
bǎo mì
  • secrecy;maintain secrecy;shroud;hugger-mugger;keep sth. secret;keep back
保密 [bǎo mì]
  • (1) [keep sth. secret]∶保守事物的秘密,不使泄漏

  • 这事绝对保密

  • (2) [hugger-mugger]∶密而不宣

保密[bǎo mì]
  1. 为了保密,他总是从右往左写,就和镜像里一样。

    To maintain secrecy he wrote always in a mirror image from right to left .

  2. 认定商业秘密应同时具备秘密性、价值性、实用性、保密性4个特征;

    Affirm business secrets should have four characteristics , which is the property of secret , value , practical and maintain secrecy ;

  3. 明年的时装系列仍在保密之中。

    Next year 's collection is still being kept under wraps .

  4. 我没能把这条消息严格保密。

    I wasn 't very successful at keeping the news secret .

  5. 为了姓名保密,书中的人用的都是化名。

    Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity .

  6. 审讯在高度保密下进行。

    The trial was conducted under a blanket of secrecy .

  7. 当然,我的信纯属私人信件,务须保密。

    My letter is , of course , strictly private and confidential .

  8. 你如果能对此保密,我将不胜感激。

    I 'd be grateful if you would keep it a secret .

  9. 委员会的审议过程是绝对保密的。

    The deliberations of the committee are completely confidential .

  10. 我必须强调,我告诉你的一切都要严加保密。

    I must stress that everything I 've told you is strictly confidential .

  11. 那档案已标明“保密”。

    The file was labelled ' Private ' .

  12. 为了保密,这些文件都加了锁。

    These files are locked to protect confidentiality .

  13. 他们都宣誓保密。

    They were all pledged to secrecy .

  14. 所有相关人员均宣誓保密。

    Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy .

  15. 他们的身份保密。

    Their identities were kept secret .

  16. 如果我们试图保密,她肯定会发现。

    If we try to keep it a secret , she 's guaranteed to find out .

  17. 他们窃取了保密数据。

    They had hacked secret data .

  18. 国家安全常被用作对一些事情保密的挡箭牌。

    National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential .

  19. 总统的健康状况已经没有保密的必要。

    The secrecy about the President 's condition had ceased to matter

  20. 这位议员被控违反了保密规定。

    The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules .

  21. 警方一直设法将这些文件保密。

    The police have been trying to keep the documents secret .

  22. 比赛的时间和地点必须保密。

    The date and venue of the game must remain under wraps

  23. 这份材料里只有一些已公开的、非保密性质的信息。

    The material consisted only of already published , unclassified information .

  24. 确切地点因为安全原因要保密。

    The exact locations are being kept secret for reasons of security .

  25. 认为此次访问能够保密是可笑的。

    It was ludicrous to suggest that the visit could be kept secret

  26. 你的所有答复都将绝对保密。

    All your replies will be treated in the strictest confidence

  27. 它的成员受到包括保密在内的一套严格的伦理规范的约束。

    Its members are bound by a rigid code of ethics which includes confidentiality

  28. 在正式通知亲属前,伤亡人员名单暂时保密。

    Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives

  29. 本届政府在保密方面做过了头。

    This government has developed an unhealthy obsession with secrecy

  30. 他们信誓旦旦地保证将对此绝对保密。

    They had given an absolute assurance that it would be kept secret .