对我国GDP、M1和社会消费品零售总额等经济时间序列构造状态空间模型,并利用模型进行预测。实践表明,状态空间模型具有良好的预测效果。

    China 's economic time series such as GDP , M1 and total retail sale of consumer goods are used to set up the State Space Models .

  6. 对交通用地面积的变化影响最大的GDP,其次是社会消费品零售总额,最后是公路客运量。第三,土地利用变化对生态安全的影响研究。

    GDP is the greatest impact of the changes in traffic land , followed by retail sales of consumer goods , and finally the amount of highway passenger . Third , the impacts on the ecological security by the land use changes are researched .

  7. 建立了一个多元线性回归模型,用于判断何种因素对社会消费品零售总额有较大影响,同时还利用SAS和EXCEL软件对原始数据进行了拟合与检验,拟合效果较为理想。

    A multi linear regression model to judge which factor affects the amount of social consumable retail the most is proposed . EXCEL and SAS software are used to fit and test original data , and the fitting results are satisfied .

  8. 关于我国社会消费品零售总额的分析与预测

    Analysis and forecast about the total volume of social retail consumer

  9. 社会消费品零售总额波动规律及影响因素分析

    Analysis of Total Retail Amount of Commodities ' Fluctuation and Influence Factor

  10. 固定资产投资与社会消费品零售总额增幅也都有所下降。

    Fixed-asset investment and retail sales also dropped .

  11. 深圳社会消费品零售总额对经济增长影响的实证分析

    Demonstration Analysis Of Shenzhen Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods Influence on Its Economy Growth

  12. 然而,3月份社会消费品零售总额、规模以上工业增加值、固定资产投资数据均表现低迷。

    But March retail sales , industrial production and fixed asset investment data all underwhelmed .

  13. 社会消费品零售总额

    Total retail sales of consumer goods

  14. 社会消费品零售总额增长速度超过预期,同比增速高于今年一季度。

    Retail sales grew faster than expected , with year on year growth accelerating from the first quarter .

  15. 最后,从相关方面提出了北京市社会消费品零售总额的发展趋势。

    In the end , proposed the developing trend of the total retail amount of commodities in Beijing .

  16. 今年1-2月份,中国社会消费品零售总额同比增长10.7%,低于去年12月的11.9%。

    Retail sales grew 10.7 % on the year , down from a rate of 11.9 % in December .

  17. 社会消费品零售总额实际增长9%左右;

    The total volume of the actual retail sales for social consumer goods shall be increased by about 9 % .

  18. 社会消费品零售总额是一项重要、敏感的政府统计。

    The total volume of retail sales of the social consumer goods is an important , sensitive ( government ) statistic .

  19. 考虑物价下降因素,社会消费品零售总额比上年实际增长10.2%。

    The real growth of total retail sales of consumer goods was 10.2 percent if price factor was taken into consideration .

  20. 在社会消费品零售总额中,公有制经济占38%,非公有制经济占62%。

    Of the total volume of retail sales , the public and non-public sectors take up 38 percent and 62 percent respectively .

  21. 与此同时,被视为粗略消费指标的社会消费品零售总额,也呈现9年来最低增速,同比增长10.2%。

    Meanwhile , retail sales , viewed as a rough proxy for consumption , grew at a nine-year low of 10.2 per cent .

  22. 通过应用协整技术对我国消费者信心指数与京、津、沪、穗四大城市的社会消费品零售总额之间的关系进行了检验。

    In this paper , we established ARIMA model to the retail amount of social consumer product using some series methods and SAS systems .

  23. 一季度,社会消费品零售总额9256亿元,同比增长10.3%。

    In the first quarter , the volume of retail sales totaled 925.6 billion yuan , up 10.3 percent on last year 's correspond-ing period .

  24. 社会消费品零售总额实际增长16.9%,消费对经济增长的拉动作用明显增强。

    and total retail sales of consumer goods increased 16.9 % in real terms : Consumption played a much bigger role in fueling economic growth .

  25. 全社会消费品零售总额达到26843亿元,3234亿美元,实际增长10.2%。

    Retail sales of consummer goods of the country totaled 2684.3 billion yuan , US $ 323.4 billion , representing an actual increase of 10.2 % .

  26. 全年社会消费品零售总额34153亿元,比上年增长9.7%,考虑价格因素,实际增长11.4%。

    Total retail sales of consumer goods was3415.3 billion yuan , up9.7 percent on1999 , representing a real growth of11.4 percent when allowing for price changes .

  27. 2004年连锁经营销售总额达245亿元,占社会消费品零售总额比重达23.3%。

    In 2004 , the total amount of chained-marketing has achieved RMB 24.5 billion , which occupied 23.3 % rate in the social consumption distribution gross amount .

  28. 影响未利用地面积变化的主要因子是人口、非农比重和社会消费品零售总额。

    The main impact factors of changes in the unused land are the population , the proportion of non-agricultural and the total retail sales of consumer goods .

  29. 我国城乡居民生活水平已经发生了重大变化和极大提高,据权威人士预测,2002年中国寝饰类消费支出占社会消费品零售总额的比率将增加一个百分点。

    According to predict by authorities , the ratio of the total retailing amount of the Chinese bedchamber decorating consume in 2002 will increase one percentage point .

  30. 此外,7月份社会消费品零售总额同比增长12.2%,也低于分析师给出的12.5%的预期。

    Retail sales also rose at a slower rate than analysts expected in July , gaining 12.2 per cent against forecasts for a 12.5 per cent increase .