
  • 【辩证法】experiential description
  1. 进行了临床经验描述的常用术语符号的解释及部分诊断规则的定义。

    Some work on symbol interpretation and diagnosis rulers defines are performed .

  2. 参考体系结构的另一个有价值的附加物是在项目随后实施过程中的经验描述。

    Another valuable addition to a reference architecture is a description of experiences in supporting applications following implementation .

  3. 你对自己的工作经验描述越完善,就会包含越多潜在的关键字,这就越好。

    The more through your description of your experience , and hence the more potential keywords it contains , the better .

  4. 我们首先对房地产价格与货币供求的关系加以经验描述,在此基础上,建立考虑房地产价格的货币市场一般均衡模型,推出两条与传统理论截然不同的理论假说。

    We set up a general equilibrium model to study the monetary market , which has taken the real estate prices into account .

  5. 作者注重田野调查、经验描述,通过实证分析进行理论提升,从而探询理论实践紧密结合的民间调解研究的新路。

    According to the research , the author also concludes some theory , and finds a new way , which combines theory with practice , for folk-mediation study .

  6. 当前校长培训研究范式意识淡薄,研究长于经验描述,思辨色彩浓厚,缺乏实证研究且研究成果移植和引介的居多。

    At present , this research system has been ignored , with the research being longer than the experience , having the strong sense of description of thought , lacking of the empirical study .

  7. 对技术设计进行详尽的经验描述和理解,是我们有价值地分析处理技术本身的哲学问题及其对我们生活世界影响后果的前提,也是本文所要讨论的中心话题。

    In order to valuably analyzing and dealing with philosophical questions of the technology itself and effect on our lives , the understanding and detail experiential description on technical design is the premise . This is also the central topic to be discussed in the thesis .

  8. 揭示古代思维方式、理论表述和概念范畴的主要特征:以经验描述为主与近取诸身,远取诸物的类推比况;概念、范畴的约定俗成与不舍象。

    We proposed the main characteristics of theoretical indications of ancient times and the concept categories : Mainly using the experience describes and distinguish the primarily with nearly takes the various bodies ; the analogy compares the situation , being established by usage is not abstracted .

  9. AES/无机盐胶束溶液的稳态剪切粘度可用Cross经验方程描述。

    The steady shear viscosity of AES / salt complex solution can be described by the Cross empirical equation .

  10. 报道1例短QT综合征经导管消融多频率室性心动过速(简称室速)和心室颤动(简称室颤)的经验,描述一种Purkinje网络共用多分支折返模型。

    First , to report the successful ablation of multiple episodes of ventricular tachycardia ( VT ) with various rates and fibrillation ( VF ) in a patient with short-QT syndrome . Second , to describe a reentry model of multiple circuits with several shared branches in the Purkinje network .

  11. 这节课中,我们来看下谈及以前经验和描述成就的好的例子。

    In this episode , we examine another good response to the question about previous experience and describing your accomplishments .

  12. 介绍了用半经验方法描述封闭容器内燃料/空气混合气体爆燃最大压力的方法。

    A method of describing the maximum fuel / air deflagration pressure in a closed vessel was presented by using the half-empirical method .

  13. 通过开展多组吹填土样的直剪蠕变试验,总结蠕变规律,选择了合理的经验公式描述了剪应变-时间、剪应力-剪应变的关系。

    Through direct shear creep tests , the creep law is also summarized . Further select an appropriate experience formula which describes the strain-time , stress-strain relationships .

  14. 第二部分是对笔者参与的广西阳朔县旧县村历史村落保护与复兴项目的过程经验进行描述与分析,探索适合中国的历史村落保护与复兴工作策略。

    The second part is about the description and analysis of the conservation and revitalization of Jiuxian village in Guangxi province , to explore the Strategies of conservation and revitalization-of historical village suited to China .

  15. 近二十年来,语文学科教育学经历了一个由教法经验的描述到学法理论的探索,再到发展教学论理论提出的发展历程。

    In recent 20 years , Chinese education has undergone a process from the description of the Touching Experience to the exploration of the Learning Theory , and finally to the appearance of Developmental Teaching Theory .

  16. 对于审美经验的描述和分析,在当代西方美学研究中越来越居于重要而突出的地位,不少美学理论都把审美经验作为其研究的出发点和基础。

    Aesthetic experience for the description and analysis in the study of contemporary western aesthetic increasingly important and prominent position , many aesthetic theories have aesthetic experiences as a starting point and basis for its research .

  17. 第三章是在经验事实描述的基础上,对新中国成立以来我国农业政策的发展进行历史考察和现状评价。第二部分为第四章至第七章,是论文的核心部分。

    The third chapter is to research the history of China agricultural support policy and evaluate the current status ; the second part is from chapter four to chapter seven , which is the core of the dissertation .

  18. 以伏尔泰和孔多塞为代表的法国的历史学家和启蒙思想家在历史进化论的阐释方面给人留下深刻的印象,但是,他们所做的更多的是对历史进行经验的描述,而不是哲学的逻辑反思。

    Represented by Voltaire and Condorcet , French historian and enlightenment philosophers left deep impression in the description of historical evolution theory , but mostly they only gave experience description of history , but not logical reflection of philosophy .

  19. 20世纪80年代初以来,对外汉语语音研究逐渐从经验型描述向实用型研究转变,当前对外汉语语音研究和教学还面临三个问题:(1)语音对比研究的范围相对较窄;

    This article reviews the achievements in the research and teaching of Chinese speech sounds in TCFL since the 1980s , which reveals the trait from experience description to practical research , and points out three existing problems : ( 1 ) a limited contrastive research on speech sounds ;

  20. 基于多年的项目经验,我们描述在性能测试工具中所需要的关键需求,以及IBMRationalPerformanceTestertool是如何被开发来满足这些需求的。

    Based on years of project experience , we describe the key requirements needed in performance testing tools and how the IBM Rational Performance Tester tool was developed to meet those requirements .

  21. 请对你在此活动中所学到之教训及经验做简短描述。

    Description of the most important lessons you learned or insights you gained .

  22. 海洋声速场的经验正交函数描述及声速剖面预报

    Study on Empirical Orthogonal Functions Expression and Prediction of the Sound Speed Field

  23. 设计模式是面向对象设计的经验总结,描述了一个特定的场景和针对它的解决方案。

    Design Pattern is the experience in OOP , and elucidates a scene and a solution for it .

  24. 下文将对该系统以及随内联网引进而积累的经验作一描述。

    At the following , this system and experiences which man had with the importing Intranet will be described .

  25. 这个最佳拟合经验关系式描述了有效压力、孔隙度、渗透率和岩石密度对声波时差的综合影响。

    This formula describes the integrated influence of effective pressure , porosity , permeability and rock density on the acoustic travel-time differences .

  26. 本文给出优化的模糊识别模型,它是模糊识别的新方法,特别在经验系统的描述方面有重要作用。

    The optimization fuzzy discriminating model is obtained . It is a new mothod of fuzzy discrimination . There is important effect in the description of empirical system , especially .

  27. 反演过程中利用经验正交函数描述海水中的声速剖面,并根据已有的声速剖面的观测资料计算得到了相应的各阶经验正交函数。

    In the process of calculation , the sound speed profile is described by empirical orthogonal functions . The empirical orthogonal functions are calculated by using previously measured sound speed data .

  28. 而对于为何以及如何用音乐来辅助中学语文教学,大多数教师也仅仅从实践经验上予以描述。

    As for why , as well as how to use music to support language teaching in secondary schools , most teachers are just from the practical experience to be on the description .

  29. 现象学对人本主义心理学的主要影响:①关注内在经验的直接描述而不是因果分析或实证说明;②关注人的心理活动的主观性和意向性;

    Phenomenology influ enced humanistic psychology by being concerned with ( a ) the direct description of inner experience rather than causal analysis , ( b ) human subjectivity , ( c ) the value and meanings of being a person .

  30. 中医学不是对人体生命运动、疾病过程及治疗疾病等经验事实的描述和记录,而是把观察到的医学现象归结为普遍定律、普遍原理,对经验事实做出的理论解释;

    Traditional Chinese medicine is not much of a experience fact delineation and record on human body vital movement , disease process and disease therapeutics , but a theory explanation on experience fact though making observed medical phenomenon come down to general law and principle ;