
  • 网络classic literary works;classic literature works
  1. 这也为我们阅读经典文学作品提供了新的研究视角。

    It provides readers with a new research perspective of classic literary works .

  2. 注释是一种重要的翻译手段,广泛应用于文学翻译,尤其是经典文学作品的翻译。

    Annotation is an important translation technique widely used in literary translation , especially in the translation of classic literary works .

  3. 他不得不阅读一系列公认的经典文学作品。

    He had to read a canon of accepted literary texts .

  4. 经典文学作品研究性学习的实施策略。

    The implementation strategies of research-based learning of classic literature .

  5. 经典文学作品在语文教材中占有一定的比例。

    Classical literary works occupy a proportion of the Chinese teaching material .

  6. 经典文学作品是文学世界的珍贵遗产。

    Classics are the antiques of the literary world .

  7. 确实,屏性媒体对文学的美感经验冲击巨大,现在读经典文学作品的人在比例上是越来越少了,快餐现象也渗入了文学阅读领域,市面上流行的是通俗作品。

    Truly , the screen media has greatly attacked the esthetic experience of literature .

  8. 重新阐释并挖掘经典文学作品中的生态意识是其重要任务之一。

    Discovering and reinterpreting the eco-consciousness in classical works is one of its important tasks .

  9. 尽管20世纪以来,《呼啸山庄》已经跻身于英国经典文学作品的行列。

    Since20thcentury , Wuthering Heights has been regarded as the most classical Literature its motif .

  10. 它的深刻性一直以来都备受西方经典文学作品评论家们的关注。

    Its profundity has always been attractive to literary critics of the western classical works .

  11. 日本经典文学作品《源氏物语》引用了白居易的很多诗。

    Many of Bai 's poems are quoted in the Japanese classic The Tale of Genji .

  12. 由于译者的意识形态不同,复译经典文学作品显得十分必要。

    Due to different ideologies , it is of great necessity to retranslate classical literary works .

  13. 一部经典文学作品要受各种社会因素和作家自身因素的影响。

    A classical literary work is influenced by all kinds of social factors and the writer himself .

  14. 第二章,通过对经典文学作品中宗教文化色彩浓重的文学风格进行描述,探索其成因。

    Chapter 2 discusses the reasons of the literary style by describing the religious culture in classic works .

  15. 最后,对于评价模式合理运用能促进经典文学作品阅读的有效开展。

    The last , rationally applying the evaluation method could impel us to develop the classical literary reading effectively .

  16. 文学作品,尤其是经典文学作品的多样性翻译经常会让人有耳目一新的感觉。

    The multiple translations for literary works , especially those for the classics often refresh the feelings of the readers .

  17. 经典文学作品是文学世界的珍贵遗产。中国文学是中华民族的宝贵遗产。

    Classics are the antiques of the literary world . Chinese literature is a rich inheritance of the Chinese race .

  18. 从以此为指导而编订出版的各个教材版本来看,各版本高中语文教材都选入了大量的经典文学作品。

    In the teaching materials of various versions compiled under this guideline , a great amount of classic literary output were included .

  19. 这使一些人阅读起来有困难,经典文学作品常常被遗忘在书架上尘封。

    This makes them difficult for some people to read , and often , the classics are left to gather dust on shelves .

  20. 三十年、二十年,在文学作品、尤其是经典文学作品构建起来的历史概念里,算不上什么了不起的数字。

    In the historical conception of literary works especially classic literary works , popularity of 30 years or 20 years is not very impressive .

  21. 重写文学史与重读经典文学作品在当代文学史史学建设及文学作品批评中已经成为一种时尚。

    Rewriting the history and Rereading classical literary works have formed an fashion in the construction of contemporary history of literature and literary works criticism .

  22. 希望通过这样的比较研究增强两国更多文学作品的对比,唤起本国及他国对经典文学作品的重视。

    Hope that through this kind of comparison research to enhance the two more literary works contrast , arouse their and his country to classic literature value .

  23. 本文的主要内容有:一、经典文学作品概念界定及经典阅读的价值和意义。

    The main contents of this thesis are as follow : 1 . The concept and the definition of classic literature , the value and the significance of Reading Literary Classics . 2 .

  24. 首先,经典文学作品是戈尔丁获取创作灵感的第一源泉,特别是希腊文学,对其小说的布局和解决问题的方式都产生了深刻的影响。

    To begin with , Golding gets inspirations from the classic literature , especially the Greek literature , which has far-reaching influences on the structure of his novels and the ways to solving problems .

  25. 面对新课改下的语文教材,经典文学作品的选材与数量的增多无疑是对整个社会大背景的思考之后采取的有意义的教育壮举。

    Facing the new curriculum reform of Chinese teaching material , classic works of literature material selection and increasing is undoubtedly to the social background of after the thinking of meaningful education adopted feat .

  26. 相比之下,当代中国文学在国外的总体接受情况并不乐观,很多中国经典文学作品的译本未得到大众的广泛认可和普遍接受。

    By contrast , the reception situation of contemporary Chinese literature overseas in general is far from satisfactory . Many translated versions of classic Chinese literary works failed to obtain general acceptance and wide recognition .

  27. 欧美国家重视文学教育对青少年道德情感的熏陶作用,始终将经典文学作品的阅读作为阅读教学不可分割的重要部分;

    Europe and America have paid great attention to the edifying influence of literature education on moral character of the young , and have always regarded reading classics as the indivisible important part of reading .

  28. 经典文学作品的美往往源自于对生活中丑陋事物的批判和对读者欣赏及追求美好事物的激励。

    The sense of beauty in a literary classic is usually derived from the criticism of the ugly things in life ; which then turns into the incentive for the reader to appreciate and pursue the beautiful things in life .

  29. 明代小说版画插图开创了中国古代经典文学作品图像化的先河,版画插图首次被创造性地广泛运用于经典小说之中,具有极高的艺术价值和审美价值。

    The Ming Dynasty novel print illustration founded China ancient times the classical literary work image beginning . The print illustration for the first time creatively widely has been utilized in the classical novel , had the extremely high artistic value and the esthetic value .

  30. 文章指出,经典文学作品的审美教育功能就是突出其美学特征,发掘其道德美育与艺术审美内涵,在美的感受和体验过程中,实施语文特有的教育功能。

    The thesis points out that the aesthetic appreciation function of classical literature lies in giving prominence to aesthetic features and digging out its moral aesthetics and art aesthetic appreciation connotation , which refers to enforcing the characteristic education function of Chinese teaching in the course of beauty experience .