
  • 网络Modern Chinese history;Chinese Contemporary History;Chinese Modern History;Contemporary History of China
  1. 英模现象是中国现代史上特有的一种社会文化现象,在任何时代,任何国家都没有象新中国那样如此大规模地倡导和塑造英模。

    Hero-model culture is a unique social and cultural phenomenon in the contemporary history of China . No country at any time has ever promoted and shaped heroes and models at such a large scale as done by new China .

  2. 作为中国现代史上著名的新闻出版家和政论家,邹韬奋是一个有着重大影响的历史人物。

    Zou Tao-fen is a great influence person in modern Chinese history .

  3. 这种思想在中国现代史上并不存在。

    There is no heritage of this in China 's modern history .

  4. 在中国现代史上,他是一个比较复杂的历史人物。

    In the Chinese contemporary history he was a relatively complicated figure .

  5. 关于中国现代史课堂教学方法的几点尝试

    An attempt to reform the classroom instruction of the course in Chinese contemporary history

  6. 北京由于这在中国现代史上光荣的革命传统而著称。

    Beijing is well known for its glorious revolutionary tradition in modern Chinese history .

  7. 中国现代史上的张申府

    Zhang Shen fu in Chinese contemporary History

  8. 2002年中国现代史若干问题研究的回顾与思考

    A Retrospection and reconsideration of several Problems Concerning Chinese Contemporary History in the Year 2002

  9. 更为可贵的是,他们表达了对人道、文明的现代生活方式的深刻认同,因而是中国现代史上的重要一页。

    And valuably , they expressed a profound agree to humane and civilized modern life style .

  10. 中国现代史课堂教学方法改革是一项十分复杂艰巨的系统工程。

    The classroom instruction reform in the course in Chinese contemporary history is a quite complicated and arduous project .

  11. 一幅中国现代史的病理图&浅谈鲁迅杂文《现代史》

    A Pathological Picture of Chinese Contemporary History & A brief talk on the essay Contemporary History written by Luxun ;

  12. 关于杨虎城与西安事变,乃是中国现代史研究中较为薄弱又极具学术价值和现实意义的一个课题。

    The topic of Yang Hu-cheng and the Xi'an Incident enjoys much academic value and historic significance in modern Chinese History .

  13. 晏阳初是中国现代史上一位著名的平民教育家,乡村建设运动主要代表之一。

    Dr James Yen was an eminent mass educator as well as one of the representatives of the Rural Reconstruction Movement in modern Chinese history .

  14. 在中国现代史上,新文学的发展与现代大学的建立有着非常密切的联系。

    In the modern history of China , the development of the New Literature and the foundation of modern universities have a very close relationship .

  15. 作为中国现代史上一个特殊的时空段,孤岛文学也以其鲜明的独立性凸现于现代文坛。

    As an especial space-time period in the Chinese modern history , " GuDao " Literature shows on the modern literature world with its vivid independency .

  16. 张爱玲是中国现代史上的一位传奇人物,她不仅创作了大量文学作品,也翻译了不少著作。

    Zhang Ailing was a legendary figure in Chinese modern history . She not only wrote numerous works , but also translated a relatively large number of works .

  17. 延安时期是中国现代史上极为重要的一段,有学者讲:‘五四’发现了人,延安改造了人。

    The Yan ' an Period is an important time in modern Chinese history . A scholar said , Talented people were found in May 4th Movement of 1919 .

  18. 斯彭斯主讲的中国现代史课程一度在开学后的第一天的试听课上引来了650名学生,他不得不把人数限制在400名,也就是耶鲁最大的演讲厅所能容纳的人数。

    Spence 's course on modern Chinese history once drew a first-day crowd of650.He had to limit enrollment to400 , the capacity of the largest lecture hall at Yale .

  19. 上世纪80年代是中国现代史上最具变革意义的时代,也是一个真正意义上的创造性时代。

    The time of 1980s is the most significant era of change in modern history of China , and it is also in its true sense of creative year .

  20. 在中国现代史上,恐怕没有哪一种哲学或理论能像马克思主义那样留下如此深刻的影响,并至今占据思想界的主导地位。

    There might be no other philosophic thinking and theories but Marxism which has occupied the dominant position in the ideological field with a profound influence in contemporary Chinese history .

  21. 它将成为中国现代史上的一个重要时刻,也将是一个世界认识中国的极好机会。

    However , there is something very special about the upcoming events in Beijing , an important moment in history for modern China and for the world 's perception of China .

  22. 魏宏运教授是中国现代史研究的知名专家,是20世纪50年代最早投身中国现代史研究的学者之一。

    As one of the famous scholars on the modern Chinese history research , Professor Wei Hong yun was one of the early scholars who pioneered the modern Chinese history studies .

  23. 3张学良生长在中国现代史上最动荡的时代,他很想通过研究历史找出中国社会不安定的根源。

    Finally , living in the most unstable era in the Chinese history , he wanted to work out the causes of the instability by studying the history of the Ming dynasty .

  24. 因为左脚受伤,姚明四个月前退役。他现在上数学、英语和中国现代史这些高中时就很喜欢的科目。

    Yao , who retired four months ago because of chronic injuries to his left foot , is taking classes in mathematics , English and modern Chinese history-a subject he enjoyed in high school .

  25. 卢沟桥事变是中国现代史上一个重大事件,它历来是学术界研究的重点,不过,关于卢沟桥事变的国际反应这方面的研究相对薄弱。

    Lugouqiao accident is a very important event in modern China 's history , which is always the significant issue in academe , but the response of international society about this accident is a little weakness .

  26. 辛亥革命作为一个震惊世界的的政治事件,在中国现代史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,这是民主共和的旗帜第一次飘扬在中国的土地上。

    Leaving the brilliant impression on China modem history , the Xinhai Revolution is a great piece of political affair shocked around the world , which is the first time to flag Democracy republic on China .

  27. 论中国现代文学史上的自由主义思潮

    Trend of Liberalist Thought in the History of Modern Chinese Literature

  28. 论现代性与中国现代文学史研究的理论预设

    Modernity and Theoretical Presupposition in the Study of Modern Chinese Literature

  29. 丁文江是中国近现代史上的一位奇人。

    Ding Wenjiang is a legend in modern history in China .

  30. 中国近现代史你都开设了哪些课程?

    How many courses do you study in Modern China History ?