
  • 网络adams;John Adams;Ansel Adams;Bryan Adams;J.S.Adams
  1. 亚当斯昨天轻松获胜,这无异于告诉人们奥运代表队中应有他的位置。

    Adams staked his claim for a place in the Olympic team with his easy win yesterday .

  2. 我十分同情亚当斯太太和她那些失去了父亲的孩子们。

    My heart goes out to Mrs Adams and her fatherless children .

  3. 这103英镑每月从亚当斯夫人的工资里扣掉。

    The £ 103 is deducted from Mrs Adams ' salary every month

  4. 亚当斯先生在昨天的演讲中痛斥媒体。

    Mr Adams ' speech yesterday was very loud in condemnation of the media

  5. 女经理伊丽莎白·阿彻多次胁迫和刁难亚当斯先生。

    Mr Adams was repeatedly bullied and picked on by manageress Elizabeth Archer .

  6. 我会开车去肖特山看看亚当斯夫人。

    I 'll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs Adams .

  7. 亚当斯连着做过几份让他颇为受益的工作。

    Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead

  8. 泰勒提名亚当斯接替他。

    Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement

  9. 亚当斯家族甚至比詹姆斯家族还要显赫。

    The Adams family even outshone the James family .

  10. 1931年,亚当斯通过为有需要的人建立庇护所、促进教育和服务,激发了一种社区意识,成为第一位获得诺贝尔和平奖的美国女性。

    She encouraged a sense of community by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need In 1931 , Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize .

  11. 辛迪?亚当斯(专栏作家):他无意成为德兰修女

    Cindy Adams ( Columnist ) : He 's purporting to be Mother Teresa .

  12. 你最多能有一次公平的好运气(富兰克林P亚当斯)

    The best you get is an even break ( Franklin P. Adams ) .

  13. 亚当斯称,“youknow”这个词是说话者寻求赞同的一种方式。

    " You know ," Adams notes , is a way for speakers to seek assent from others .

  14. 她十几岁时,她家搬到了阿克伦的亚当斯街(AdamsStreet)。

    When she was in her teens the family moved to Adams Street in Akron .

  15. 他的前任华盛顿(washington)和亚当斯都致力于成为品行高尚的治理官员,为了公众利益动用权力。

    His predecessors Washington and Adams aspired to be virtuous magistrates , wielding power in the public interest .

  16. 国际奥运会(IOC)发言人马克•亚当斯(MarkAdams)周二在伦敦表示:

    Mark Adams , spokesman for the International Olympic Committee , said in London on Tuesday :

  17. 首席财务官托马斯·R。亚当斯说,新政策是为了更好地反映当前市场的回报、利率和医疗保健费用。

    The new policy is intended to better reflect current market returns , interest rates and health-care costs , Chief Financial Officer Thomas R.Adams said .

  18. 美国天文学家W·S亚当斯发现了一种求恒星固有亮度的好办法。

    A suitable method for finding the intrinsic brightness of a star was discovered by the American astronomer W. S. Adams .

  19. 假如道格拉斯亚当斯(DouglasAdams)是在今天编写作品,他或许已经想象到了触摸屏平板电脑。

    Were Douglas Adams writing today , he might have imagined a touchscreen tablet .

  20. 根据People网站,女演员艾米•亚当斯和她长期的男友DarrenLegallo正式订婚。

    Amy Adams and Darren LegalloActress Amy Adams and her longtime boyfriend , Darren Legallo , are officially engaged , according to People.com .

  21. 根据《人民》杂志报道,女星特莉安贝利索里奥和交往三年的男朋友帕特里克J亚当斯的男朋友订婚啦。

    Troian Bellisario is engaged to her boyfriend of three years , Patrick J. Adams , according to People .

  22. 国际奥运会(IOC)发言人马克•亚当斯(MarkAdams)周二在伦敦表示:我们都需要现实一点。

    Mark Adams , spokesman for the International Olympic Committee , said in London on Tuesday : We need to get real .

  23. NPR新闻,金·亚当斯,开罗报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Kamily Adams in Cario .

  24. NPR新闻,金伯利·亚当斯开罗报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Kimberly Adams , Cairo .

  25. NPR新闻,金伯利·亚当斯,开罗报道。

    For NPR news , I am Kimberly Adams in Cairo .

  26. 梅根和搭档帕特里克·J·亚当斯(饰演麦克·罗斯)都在第七季结束时退出了剧组。

    Meghan and her co-star Patrick J. Adams , ( Mike Ross ) both left the show at the end of season seven .

  27. 安然也从事大宗商品交易业务,但它专门有一个为MBA量身开发的合作项目,亚当斯参与了这个项目。

    Enron was also a commodities-based trading business , but it did have an associate programme , developed specifically for MBAs , which he joined .

  28. 我这段时间一直在研读保罗??亚当斯(PaulAdams)和斯蒂芬??亨特(StefanHunt)的最新研究报告,两人均来自英国新成立的金融业监管机构金融市场行为监管局(FinancialConductAuthority)。

    I 've just been reading up on the latest research from Paul Adams and Stefan Hunt of the Financial Conduct Authority - the UK 's shiny new financial industry regulator .

  29. 世行东亚及太平洋地区副行长詹姆斯•亚当斯(JamesAdams)在北京对记者表示,世行已向中国提出了共同为上述项目提供融资的想法。

    James Adams , the bank 's vice-president for east Asia and the Pacific , told reporters in Beijing that the bank had proposed to China the idea of jointly financed projects .

  30. 前阿森纳(Arsenal)和英格兰(England)队队长托尼•亚当斯有一句名言:“在绿茵场上尽力为你的球队而战,你的名字将被人记住。”

    As former Arsenal and England captain Tony Adams famously said , " Play for the name on the front of the shirt , and they 'll remember the name on the back . "