
ɡòu zào dì zhèn
  • tectonic earthquake
  1. 矿山地震是一种与开采有关的构造地震。

    Mine earthquakes are a kind of tectonic earthquake related to mining .

  2. 完整岩体压剪破裂失稳是构造地震的另一种可能孕震机制。

    The fracturing of initial rock mass is another mechanism of tectonic earthquake .

  3. 遥感-岩石力学(II)&断层双剪粘滑的热红外辐射规律及其构造地震前兆意义

    Remote SENSING-ROCK mechanics ( ii ) & laws of thermal infrared radiation from VISCOSITY-SLIDING of BI-SHEARED faults and its meanings for TECTONIC EARTHQUAKE OMENS

  4. 该区震源深度的分布同地壳Q结构表现有良好的相关性,在东部地区绝大多数的构造地震发生在Q值较大的地壳中部层位内。

    The distribution of hypocenter depth in the area has shown a good correlation with the crustal Q structure , with most tectonic earthquakes in the eastern part occurred in the middle layer where the Q value is comparatively large .

  5. 在时间上,上涌对构造地震的触发滞后于隆起过程。

    In time , triggered time behind the process of mantle uplift .

  6. 构造地震的局部内应力源模式

    A local internal stress model of tectonic earthquakes normal mode

  7. 地壳内部大多数强震是构造地震,是构造活动的产物。

    Earthquakes in the continental lithosphere are the result of tectonic motion .

  8. 盆地构造地震地面运动速度和加速度分布特征的数值模拟

    Velocity and acceleration characteristics of seismic ground motions related to basin structure

  9. 前陆冲断带复杂构造地震成像技术对策

    Technical countermeasure of seismic imaging for complex structure in foreland overthrust belt

  10. 大陆上火山与构造地震的同步活动概述

    A General Account of Synchronous Activities of Continental Volcanos with Tectonic Earthquakes

  11. 构造地震和地壳变动型海啸之间不是因果关系,而是伴生或共生关系。

    The tectonic earthquake-faulting tsunami relation is not causality , but juxtaposition .

  12. 塔东南若羌构造地震采集技术应用研究

    Seismic Acquisition Technology in Ruoqiang Structure of Southeast Tarim Area

  13. 复杂构造地震叠前深度偏移方法及应用

    The method of complex structure imaging and its application

  14. 喀什奇异震群与构造地震的对比研究

    Comparison research on " bizarre earthquake swarms " and tectonic earthquakes in Kashi

  15. 断层网络可视为一浅源构造地震的蕴震系统。

    Fault network can be seen as a seismogenic system of shallow source .

  16. 四川东部陡构造地震资料解释

    The seismic interpretation of steep anticline in east Sichuan

  17. 三峡重点监视区构造地震与矿震时频谱特征分析

    Analysis of time-frequency characteristics of wave spectrum between tectonic earthquake and mine earthquake

  18. 复杂构造地震资料成像新技术的开发应用

    Development and application of new imaging technique for seismic data of complex structure

  19. 浙江东、南几次水库构造地震的特点

    The property of reservoir earthquake in the east & the south of Zhejiang province

  20. 山地复杂构造地震成图方法探讨

    Seismic mapping of complex structures in mountainous areas

  21. 济源工区复杂构造地震资料再处理方法试验效果分析

    Experimental result analysis of seismic data reprocessing methods in complex structures of Jiyuan area

  22. 珊溪水库地震与构造地震波谱时-频特征的对比研究

    Contrast of time-frequency characteristics of wave spectrum between Shanxi reservoir induced earthquake and tectonic earthquake

  23. 低幅度构造地震解释探讨

    Discussion on interpretation of low amplitude structures

  24. 构造地震与塌陷地震对比研究

    Comparative study of tectonic and collapse earthquakes

  25. 一个简化的解释这件事,可以发现,在构造地震的性质。

    A simplified explanation for this can be found in the nature of tectonic earthquake .

  26. 构造地震的前兆理论震源孕育的膨胀蠕动模式

    On the theory of precursors of tectonic earthquakes & dilatancy - creep model of earthquake source development

  27. 地震是一种自然灾害,而其中以构造地震的破坏性最强。

    The Earthquake is natural disaster , and the structure earthquake is the most destructive one in the earthquake .

  28. 本文应用弹性半无限空间内均匀膨胀的球体对球上介质的作用,作为地幔快速上涌触发构造地震的力学模型。

    A homogeneous dilated sphere in the hemi-infinite elastic space is taken as the mechanical model of the quickly uplifted mantle .

  29. 因而,保幅的叠前时间偏移处理是类似地区高精度三维采区构造地震勘探的必要手段。

    Hence prestack time migration of amplitude-preserving is an effective method for high accuracy3D structure-oriented seismic exploration in complex mining areas .

  30. 塌陷地震S波最大振幅随距离的衰减比构造地震快。

    The attenuation of the maximum amplitude of s wave of collapse earthquakes with time is faster than that of tectonic earthquakes .