
  • 网络Insurance reserves;safety stock;Buffer inventory
  1. 西气东输工程钢管的正常储备与保险储备计算

    The Calculation on the Reserve and Safety Reserve of Steel Pipe for West-to-East Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

  2. 本文通过对宝钢炼焦煤的供应、储备、消耗规律的分析,建立了炼焦煤储备系统的蒙特卡罗仿真模型,模拟了不同保险储备水平下的经济效果情况,提出了合理的保险储备定额。

    By means of analysis of the supply , stock and consume of coking coal , we established Monte Carlo model of coking coal stock system , simulated the economic effects under different insurance stock levels and presented a reasonable insurance stock quota in this paper .

  3. 因此建立针对于管理干部的胜任力模型也理应成为保险企业人才储备和发展计划的重点。

    Thus , it is vital to establish the manager Competency models for insurance companies talent pool and development plan priorities .

  4. 潘迪特:如果你看一下由美国联邦存款保险公司、联邦储备系统和财政部共同发布的公告,它是有关花旗集团的,也是有关很多其他事情的。

    Vikram Pandit : When you look at the announcement that came out - and it was a joint announcement by the FDIC , the Federal Reserve and the Treasury - it takes about Citi , but it also talks about a lot of different things .