
  • 网络Baokang;baokang county
  1. 保康县三级医疗网2008年消毒监测情况分析

    Analysis of Disinfection Status of Three-level Medical Care Network in Baokang County

  2. 在湖北省保康县,到处都是这样的崇山峻岭。

    Baokang County , Hubei Province in China , everywhere that is the mountain .

  3. 人口波动性较大地区的人口预测模型选择&以湖北省保康县为例

    Study on Model Selection of Population Prediction in Areas with Great Population Fluctuation

  4. 湖北省保康县国家保护树种资源调查

    Investigation on the resource of national protected tree specties at Baokang county , Hubei Province

  5. 对保康县在校学生互联网盲目崇拜现象的调查研究运动中邻船互吸现象

    Survey and Analysis on the Fetishism of Internet in Baokang County ; attraction between adjacent ships

  6. 优化产业结构,加速发展经济&对保康县四大产业措施的分析

    Rationalizing Industrial Structure to Quicken Economic Development ── Analysis of " Four properties " Measures by Baokang

  7. 湖北省保康县尧治河村构建社会主义和谐山村的道路具有一定的代表意义。

    It is a successful experience about constructing socialism harmonious village of Yaozhihe in Baokang County in Hubei Province .

  8. 多因素综合评定法对土地整理潜力的评价研究&以湖北省保康县重阳土地整理项目区为例

    A Preliminary Research Into Potential Evaluation of Farmland Rearrangement by Multi-factor Assessment & With Baokang County , Hubei Province as an Example

  9. 在湖北省保康县重阳土地整理项目区尝试采用多因素综合评定法,综合进行土地整理潜力评价,取得了较好的效果。

    A multi-factor assessment method has been adopted in the rearrangement area of Chongyang , Baokang County , Hubei Province , and achieved satisfactory results .

  10. 根据保康县提出的四大经济产业开发措施,本文分析了四大产业开发的背景、意义和原则。

    According to the " four properties " industrial developing measures by Baokang , this paper analyzed the background of industrial development and its meaning and principles .

  11. 在湖北保康县寺坪水电枢纽工程可行性研究和设计阶段,按照坝基岩体条件以及为充分利用当地天然材料,选择黏土心墙坝和面板堆石坝进行可行性研究和方案比较。

    At the stages of feasibility research and design for a dam , to fit geological conditions and to fully utilize the local rock materials , core wall dam and concrete face rockfill dam were studied and compared to decide the dam type .