
jīnɡ jì ɡànɡ ɡǎn
  • economic lever
  1. 而汇率(ExchangeRate)作为一国主要的经济杠杆和宏观调控的重要手段,在宏观经济中起着重要的作用。

    As the main economic lever and an important means of macroeconomic control of a country , exchange rate plays an important role in the macro-economy .

  2. 货币政策作为经济杠杆调控的效率机制及其有效性

    The Mechanism and Effects of Monetary Policy Working as Economic Lever

  3. 我们将依靠科技进步,发挥市场机制和经济杠杆的作用。

    We will rely on scientific and technological advancement , encourage the role of market mechanism and economic leverage .

  4. 尽管其文化影响力无以伦比,可是美国无此政治意愿、无此经济杠杆,也无此外交信用度和其他收购的国家相竞争。

    Notwithstanding its unrivalled cultural influence , america has neither the political will , economic leverage nor diplomatic credibility to compete with what else is on offer .

  5. 但就在过去几天,北京方面启动了经济杠杆,其敏捷性令人想起“企业号”(starshipenterprise)飞船的轮机长史考特(scotty)将飞船由巡航速度调整为全速前进。

    But in the past few days with the alacrity with which Scotty used to shift the Starship Enterprise from cruising speed to full thrust ahead Beijing has cranked up the economic levers .

  6. 为利用经济杠杆更好地保护地下水资源,把地下水污染造成的经济损失也纳入绿色GDP核算体系,需要对地下水污染造成的经济损失进行评估,但其评估方法至今仍没有研究出来。

    In order to protect groundwater , the economic loss caused by polluted groundwater is taken into consideration of " the check system of Green GDP " . It 's necessary to assess the economic loss raised by groundwater pollution , but the method of assessment has not been procured .

  7. 其原因主要有五个方面:一、经济杠杆的驱动;

    The main reasons are the following : 1.prompted by economic benefit ;

  8. 水价政策&灌溉工程可持续发展的经济杠杆

    Water Price-an Economic Lever to Sustainable Development of Irrigation Projects

  9. 利率是国家宏观调控的重要经济杠杆。

    Interest rate is very important to the macro-control of the state .

  10. 利用投入产出模型研究价格和税收的经济杠杆作用

    Study the economic lever action of price and tax with input-output model

  11. 论经济杠杆在唐代官员奖惩中的运用

    On Economic Levers in the Use of the Tang Dynasty Officials Rewards

  12. 用活经济杠杆,把指导性计划落到实处

    Utilizing Economic Levers Flexibly to Carry out Directive Plan

  13. 利用经济杠杆促进产业结构优化

    Stimulating the optimization of industrial structure by economic lever

  14. 试论经济杠杆的原理及其作用

    On the Principles and Effects of Operating Lever ages

  15. 当前我国信用担保机构的经济杠杆效用发挥并不理想。

    At Present , utility of economic leverage in our country is unsatisfactory .

  16. 本文从分析目前我国严峻的就业形势和税收在宏观调控中的经济杠杆作用及二者内在联系入手,较系统地探讨了影响就业结构改善的税收政策。

    The paper studies the influence of tax policy on employment structure improvement .

  17. 关于经济杠杆的几个理论问题的探讨

    A Discussion about some Theoretical problems of Economic Levers

  18. 经济杠杆的宏观调节模型研究

    A study of macro-control models of economic levers

  19. 税收作为一种经济杠杆,具有较强的宏观调控作用。

    As a kind of economic lever , revenue exerts a strong macro-regulation function .

  20. 微观经济杠杆值域的数学分析

    Mathematical Analysis on the Range of Microeconomic Leverage

  21. 论水价经济杠杆作用的发挥

    Statement the function of water price economical leverage

  22. 充分拉动经济杠杆,对供水、需水及节水将具有重要的影响。

    Pulling the economic lever well will have the important influence on water market .

  23. 软环境的作用实质是利益驱动,即运用经济杠杆来调节经济主体的经济利益。

    It uses the economic lever to regulate the benefits of the economic subject .

  24. 2拉动经济杠杆,建立节水灌溉经济激励机制;

    Startup the economy lever and establish the stimulation mechanism of water saving irrigation ;

  25. 因此,我国的个人信用体系还是应当采用市场化模式运作,用市场竞争和经济杠杆的调控作用进行个人信用资源的合理、有效配置。

    Personal credit resources should be distributed effectively by market competition and economic lever .

  26. 医学整合:人文精神为本,经济杠杆为用

    Economic Level Complements Humanism in Integration of Medicine

  27. 上市家电企业的微观经济杠杆应用分析

    An Application Analysis of the Boarded Electric Enterprises for Family Use with Microeconomic leverage coefficients

  28. 上市公司微观经济杠杆管理的实证分析&基于房地产行业的分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Microeconomic Leverage of Listed Companies & Case Study of Real Estate Industry

  29. 环境税收是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的有力经济杠杆。

    Environmental tax is the powerful economical lever of construction the society of frugal-resource and friendly-environment .

  30. 利率是国家搞好宏观调控的重要经济杠杆,对客观经济与微观经济的发展都有极其重要作用。

    Interest Rate Is the Important Economic Lever for A State Makes A Success of Macroeconomic Contral .