
  • 网络Modern Chinese History;the modern history of china;the history of modern china;The rise of Modern China
  1. 他正在写一本有关中国近代史的书。

    Historyhe is writing a book on modern history of china .

  2. 黎锦晖是中国近代史上一位富于科学创新精神的音乐家。

    Li Jin-hui is a creative musician in modern history of China .

  3. 在中国近代史上有着重要影响的廖仲恺、李大钊、陈独秀、彭湃等曾在这里负笈求学。

    People who had a major impact on china 's modern history like Liao zhongkai , li dazhao , chen Duxiu and Peng Pai studied in this institution .

  4. 郑孝胥是中国近代史上颇受争议的人物。

    Zheng Xiaoxu was the controversial figure in Chinese modern history .

  5. 艾奇逊胡诌的中国近代史是什么呢?

    What are Acheson 's wild fabrications about modern Chinese history ?

  6. 从《中国近代史》看蒋廷黻的史学思想

    View Jiang Ting-fu 's Historical Ideas From Chinese Modern History

  7. 鸦片战争扭曲了中国近代史的进程

    The Opium Wars Twisted the Course of Chinese Modern History

  8. 2002年中国近代史研究概况

    The State of Studies on Modern Chinese History in 2002

  9. 试析高师中国近代史教材改革

    Analysis on the Teaching Material Reform of Chinese Modern History in Normal University

  10. 基督教大学是中国近代史上出现的特殊教育机构。

    Christian University was a specialized education that appeared on modern Chinese history .

  11. 中国近代史教育与民族精神培育

    Modern History of China and Development of National Noble Spirit of the Chinese

  12. 以色列的中国近代史研究

    On the Research of Chinese Modern History in Israel

  13. 我们正在研究中国近代史。

    We are studying the modern history of China .

  14. 2003年中国近代史论著目录

    Catalog of Studies on Modern Chinese History in 2003

  15. 中国近代史研究趋势与热点问题述评

    Review of the Research Tendency and the Hot Subjects in Modern Chinese History

  16. 中国近代史、现代史、当代史,有一个一以贯之的时代主题,这就是中国现代化,这是一个跨世纪的大课题。

    The modernization of China has been a great theme of many centuries .

  17. 中国近代史研究需要创新

    On Creativity of Research on Chinese Modern History

  18. 试论将德育教育寓于中国近代史教学中

    Talking about Moral Education Involved in History Teaching

  19. 试论历史人类学与中国近代史研究中的几个问题

    Reviews on Historical Anthropology and Modern Chinese Research

  20. 论中国近代史学科的形成

    On the Formation of Modern Chinese History as a Branch of Learning in China

  21. 九五期间中国近代史研究综述

    A Comprehensive Report of Study on Chinese Modern History during the Ninth Five-year Plan

  22. 浅谈中国近代史的情感教学

    On Emotional Teaching in Modern History of China

  23. 中国近代史上最辉煌的画卷&纪念辛亥革命九十周年

    The Most Brilliant Picture in Chinese Modern Times

  24. 梁启超是中国近代史上一位卓有成就的新闻人,他在新闻史上的地位十分重要。

    Liang Qi-chao was an eminent man in Journalism in the modern history of China .

  25. 中国近代史是一部民族苦难与血泪交织的历史;

    China 's modern history was a history suffering from interweaves with the tragic experience .

  26. 中国近代史分期与基本线索论战述评

    The Commentary on the Polemics of Division and Basic Clew of the Chinese Modern History

  27. 谭嗣同是中国近代史上非常重要的哲学家之一。

    Tan Sitong is one of the most important philosopher in the Chinese modern history .

  28. 澄清这一时期中外关系复杂的性质,对中国近代史研究具有重要意义。

    The reappraisal of Qing 's diplomacy is important in the modern Chinese history 's study .

  29. 孙中山是中国近代史上有着重要影响的革命家、政治家,也是一位杰出的宣传家。

    Sun Yat-sen , a revolutionary and politicians , has great influence on modern Chinese history .

  30. 近代社会发展的三个阶梯&以文化的观点诠释中国近代史

    Three Stages in Modern Social Development & Interpretation of the Chinese Modern History from Cultural Perspective