
  1. 论社会实践活动对创新人才培养的作用

    The Influence of Social Practice on the Training of Creative Talents

  2. 论大学生社会实践活动的价值内涵

    On the value connotation in social practical activities of university students

  3. 第二部分是介绍国家杜马的主要社会实践活动。

    Part Two introduces the major social activities of the Duma .

  4. 社会实践活动中的主客体的统一;

    The unification of subject and object in the social practice ;

  5. 开展大学生社会实践活动的实践与思考

    Practices and Ponderations on Carrying out Social Practice for University Students

  6. 卫生是人类重要的社会实践活动。

    Health is an important social practice which protects human 's health .

  7. 中学社会实践活动的现状分析及对策研究

    Analysis of Existent Circumstances of Social Practice & Countermeasure Research

  8. 开展深入广泛的社会实践活动;

    To develop the extensive and embedded social practice activity ;

  9. 演讲是一种重要的、普遍的社会实践活动。

    Public speech is an important and universal social activity .

  10. 涨落有序律是一个具有普遍指导意义的理论工具,正日益广泛地应用于指导社会实践活动。

    Fluctuation order theory is being widely used to direct social action .

  11. 对新时期大学生社会实践活动的思考

    Thoughts on College Students ' Social Practice Activities in the New Period

  12. 大学生暑期社会实践活动转型改进研究

    Research into Transition Strategies of College Students ' Summer Holiday Social Practices

  13. 预测作为种社会实践活动,已有几千年的历史。

    Prediction as a social practice has been for thousands of years .

  14. 临床医学专业学生社会实践活动模式的研究

    Study on the Method of Social Practice for Medical Students

  15. 新形势下进一步深化大学生社会实践活动的几点思考

    How to Deepen Social Practical Fields of College Students under New Situation

  16. 德育是一种培养人的社会实践活动。

    Moral education is a social practice for cultivating individuals .

  17. 实践是人与环境关系的纽带,人能够通过社会实践活动,能动地改造环境。

    Practice is the link between people and the environment .

  18. 大学生开展口腔保健社会实践活动的思考

    Carrying out Social Practice in Oral Hygiene among University Students

  19. 人力资本开发是重要的社会实践活动。

    Manpower capital development is important social practice campaign .

  20. 结合专业特色紧跟时代步伐&赣南师范学院大学生社会实践活动的探索与思考

    Probe and thought on College Students ' Social Practice

  21. 试述社会实践活动在大学生素质教育中的作用

    Effect of Social Practice on Makings of College Students

  22. 加强社会实践活动,培养应用拓展型人才

    Strengthening Social Practice , Cultivating Applied and Expanded Talent

  23. 电影或录像是记录大型社会实践活动的方式之一。

    Movies or videos are common methods for recording large scale social activities .

  24. 这些是学生社会实践活动取得成功的关键。

    These are the key to the success of students ' social practice .

  25. 新形势下深化大学生社会实践活动刍议

    On Deepening of Colleger Social Practice under New Situation

  26. 农业高校社会实践活动发展模式的研究

    The Development Mode of Social Practices in Agriculture Universities

  27. 大众化背景下大学生社会实践活动的发展趋势

    The Development Trend of College Students ' Social Practice in Background of Popularization

  28. 其次,通过社会实践活动增强大学生的公民意识。

    Secondly , through social practice activities to enhance civic awareness of college students .

  29. 融入各项比赛及社会实践活动和先进典型的宣传上;

    The propagandizing of every competition and social practical activity with the advanced representatives ;

  30. 除了学习之外,我还积极参加各种社会实践活动。

    Besides my study , I also take part in various social practice actively .