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In Chinese minority scientific history research , anthropological methods are adopted consciously or unconsciously .
In the past ten years , great achievements have been made in the researches on scientific and technological history for national minorites , and its institution and faculty are in great strength .
On the conference held in Yinchuan , under the theme of exploring west China and history of science and technology of Chinese minorites nationalities , research achievements on this field were discussed .
Combination and Interaction of the Research on History of Science and Technology and Traditional Craft of Minorities & A Summary of the Eighth International Conference on the History of Science and Technology of Chinese National Minorities and the First Forum on Traditional Chinese Handicrafts
The 8th international conference on the history of science and technology of Chinese national minorities and the 1st forum on traditional Chinese handicrafts was hold in Dali , Yunnan province on Sep 21st to 25th , 2006.More than 100 local and international scholars participated in the conference .
In China northern ethnic art history , this art group with the outstanding unique painting style is called North Prairie Art Group .