
  • 网络Hygiene Factor;Hygiene;hygienic factor
  1. 教师的不满意感主要受到保健因素的影响。

    The dissatisfaction of them is mainly resulted from the hygiene factors .

  2. 教师的满意感既受到激励因素又受到保健因素的影响。

    The job satisfaction of teachers is influenced by both the stimulus and hygiene factors .

  3. 但教师对不同工作要素的满意度的变化趋势可能不同,其中保健因素可能呈U形发展。

    The tendency of teachers ' satisfaction may be different toward various job elements , in which the development of " hygiene " elements may appears as " U " .

  4. 激励因素&保健因素理论是美国的行为科学家弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格(FredrickHerzberg)提出来的,又称双因素理论。

    The theory of motivation factor and health protective factor is raised by American behavioral scientist Fredrick Herzberg , which is also called dual-factor theory .

  5. 保健因素需求与物质激励效果相关性不显著,激励因素需求与精神激励效果显著正相关。

    Hygiene Factor has no significant relationship with material encouragement .

  6. 要充分发挥激励因素与保健因素的作用,企业需要创造一个激励环境。

    An encouraging environment are need for the full effect of such factors .

  7. 结果发现考研动机由保健因素、机遇因素、自我实现因素、环境影响因素构成;

    Result It was discovered that their motive was composed of health factor .

  8. 保健因素需求与人格特质无关。

    Hygiene Factor has no relationship with personality .

  9. 第二部分分析优秀传统思想文化中的心理保健因素,分儒道释三个方面进行;

    Part two : Analyzing psychological health factors in excellent ideas of traditional culture : Confucianism .

  10. 运用优秀文化传统思想中的心理保健因素调适青少年学生心理

    Adjust the Youth 's Mentality by Using Psychological Health Care Causes of Excellent Traditional Cultural Ideas

  11. 不具备这些因素,企业就会丧失参与市场竞争的基本资格和机会,而拥有资格和机会并不等于出类拔萃,这就是保健因素。

    Without it , enterprises will lose the qualification and chance to participate in market competition ;

  12. 第四部分简述在语文教学中渗透优秀传统文化中的心理保健因素。

    Part four : To infiltrate psychological health factors in excellent ideas of traditional culture in Chinese teaching .

  13. 学生应徵会计人员的动机,保健因素优先于激励因素层面的考虑。

    When students apply for positions in a business company , they consider Hygiene factors than motivational factors .

  14. 结果①军事择业大学生与军校大学生的职业价值观因子分析后均分为3个因素&声望地位因素、保健因素与发展因素;

    Results 3 factors are discovered from the vocational value in both the military university students and graduates choice for military occupations .

  15. 在分析保健因素-激励因素辩证关系的基础上,提出了一些提高顾客满意度的建议。

    The relationship between motivate factors and hygienic factors is analyzed , some suggestions on customer satisfaction improvement are offered in the paper .

  16. 远因涉及到社会经济因素、卫生保健因素、生物学因素、环境因素、心理应激因素等多方面的因素。

    Indirect factors include social and economic factors , hygienic factors , biological factors , environmental factors , psychological stress factors and so on .

  17. 激励因素压力源为工作任务和工作支持;保健因素压力源为组织因素、个人因素和工作的不确定性。

    Motivation factor stressors are work tasks , work supports , hygiene factor stressors are organizational factor , individual factor and uncertainty of work .

  18. 本次调查结果显示:员工满意度由三个因素组成,即激励因素,保健因素和人际关系因素。

    The result of the employee survey showed that : there are three factors in job satisfaction namely Motivation , Hygiene and Interpersonal Relation .

  19. 保健因素:与工作环境相关,如公司政策、工作条件、工资和监管。这些因素可能引起人们的不满。

    Hygiene factors characteristics of the workplace , such as company policies , working conditions , pay , and supervision , that can make people dissatisfied .

  20. 本文还就双因素现象的来源、类别,保健因素与激励因素的相互关系及其经济学内涵等问题,进行了初步探讨。

    The thesis also discusses the concerned problems such as the resource and the classification of the dual-factor problem , and their interconnection and economic meaning .

  21. 一般能力是企业在竞争中必不可少的保健因素;特殊能力则是获得竞争优势的激励因素。

    The normal ability is the essential health fact in competition of an enterprise , while special ability is the motive factor to get competitive advantages .

  22. 之后,通过问卷调查,信度效度检验及因子分析,确定了关键影响因素,并利用期望/感知价值矩阵,将上述因素按保健因素、激励因素、半激励因素和无关紧要因素进行了识别和区分。

    By the use of expected / perceived value matrix , health factors , incentives , incentives and a half does not matter factors are identified and distinguished .

  23. 保健因素即使改善了,也不能激发员工的积极性,但如果它们降低到某一水平以下,就会导致士气低落或引起不满。

    Hygiene factors do not motivate if they are improved , but if they fall below a certain level , they become a source of demotivation or dissatisfaction .

  24. 作为企业参与市场竞争基本资格的保健因素,具有壁垒性、同质性、动态扩展性、系统性和沉没成本等特性;

    As basic qualification of enterprises participation in market competition , the hygiene factor has the characters such as obstacle , homogeneity , dynamic expansibility , systematism and sinking-cost .

  25. 结合学生管理的实际.提出了适合学生特点的双因素模式,阐述了在学生管理中如何使用保健因素与激励因素.以及利用双因素理论过程中应遵循的原则。

    This paper expounds into the application of the factors of health-care and encouragement in student-management in the light of practice , and raises the principles when using these two factors .

  26. 进一步回归分析显示,高职大学生职业价值观中的声望地位因素、发展因素、保健因素对某些类型职业兴趣的形成有一定的预测能力。

    Regression analysis was further investigated , the hygiene factor , development factors , professional position , reputation factor of occupational values have a good prediction to some types of vocational interest .

  27. 师生心理关系是影响教育教学质量的重要保健因素,师生互动教育价值的有效发挥是以积极的师生心理关系为基础的。

    The psychological relations between the teacher and students plays a very important role in teaching , and it is the basic factor to stimulate the interactive education value in teaching as well .

  28. 四种节育措施效益成本比的影响因素可分为社会经济发展因素、计划生育妇幼保健因素和个人因素三类。

    ( 3 ) The impact factors of benefit - cost can be divided into three types : social e-conomic factors , family planning and women - child health factors and personal factors .

  29. 双因素理论是行为科学中激励理论的重要组成部分,它揭示了影响人的积极性的两个方面:激励因素和保健因素。

    Two-factor theory , which posts the two aspects affecting human 's enthusiasm , motivator factor and hygiene factor , is an important part of motivator theory in the field of behavior science .

  30. 论传统文化理念对中国封建社会的制度锁定&中国封建社会长期延续的意识形态原因运用优秀文化传统思想中的心理保健因素调适青少年学生心理

    On Traditional Cultural Ideas Blocking Chinese Feudal Institution & Reason for the Continuity of Chinese Feudal Ideology Adjust the Youth 's Mentality by Using Psychological Health Care Causes of Excellent Traditional Cultural Ideas