
  • 网络Tectonic dynamics;structural dynamics
  1. 从构造动力学角度分析其成因以解决勘探开发问题,对于油气勘探开发具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    The exploratory problem was analyzed by structural dynamics . It is very important to exploration activity on theory and reality .

  2. 结合区域构造动力学背景进行了原型盆地分类:早、中侏罗世盆地为压性盆地,分为大中型坳陷盆地和小型坳陷盆地;

    Combined with the background of regional structural dynamics , prototypes of basins are classified : Early Middle Jurassic basins are compressive ones which can be further classified into large , medium and small depression basins .

  3. 所得结果也与采用Raman光谱所测得的实验结果比较符合,但其复杂的旋转操作使构造动力学矩阵不够简便。

    The result agrees well with the experimental results which obtained by measuring Raman spectrum . But its complex revolutional operation made constructing dynamics matrix so complicated .

  4. 由多个推覆体板片和形成众多Siwalik期山前褶皱的印度次大陆俯冲断层构成的体系展示了喜马拉雅新构造动力学的主要过程。

    The Hindus subcontinental underthrust fault system consisting of several nappe plates and many piedmont folds of Siwalik demonstrates the main processes of Himalayan neotectonic dynamics .

  5. 从成矿构造动力学探讨脉状金矿床成矿深度

    Calculation of metallogenic depth of lode gold deposits from mineralization structure-dynamics

  6. 云南兰坪&维西地区构造动力学分析

    Analysis on the Geodynamics of the Lanping-Weixi Field , Yunnan Province

  7. 渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷新生代结构特征及构造动力学模式

    Cenozoic Structure Features of Huanghua Depression and Its Structure Dynamics Model

  8. 中国主要含气盆地构造动力学类型与天然气地质条件

    Dynamic Types and Geological Conditions of Gas-Bearing Basins in China

  9. 矿井瓦斯评价与预测的构造动力学方法

    Structural Dynamic Method of Mine Gas Evaluation and Prediction

  10. 随着大陆动力学研究的深入,活化构造动力学机制的研究也获得了较快的发展。

    Study on dynamics of activated structure is developing with the study on geodynamics .

  11. 东秦岭佛坪穹隆变质作用与构造动力学分析

    Analysis of metamorphism and tectonic dynamics of domes in Foping County of East Qinling

  12. 腾冲火山活动构造动力学研究

    Dynamics study of tectonics on Tengchong volcano activity

  13. 盆地构造动力学研究的弱点、难点及重点

    The weakness , difficulty and key point in the study of basin tectonic dynamics

  14. 关于全球板块构造动力学机制的讨论

    Discussion on Dynamic Mechanism of Global Plate Tectonics

  15. 对新疆东北部地区二叠纪构造动力学背景的研究,前人已经做过很多工作,但争议较大。

    The study on the Permian dynamic background of northeast Xinjiang has gained more consideration .

  16. 中国大陆东部盆地构造动力学分析

    Geodynamics of sedimentary basins in eastern China

  17. 流体构造动力学及其研究现状与进展

    Tectonic dynamics of fluids and its advance

  18. 准噶尔盆地构造动力学过程

    Geodynamics process in the Junggar Basin

  19. 活化构造动力学机制是活化构造理论的研究重点。

    The dynamics of the activated structure is the key problem of the activated tectonic theory .

  20. 第一次地球构造动力学学术会议在兰州举行

    First Symposium on geodynamics in Lanzhou

  21. 日本南海海槽地震区域应力场及其板块构造动力学特征

    Regional characteristics of stress field and its dynamics in and around the Nankai trough , Japan

  22. 活化构造动力学机制的研究发展,是对大陆动力学研究的促进。

    The development in the study on the dynamics of activated structure can promote the study on continental geodynamics .

  23. 成矿反应热力学性质和反应进行的程度&矿石品位受所处的地质环境和构造动力学条件的制约。

    The thermodynamic features and reactive degrees of ore forming reaction were controlled by geological setting and conditions of tectonic dynamics .

  24. 早白垩世末期以来,太平洋板块的俯冲作用对东北亚东部构造动力学环境的影响渐趋明显和增强。

    Tectonic dynamics environment of East-Asian continent enhanced after the subduction of Pacific plate at the end of the early cretaceous .

  25. 这将直接影响和制约着人们对中新生代盆地构造动力学演化及其资源效应的认识与评价。

    It will directly affect and restrict the understanding and evaluation of structural dynamic evolution and the resource effect in the Meso-cenozoic basin .

  26. 特提斯洋关闭和印度板块持续推挤是中国西部前陆盆地形成的构造动力学背景。

    Closing of Tethys and continuous compressing and squeezing of Indian plate were the tectonic dynamics background for the formation of foreland basins in western China .

  27. 所以,金窝子金矿田2种不同金矿化类型是同一成矿作用在不同控矿构造动力学条件下的具体表现。

    Therefore , the two gold mineralization types in the orefield are different expressions of the same mineralization under different tectonic-dynamic conditions of the ore-controlling structure .

  28. 从花岗岩浆的形成、融体分离、岩浆上升到岩体定位以及变形改造的全过程都蕴含着丰富的构造动力学信息。

    The process from generation of magma , melt segregation , magma ascend , to emplacement as well as deformation rework contained abundant information on tectonic dynamics .

  29. 马尼拉海沟中北段俯冲带特征对比及区域构造动力学研究大陆俯冲带的深部流体及变质化学地球动力学&以苏鲁超高压变质带为例

    Tectonic Dynamics Research and Subducting Characteristics Comparison between Middle and Northern Part of Manila Subducting Belt ; Fluids from the Deeply Continental Subduction Zone and the Metamorphic Chemical Geodynamics

  30. 着眼本区构造动力学背景、区域构造特征,综合分析构造对油气的控制作用:①局部构造演化阶段与天然气分布;

    From dynamics background and tectonic characteristics , the author discussed the regional structure and its control to oil and gas reservoir : ① Structural evolution stages and gas distribution ;