
  • 网络Asia Pacific market;CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets
  1. 本文作者是里昂证券(CLSA)亚太市场部驻上海中国宏观策略师

    Andy Rothman is the Shanghai-based China macro strategist for CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets

  2. 里昂证券亚太市场(CLSAAsia-PacificMarkets)能源研究部主管关荣乐(GordonKwan)在4月份将中国石化的评级下调为卖出,将其12个月目标股价定为6港元。

    Gordon Kwan , head of energy research at CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets , downgraded Sinopec to a sell in April with a12-month target price of HK $ 6 .

  3. 花旗集团(citigroup)亚太市场与银行业首席执行官麦睿彬(robertmorse)等资深亚洲银行家,证实了所发生的这些变化。

    Veteran Asia bankers such as Robert Morse , chief executive Asia Pacific markets and Banking for Citigroup , attest to the changes that have occurred .

  4. 政策微调,而非真正意义上的刺激,应当足以带来8%的全年GDP增长,里昂证券亚太市场(CLSAAsiaPacificMarkets)策略师罗福万(ANDYROTHMAN)在上海表示。

    Policy fine-tuning , rather than a serious stimulus , should be enough to generate 8 per cent GDP growth for the full year , said Andy Rothman , a strategist with CLSA Asia Pacific Markets in Shanghai .

  5. 利盟董事长兼首席执行官保罗脠克(PaulRooke)表示,此次收购将帮助公司“更彻底地渗透亚太市场”。利盟还销售企业软件。

    Paul Rooke , Lexmark 's chairman and chief executive , said the takeover would help the company , which also sells enterprise software , to " more fully penetrate the Asia-Pacific market . "

  6. 生意正在好转,如果能继续改善,我们希望所有员工都能从中获益,包括茶水小姐在内,里昂证券亚太市场首席执行官乔纳森斯隆(JonathanSlone)向英国《金融时报》表示。

    The business is going well and we want all staff to benefit should it continue to improve , including the tea ladies , Jonathan Slone , chief executive of CLSA Asia Pacific Markets , told the Financial Times .

  7. 比如欧洲、北美和亚太市场。

    In Europe , North America and the Asia Pacific markets .

  8. 快速增长的中国和亚太市场为通用汽车公司艾里逊变速箱带来了巨大的商机。

    China and the rest of Asia Pacific offer significant growth opportunities for Allison Transmission .

  9. 香港、新加坡、首尔、悉尼和东京等亚太市场对投资者更为友好。

    Asia-Pacific markets such as Hong Kong , Singapore , Seoul , Sydney and Tokyo are more investor-friendly .

  10. 但根据上周发布的季报,中国以外的亚太市场电脑发货量上升了12%。

    But in quarterly results announced last week , PC shipments rose 12 per cent for the Asia-Pacific excluding Greater China .

  11. 但他补充称,亚太市场的任何短期回落都将为长期表现所超越。

    But , he adds , any short - term setbacks in the region will be more than outweighed by longer-term performance .

  12. 东部能源战略的发展方向有两个相互关联的目标&地区能源资源的发展和接近亚太市场。

    Eastern energy policy direction has two interrelated goals-development of the energy resources of the region and access to Asia-Pacific markets . 3 .

  13. 为了满足并全力支援中国市场的巨大需求,我们在深圳投资设立了全资附属防伪材料制造厂,以迎合国内及亚太市场的需求。

    In order to meet the huge needs of domestic and Asia-Pacific market , we have set up a manufacturing factory for anti-counterfeiting material .

  14. 高质低价使我们的产品在北美、欧洲、亚太市场受到广泛的赞誉和欢迎。

    With high quality and low price , our products have enjoyed great popularity in North America , Europe , Asia , and Australia .

  15. 不过,汤姆森金融的数据确实凸显出,收入的快速增长,如何将亚太市场变成了全球投行的主战场。

    Nevertheless , the data does highlight how the rapid growth in revenues has turned the region into a key battleground for global investment banks .

  16. 另外,大量遭遇违约的货物正在亚太市场上寻找买家,这可能导致一些交易商将货物低价抛售。

    Moreover , the amount of distressed cargoes looking for an owner in the Asia-Pacific market is quite significant , raising the prospect of some traders executing fire-sales .

  17. 集团面向急速发展的中国及亚太市场,将继往开来,积极参与这些地区的蜕变过程,并从中为股东带来回报。

    As China and the Asia-Paciic region continue their own evolution , we are poised to contribute to and beneit from the advantageous climate that we live in .

  18. 俄罗斯同东北亚国家的能源合作,不仅可加快其融入东北亚及亚太市场的步伐,而且有利于东北亚地区的能源安全。

    Cooperating with Northeast Asia countries , Russia will not only speed the step to melt in Pacific Asia market , but also benefit for the energy security to Northeast Asia area .

  19. 在欧洲借页岩气革命的良机降低对俄天然气供给依赖程度的大背景下,俄罗斯开始大力发展液化天然气等项目,并将目光瞄准了亚太市场。

    As EU capitalizes on the shale gas revolution to reduce its dependence on Russian gas , Moscow is devoted to the construction of liquefied natural gas projects and targets Asian markets .

  20. 亚太市场无疑是个人电脑行业的亮点,扎根于此的公司将比西方同行取得更好的成绩。

    The Asia-Pacific region is the bright spot for the entire computer industry right now , and companies with lots of exposure here are going to be doing better than their Western peers .

  21. 一些投资银行正在以它们自认为能够吸收的最快速度为亚太市场招兵买马,通常重要市场的雇员人数每年会增长20%到25%。

    Some investment banks are hiring staff for Asia-Pacific markets at the fastest rate they think they can absorb , typically increasing the number of employees in vital markets by 20-25 per cent a year .

  22. 宾利说,它在欧洲的汽车销量增长了23%,至607辆。在中东的销量增长了48%,在亚太市场的销量增长了53%,在日本的销量则增加了一倍多。

    Bentley said sales in Europe were up 23 % to 607 , and up 48 % in the Middle East , 53 % in the Asia Pacific market and more than doubled in Japan .

  23. 亚洲投资者表示,美国政府的金融救助计划应该更加具体,才能够改变亚太市场的情绪。

    Investors in Asia say more specifics about the U.S. government 's financial rescue plan are required to change market sentiment there . On Thursday , most Asian indices were down . Only markets in Australia and Taiwan rose .

  24. 虽然悍马在北美的销售量第二季度下降了一半以上,但在非洲、中东和欧洲却猛增了37%,在亚太市场更是增长了3倍以上(当然,这一地区的基数较低)。

    While sales in North America more than halved in the second quarter , they soared by 37 per cent in Africa , the Middle East and Europe ; and more than quadrupled in Asia-Pacific – though from a low base .

  25. 报道称,星巴克在中国市场赚取暴利,在中国和亚太市场的利润率高达32%,在美国为21.1%,在欧洲、中东和非洲为1.9%。

    The report said the company 's profit margin in China was excessive , as high as 32 % in China and the Pacific region , compared with 21.1 % in the U.S. and 1.9 % in Europe , the Middle East and Africa .

  26. 加入WTO后,中国的不锈钢线材及其制品市场与亚太地区市场及世界市场密不可分。

    After entering into WTO , the Chinese stainless steel wire rods and rod products market are closely related to the Asia and Pacific market and world market .

  27. 上海圆通同时负责GI品牌CATV放大模块在亚太地区市场的推广和销售。

    PDI ShangHai is responsible for GI CATV module popularization and sale on the market of the Asian-Pacific area at the same time .

  28. 里昂证券亚太区市场(clsaasiapacificmarkets)分析师郑名凯表示,约有60%的科技产品需求是来自消费者,而“消费者正在缩减开支已经不是秘密”。

    Some 60 per cent of Tech demand comes from consumers , says Cheng Ming Kai , analyst at CLSA Asia Pacific markets , and " it is no secret that consumers are spending less " .

  29. 里昂证券亚太区市场(CLSAAsia-PacificMarkets)驻香港分析师JennyLai表示,如果要在个人电脑行业中选出一个赢家,那么联想当之无愧。

    ' If you 're going to pick a winner within the PC market , it 's Lenovo , 'says Jenny Lai , an analyst with CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets in Hong Kong .

  30. 汇丰银行(HSBC)亚太债券市场部主管史蒂芬威廉姆斯(StephenWilliams)表示:随着亚洲国家主权债收益率趋于下降,投资者开始选择信用风险更高的投资标的。

    As sovereign yields in Asia have declined , investors have started to take on more credit risk , says Stephen Williams , head of debt capital markets in Asia Pacific at HSBC .