
  • 网络available reserves
  1. 然而,湖南锡铅锌资源保证程度不高,现有锡铅锌保有储量保证年限均在10a以下,很难满足日益增长的国内外需要。

    But the retained reserves of Sn , Pb and Zn is not enough to exploit the minerals over ten years , and is difficult to meet increasing demands from domestic and abroad .

  2. 山东省是中国岩金的最重要产地,金矿储量、保有储量和年产量3项指标,均占全国首位。

    Shandong Province is the most important producing area of rock gold in China .

  3. 经过多年的开发利用,区内煤炭的保有储量严重不足。

    Local coal reserves of this area is serious shortage after being development and utilized for years .

  4. 矿山资源保障能力的大小受生产能力、矿石品位以及保有储量等多种因素的影响。

    The resource support capacity of mines depends on many factors such as production capacity , ore grade and available reserve .

  5. 广西锰矿保有储量居全国首位,但深加工水平不高,规模小。

    Deep processing ability for manganese ores in Guangxi remains low though the ore reserves is taking first place in China .

  6. 经钻孔验证,获得相当于原保有储量3倍的新储量,找矿效果突出。

    According to the confirmation with drilling hole , the new reserves of resources obtained equal 3 times of the original reserves .

  7. 我省保有储量水份大,保有煤炭储量地域分布不均,煤炭资源勘查总体工作程度低,煤的含硫量较高,但各地差异较大。

    The coal reserves period of production in Sichuan are characterized by low accuracy and inhomogeneous distribution . And coal in Sichuan contains higher sulphur .

  8. 贵州省的煤炭资源十分丰富,保有储量是长江以南九省区煤炭储量的总和。

    The coal resource in Guizhou province is very abundant , tenure reserves is the summation of coal in nine provinces south of the Changjiang River .

  9. 据估计,我国萤石矿探明储量已利用80%以上,可利用保有储量已不足15%。

    It is estimated that the proven reserves of fluorite ore has been used more than 80 % , only less than 15 % reserves are maintained .

  10. 经回采工程验证取得了显著的效果;累计探明储量增长171%,保有储量增加了98%。

    The significant results , that the total proven reserves are increased by 171 % and the recoverable reserves by 98 % , are achieved by the practice .

  11. 介绍了我国黑、白钨矿资源的保有储量及其分布,分析了钨矿资源的开发利用现状。

    Reserved resources of scheelite and wolframite and their distribution in China are presented in this paper . The current situation of exploitation of tungsten resources is discussed .

  12. 据统计,1990年贵州省的煤炭保有储量为490.29亿吨,而其中无烟煤储量为338.46亿吨,约占70%。

    According to the statistic , the coal tenure reserves is 490.29 hundreds million tons in Guizhou province in 1990 , thereinto the anthracite reserves is 338.46 hundreds million tons and about accouts for seventy percent .

  13. 从现有煤炭生产企业保有储量和资源量,可供开发的煤炭资源状况和我国煤炭资源赋存特点上分析了我国煤炭资源状况;

    The paper also provides an analysis of China 's coal reserves conditions from the angles of the proven coal reserves of producing coal mines , total coal resources ready for development and the occurrence characters of coal reserves in this country .

  14. 我国保有铜储量在世界占前几位,但由于目前经济和技术条件限制,有较大部分矿石暂时尚难利用。

    The copper reserves found in our country rank first some places in the world .

  15. 随着矿山向深部开采,保有矿石储量减少,为延长矿山寿命,要进行矿区深部的找矿工作。

    With the mines to mining , ore reserves to maintain reduced to extend the mine life , to carry out prospecting work in deep mines .

  16. 本文在分析了河北省铁矿主要类型和资源现状(保有资源/储量)后认为河北省的铁矿资源主体是贫铁矿。

    Based on the analysis of the main types and explored reserves of iron-ore in Hebei , we believe that the iron-ore resources in Hebei is dominated by the lean iron-ore.