
jīnɡ jì fǎ xué
  • economic jurisprudence
  1. 经济法学的基本假设

    A Fundamental Assumption of the Economic Jurisprudence

  2. 探析学科整合方法是对经济法学教学方法的突破和创新。

    A probe into blended subjects approach is an innovation in teaching method of economic jurisprudence .

  3. 本文在综合运用管理学、经济法学以及相关同际管理体系标准知识的基础上,具体介绍了企业实施SA8000社会责任管理体系的理论基础;

    The paper introduces the theory basis about the SA8000 implementation . Rely on the application of Management 、 Economics and some other relevant Management system knowledge .

  4. 经济法学:理论进路的反思与转向

    Economic Law : Reflection on and Reconstruction of the Theoretical Approach

  5. 从法律经济学的成功看经济法学的危机

    Influence of Law and Economics on the Development of Chinese Economic Law

  6. 经济法学研究框架初探

    A Preliminary Research on the Framework of Economic Law Studies

  7. 信息技术与经济法学课程整合的策略

    Strategies for Integrating Information Technology into Instruction of Economic Law

  8. 高速公路广告设置的技术标准法理研究,是经济法学在高速公路广告设置经济行政中的具体应用研究。

    Technical standards for legal research of Setting highway advertising .

  9. 由此构建出较为科学的中国经济法学课程新体系。

    Finally , a reasonable system of economic law curriculum will be established .

  10. 理论的解释力来自哪里:中国经济法学研究的反思

    Where is Theoretical Interpretative Power from : Rethinking the Study of Economic Law

  11. 关于加强军事经济法学研究的思考

    On intensifying study on military economic laws and regulations

  12. 经济法学课程全程考核模式的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Whole Course Assessment in the Teaching of Economic Laws

  13. 论民族经济法学经济分析方法的必然性

    On the Necessity of the Method of Economic Analysis in Jurisprudence of Ethno-Economy

  14. 在变革中发展深化的中国经济法学

    The Science of Economic Law Developed in the Transformation

  15. 与时俱进的中国经济法学&世纪之交的回顾与展望

    The Chinese Economic Law : Retrospect and Prospect

  16. 走向现代性:中国经济法学发展的历程与启示

    Towards Modernity : Developing Processes and its Enlightenment of Economic Law Study in China

  17. 九五期间中国国际经济法学研究回顾与展望

    On international economic law in China : retrospect of the past five years and prospect

  18. 经济法学基本理论研究的困境与出路

    The Predicament of the Basic and Theoretical Study of Legal Economics and Its Possible Solutions

  19. 论经济法学的特异性范畴

    On the Special Category of Economic Law

  20. 美国对次贷的金融监管及其经济法学思考

    Financial Supervision Over " Subprime Mortgage " of the United States and Its Economic-Law Thinking

  21. 问题及其主义&经济法学研究非传统性之探析

    On the Non-conventionality of Economic Law Study

  22. 而目前中国经济法学研究中某种程度上正好存在这一倾向。

    In fact , the current study of economic law in China exists the tendency .

  23. 企业信用缺失形态的经济法学分析

    On the Forms of the Missing of the Enterprise Credit with the Economic Law 's Analysis

  24. 经济法学方法的思考

    On the Method of Economic Law

  25. 主流经济法学说的确立构成了经济法部门形成的主观条件。

    The establishment of the principal theory of the economic law branch was the subjective conditions .

  26. 社会中间层与第三部门的经济法学辨析

    The Distinction of middle-level stratum of society and the third sector from the Theory of Economic Law

  27. 限塑令的生态学与经济法学思考

    Research on " Ban on Free Plastic Bags " from the Visual Angle of Ecology and Economic Law

  28. 政府与市场的关系:经济法学研究的逻辑起点

    The Relation between Government and Market : the Logic Starting Point of the Science of Law of Economy

  29. 再论国际经济法学的基石范畴&一个跨国经济(公)法的视角

    A Further Study on Cornerstone Categories of International Economic Law Science : a Public Transnational Economic Law Perspective

  30. 本文第二章从经济法学的角度着重阐述了经济活动与奖励性规范之间的关系。

    Chapter II elaborates the relationships between economic activities and Rewarding Legal Norms from the perspective of Economic Law .