
ɡòu zào dì zhì xué
  • structural geology
  1. 聘请外籍专家讲授《构造地质学》课程的启示

    The Reflection on Inviting Foreign Expert to Instruct Structural Geology

  2. 三维参照变形和应变相是最近构造地质学领域中取得的重要进展。

    Three dimensional reference deformations and strain facies are new advances in structural geology .

  3. 构造地质学计算机辅助教学课件(SGCAI)利用数据库、图形动画及多媒体等技术,对地质学基础课程的计算机辅助教学研究作了初步探索。

    It is essential to develop quality geological CAI application software for teaching purpose . Here we present a courseware of Computer Aid Instruction for Structural Geology ( SGCAI ), which includes a large capacity of database , cartons and multimedia technique .

  4. 关于构造地质学中应变椭球体问题的讨论

    The discussion on the ellipsoid concept in study of structure geology

  5. 中国构造地质学如何面向21世纪

    How does tectonic research face the challenge of 21st century in China

  6. 许多著名的构造地质学专家和学者对其作出了开拓性和创新性的研究。

    Many well-known experts and scholars have made pioneering and innovative research here .

  7. 岩石学、地层学和构造地质学方面诸多证据都说明这种划分的合理性。

    This division is supported by many evidences in petrology , stratigraphy and tectonics .

  8. 古地磁数据是构造地质学定量探讨地块运动的重要数据。

    Paleomagnetic data is a key data for quantitative investigating block motion in tectonic geology .

  9. 完善《(石油)构造地质学》教学体系,培养高素质石油专门人才

    Perfect the Teaching System of ( Petroleum ) Structural Geology and Cultivating High-quality Petroliferous Professionals

  10. 油气田开发阶段的构造地质学研究

    Structural Geology in Stage of Reservoir Development

  11. 引进了构造地质学中的尺度概念;

    The concept of scale is introduced ;

  12. 赤平投影在构造地质学中应用的进展

    Application of stereographic projection in structural geology

  13. 构造地质学的发展趋势

    Developmental tendency of structural geology

  14. 勘探开发地质师,地球物理学家以及需要了解挤压构造地质学及平衡法的任何人员。

    Exploration and development geologists and geophysicists or anyone requiring knowledge of compressional structural geology and balancing .

  15. 库车盆地北部冲断带气源的构造地质学证据

    Structure Geological Evidences on Natural Gas Origin in the North Thrust Belt of Kuqa Basin , Northwestern China

  16. 对近十年来全球构造学和构造地质学的重要进展进行了简要评述。

    The major progresses of the global tectonics and structural geology in the last 10 years are reviewed .

  17. 问题引导式教学模式的实践与体会&以构造地质学课程教学为例

    Practice and Experience about Teaching Mode by a Series Question Brought Forward Taking Structure Geology as an Example

  18. 造山带与沉积盆地的耦合过程是21世纪以来构造地质学研究的一个热点。

    The couple between orogen and sedimentary basin has been one of hotspots in tectonic geology since 21st century .

  19. 构造地质学是地质学中的一个重要分支学科,近来显得不大景气。

    Structural geology and Tectonics is an important branch of geology , which shows no prosperity in recent years .

  20. 《构造地质学》是地质学的一门基础课程,是地质工作者必须掌握的重要课程之一。

    Structural Geology is a basic subject of geology and one of the most important subjects that geologists must study .

  21. 在构造地质学中,断层上盘和下盘的相对位移运动特征是划分各种类型断层的一个主要因素。

    In structural geology the relative movement of the banging wait and footwall is a major factor to classify various faults .

  22. 赤平投影及以赤平投影为工具的组构解析是构造地质学中的非常重要的方法。

    Stereographic projection and the structural - fabric 's parse based on Stereographic projection is the most important method in tectonics .

  23. 第32届国际地质大会系统地反映了构造地质学近年来研究的最新成果。

    The updated fruits in the structural geology and tectonics were brought forth in the 32nd International Geological Congress ( IGC ) .

  24. 构造地质学、大地构造学和全球构造学是三个尺度的构造学研究领域,它们平行交叉而且互有扬弃。

    Structural geology , geotectonics and global tectonics are three research fields in different dimensions with mutual interaction and their own emphases .

  25. 行星构造地质学当然,太空望远镜并不是什么新事物,并且已经有几个已经在使用中了(见文章)。

    Plate tectonics Space telescopes are nothing new , of course , and several more are in the works ( see article ) .

  26. 讨论正断层两盘突出煤体的分布规律对于构造地质学也具有一定的启示。

    A discussion on the distribution law of outburst seam in the two walls of the normal fault has a certain apocalypse to the geology .

  27. 构造地质学课程培养学生观察、描述、分析地质和综合解决地质问题的能力。

    The subject of Structural Geology mainly trains the ability of students in observation , description , analysis , and solution of the problems in structural geology .

  28. 基于构造地质学中断层、褶皱的几何形态及描述要素,总结出在地质剖面图上反映断层、褶皱的方法。

    The method to show fold and fault on the section is proposed on the basis of the geometrical shape and description elements of fold and fault .

  29. 该认识对石油、工程和找矿部门具有实际指导作用,对构造地质学的理论研究具有深化认识的意义。

    This view has practical guidance significance for the petroleum , engineering and mineral prospecting sectors and also deepens the understanding in the theoretical study of structural geology .

  30. 由于地体中存在大量的断层,故断裂力学逐渐被运用到构造地质学中并推动构造地质学得到了一定的发展。

    There are so large amounts of fault in earth that the fracture mechanics is applied to the structural geology and the structural geology get a certain development .